Started by flo, September 13, 2011, 12:25:57 PM

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just a quick update - Left here at 5:30 yesterday morning for what turned into a VERY long day.  Picked up Lynn in Emporia and headed to Ottawa arriving at 8:00 and her appt. was 8:15 so good timing.  She was very upset when she seen herself for the first time, but also she had a mouth full of gauze and her mouth was still numb so unable to control her lips.  Arrived back in Emporia about 11:00 and she layed down, after a third change of gauze to soak up the blood..  I ran some errands for her that needed done and grabbed a quick sandwich at Village Inn where my granddaughter works.  Had Lynn to the Cancer Center at 2:00 for her "mask" fitting, then they done another CAT scan.  Schedule this week is tomorrow at 7:00 the port goes in and then immediately to chemo.  I'm thinking 1 1/2 hrs. or so, based on the chemo I sat through with my good friend Billie.  WRONG, Lynn's will be a 3 1/2 - 4 hour treatment.  The CAT scan showed that the cancer is growing faster than they thought it would so are starting the treatments now instead of waiting till her gums heal.  Hope this works.  Took her home, got her settled then home and arrived at 5:00 intime for my trick or treaters.  Tomorrow  Radiation positioning and tattooing after chemo so that they can just place her on the table and know where she needs to be for radiation treatment which may be yet this week or may wait till Monday.  Either way will be another long day for Lynn (and me) and I will take a gown, robe and my pillow in case I need to stay with her tomorrow night to watch for any ill side affects from the treatment.  Praise God that the treatments are finally getting started and we can start looking for that light at the end of the tunnel. Blessing to everyone.  Don't know when my next time to be on here will be.

Judy Harder

God be with you Flo. Rememeber to take care of you. You will have your hands full and a lot of it is
the waiting for the treatments to be over for the day. Just wanted to let you know, when you get
back that we will still be praying for Lynn's recovery/treatments and doctors.....I am sorry, that is the
Pits and am walking the memory trail with you both. From both sides of the bed. Hugs.......God bless you!
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Ms Bear

When my husband was going through his treatments and my mother had just come to live with us a very wise young woman told me that I have to take care of myself if I am going to take care of anyone else.  She was so right, I didn't know how tired I would get at times.

I am praying for you and your family. 


Flo, my thoughts and prayers are with all of you each and every day!  Take care of yourself and the others.


not a lot of new updates to report.  Lynn is tolerating the treatments pretty well so far.  Her gums are healed and no infection formed so that was a good thing.  She is able, so far, to eat some soft, cool foods.  Anything warm hurts her throat, but popcycles, mashed potatoes and pudding are about it.  She has a supply of Carnation Instant Breakfast for when she will have to up her nutrition.  Says she can't do the Ensure thing.  As expected her white blood count is very low and her potassium is also low.  She received something through IV to raise the white count and is to eat bananas and has a pill to up her potassium.  God is answering prayers and she is, so far, not haveing any ill side affect from the treatments.  This may change at any time.  Five days a week for 9 weeks is a lot of treatment.  Her outlook has inproved and she is counting down.  Only 35 more to go. :o)

Diane Amberg

I had my dental appointment yesterday and my dentist and hygienist were both very interested and are sending healing prayers also. Warm thoughts, prayers and encouragement continue. She'll be done her treatments by Christmas?

Judy Harder

Flo, You might tell Lynn that I couldn't handle the Ensure either.
I don't know if it was too sweet or what, but found Boost easier to tolerate............and I did try the flavored ones...The only flavor I could tolerate was and is vanilla...........and while in radiation and while getting the sub-q shot (forgot the word for it) but it was suppose to make the 2 a day x-rays easier on me.....they had me try the boost fruit juice. Nastiest crap (YES, I said Crap) I ever tasted..........Even the doctor agreed with me........
I have found a powdered boost that you make with milk, I only shop  WalMart and Julie looked into getting this into her store, but not doeable ( I am sure other places) That is more like the Instant Breakfast this is good and tolerable, but the Boost does have a few more important things like potassium added to it.
hang in there...........each day is a milestone........God be with you and Lynn.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Ms Bear

If you can get the Boost in the bottles instead of in the cans it doesn't have the same taste.  Much more pleasant tasting.  Vanilla with ice cream was good, also any kind of fruit added in the blender helps disguise it.

I am glad her gums are healing fast and she looking towards the end of the tunnel.


UPDATE - Lynn had an appointment this morning with the radiologist, after her radiation treatment.  He gave her some very good news.  The tumor is responding to the chemo and radiation.  She has a lot of pain and her throat burns constantly however - the radiologist said a lot of her pain is the feelers of the tumor withdrawing from the muscles.  This is a good thing.  :)  He also upped her chances of kicking the cancer in the ass from 60% to 90%. This is a really good thing.  :) :). He said she will continue to get sicker and hurt a lot worst before it's over.  I will most likely miss Thanksgiving as her next chemo is next Tuesday and it makes her so very very sick.  She will need someone with her and I will gladly miss a holiday if she needs me up there.  I will give thanks to God that he is helping her to become cancer free at the end of all this which will be mid January as it is now.  She continues to worry about her utilities, car payments and rent, as we all do, but this is not a good time to seek help from charities, it being the holiday season.  God will provide.  We thank everyone for their continued prayers.

Diane Amberg

I can't imagine a better Thanksgiving..the real kind..than being with your Lynn, who needs you so much right now. Hooray for the up lifting news. Prayers and positive thoughts continue.  Have the folks she owes money to work out a payment plan for her. 

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