Started by flo, September 13, 2011, 12:25:57 PM

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Quote from: flo on October 06, 2011, 06:38:36 PM
Have talked with Pam.  She's glad to be home and is mostly resting for a few days.  Great-grandson, Jaxton, was released from the hospital today.  Lynn's pain is intensifying.  Today the doctor game her a different pain pill and a liquid to swish in her mouth and then swallow and it was to deaden her mouth and throat.  It seemed to work and about 4:30 she was going to try to rest a bit.  Has been sleepless for two days.  It is hard for her to keep hope for a successful end to this when she feels like she does.  We try to keep her calm and upbeat.  Doesn't help much, but we try.  We also pray a lot.  Thank you for your prayers.  Have one daughter home and well, one great grandson home and well and this daughter will be well too, with God's help.

Flo, how is Pam doing? She is my age and my family knows you all. How is Lynn doing?  My prayers are with you and the girls too.

It's not technique -- it's what you have to say.
Les Paul


Pam is doing great.  Say's she really feels better.  Have a new schedule for Lynn.  Next Monday, Oct. 31, we are to be in Ottawa at 8:30 a.m. for the oral surgeon to remove her 17 teeth.  Monday afternoon at 2:30 she is to be fitted with a "mask" at the cancer center in Emporia.  Wed. Nov. 2 she will have the port-a-cath placed.  November 7 she will have her first chemo/radiation treatment and those will continue for at least 9 weeks.  That will take her through all the holidays, but what better christmas gift could we all receive than for her to once again be pain free and the cancer gone. Will update as there is anything to report.  Praying that everything will fall into place and she will be healed.  Seems like it has taken forever to get these treatments started, but so many things have to be done first. Middle D, if you want to message me and let me know who your family is, I would appreciate it.

Marcia Moore

   Our prayers are with you and your daughters.  You've been through so much lately.  Hang in there, while knowing so many people care.

Ms Bear

Flo, that is really good news.  It does seem to take a long time to get everything started.  Still in my prayers.

Diane Amberg

Flo, were you given some booklets on food and such?
I know when Mom had her treatments her taste buds changed and some things didn't taste right, but she loved lemon drops. I'm sure the nutritionist, Judy and many others can provide hints to help her get good nutrition through this.
Say Hi to Pam for me.I miss her! Prayers and hugs for all continue.

Judy Harder

Each one of these steps I have walked. I already had dentures and that is what sent me to the dentist to see about getting new ones, (I thought that I had denture sores and just needed to replace them) He found the cancer and sent me the very next day to Bartlesville to see another dentist who said it was cancer...........Now, I drive myself where ever I need to go seldom have anyone with me, and that was the hardest thing to do, get in the car and drive home, thinking the C word, he said he thought it was  cancer...........This was late in the year, I spent Christmas at home, my choice while waiting for the results of biopsy.
I did get fitted for the mask, made me think of halloween. All of my treatments were at KC and the KU-Medical center........stayed at Hope Lodge for the 7 weeks I was up there.......(felt like jail, cause I only had company on Sundays and had to take care of myself, that was in March and first treatment was the first day of the March Madness and yes, KU and Roy Williams were taking it, KC=KU was on each floor and I confiscated it, then  the first shot fired for the War against Iraq...History in the making and part of it mine.
But, I am not ready to walk that road again.......will answer you about the taste buds, etc.
It sounds like Lynn's is deeper in her throat than mine was, so no idea what her chemo- and radiation will include.
I do know that it is a very MUST thing to do.
I am familiar with the mask and yes, you will loose your appetite and they will keep telling you to eat........and that is why I dropped 84 pounds before I bottomed out......forgive my crassness, but all the good parts will get fried, sorry, that is my word and I am sticking to it.............along with the cancer. my vocal chords got hit, I use to sing in choirs, harmonize with anyone and spent my life singing........."Now, I make a joyful noise", but Praise the Lord, the cancer was whipped.
Flo, they will offer you all the boost/ensure you can drink...........and I am sorry to say until the last couple of weeks, I turned my nose up at it, but did spend the rest of recovery drinking it...if Lynn has the extra weight, that will be a good thing. As Small as I have gotten, my story might be different if if if if.....(I still drink boost, if I need the extra calories. Taste buds change, and so does your outlook on life..
As with anything, it is one day at a time..........and resting and distraction (something to do) will help.
If you are the patient, time goes slow, but for each step that is being taken, it is to benefit your recovery and cancer treatment and you do need to trust your team of doctors. Lean on God the whole way. He will be with yu plus keep His arms around your doctors. God be with Lynn and all of you.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Diane Amberg


Prayers you have, and positive thoughts too...
Know that the Lord will see you through,
As well as the prayers of the faithful combined...
You are lovingly kept within all our minds.


Ms Bear

Judy, I don't think anyone can explain any better than you did.

Flo, I am so glad your daughter has you to be with her.  I pray that God gives you both strength to help you on your journey.


thanking everyone again for their prayers and words of encouragement.  Judy, I am well aware of KU Med Ctr.  Spent several weeks up there with my late husband, however never left the hospital.  I am also aware of Hope Lodge. Today I got a first hand explanation of what Lynn can expect as well as the rest of the family.  This afternoon I attended the graveside service for the oldest sister of a very dear friend since grade school.  The family went to the Cox Bldg. after the service.  I was invited but opted to come home.  Cora Sue was explaining to her family about Lynn and asking for prayers.  She then called me to come to the Cox Bldg. and I did.  A niece of her's wanted to talk to me about Lynn's cancer.  When she found out what it was called, she said yep, that's it.  Her husband had the same kind of cancer in almost the identical place as Lynn's.  He was diagnoised in August 2010, and as of this last April was still cancer free.  She gave me such good information on what to expect, how the treatments are given and why the port instead of IV, etc.  I know more prayers are going up now and I hope that I am strong enough to keep up with all that Lynn will need from me for these next weeks.  Never mind about the holidays.  We can celebrate in March, if we have to.  I went through it with Lewis and I can go through it with Lynn, the difference being that with Lynn there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

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