Started by flo, September 13, 2011, 12:25:57 PM

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Judy Harder

God be with Lynn and her whole family. Dealing with the Cancer is not an easy or fun thing to do. I know You will be with them in their trials.....Please carry them when necessary and watch over them.
Flo, bless you for what you must go through. It is not easy watching a loved one, especialy a child go through this. God be with you!
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Ms Bear

Still praying and worrying for you.  Thanks for keeping us informed.


update.  Not sure if this is good news or bad news, but this is the way it has to be.  Marvin, Lynn and I made the trek to KU Med. Ctr EARLY this morning and was gone most of the day.  The second oncologist agreed with Dr. Barnes.  Surgery is not a possibility, well a possibility but not recommended by either doctor.  In order to get around the cancer to remove it, part of her palet would be involved unabling her to swallow and if she did swallow it would immediately come out her nostrils.  So, she has her first appt. with the resident oncologist at Emporia Newman Cancer Center on Oct. 4 and will have her first treatment on Oct. 5.  Am anxious to get these treatments started and get this thing over with, as is Lynn.  Don't remember if I told you in the initial post, people, but we all have the Human Pappiloma (sp) Virus in our bodies.  Some lay dormant throughout our life, some will be skin cancers, some will have cold sores, and some will have internal cancer, all caused from this virus.  So.... if you don't smoke nor never have, doesn't mean you are safe.  Both oncologists have told us what causes Lynn's type of cancer and it is this virus, not her smoking, altho both she and I know it is not good for us. The best news is that with radiation and chemo, this cancer can be treated and cured, just take time.  Thanks for continued prayers. 

Diane Amberg

Oh, my. Thanks for the update.  Now I understand. Prayers continue.  Go for it! :-*

Roma Jean Turner

Definitely thinking about Lynne and all of you.  What an ordeal for sure.


We are continuing with prayers here Flo. God bless all of you.


Flo, Pam and family, prayers too, from me. I know the power of prayers that come from our forum family;  they worked for me.  :angel:

Breathe deep the gathering gloom,Watch lights fade from every room.Bedsitter people look back and lament,Another day's useless energy spent.Impassioned lovers wrestle as one,Lonely man cries for love and has none.New mother picks up and suckles her son,Senior citizens wish they were young.MoodyBlues

Janet Harrington

This is a positive thing to hear. Thank you for keeping us updated. Prayers for strength and patience for the family.


Thanks for the update. And PLEASE, PLEASE quit smoking!!! I saw cancer ravage both of my parents. Maybe the cancer wasn't started by your smoking, but it sure won't help you. I don't want to sound bossy, but I have seen too many people suffering (many in my own family) because of those things. I will keep praying for your family. Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy!
In His Love,


I told you before..and I know you know~~~ but I'm here if you need ANYTHING...............
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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