Started by flo, September 13, 2011, 12:25:57 PM

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Clubine Ranch

May God's peace and love be with you and yours. Our hearts go out to you and your family. Take care. Barbara


I pray for Lynn's recovery and strength as she deals with the pain from this surgery and the challenges of the upcoming treatments.  She is so fortunate to have a caring and loving family to stand beside her.  You rest and take care of yourself, too.  Blessings to you and your entire family......................

Ms Bear

Flo, that is not the news we wanted to hear but we keep you and your family in our prayers.  Please take care of your self, God will give you strength but you need to make sure you take care of you so you can take care of your daughter.

I wish there was more I could do to help.

Judy Harder

Flo, the up side to this is that she is now getting the help she needs. I am sorry that you all, espiecally Lynn has to go through the radiation/chemo that will be necessary.

No one can walk it for Lynn. It is a one day at a time process. Get with The American Cancer Society. They walked me through the whole process and anytime I needed help, or just someone to talk to.. I could call their 800 number; 800 359 1025; Yes, I still keep their number at hand. At the time of my trial, there was a lot of help. never hurts to ask/seek and lean on them too. Remember if God brings you to it, He will get you through it! Praise the Lord, He does!

Keep leaning on The Lord...........and keep the faith that Lynn will be cured, hang on for a bumpy ride.
God bless and keep you all.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Flo, our thoughts and prayers are being lifted for you and Lynn and all your family.  We were sorry to learn about Lynn's diagnosis.

Keep positive, God does answer prayers.


Diane Amberg

There is nothing I can add except for you all to try to get some rest when you can and eat well too. Judy covered it all beautifully. Isn't it a shame that every family seems to get hit one way or another by some form of cancer.  But be optimistic too. There is so much more the medical folks know about cancers now and so much more that can be done. Prayers from here will continue for you all.

Judy Harder

I almost forgot an important step for you and Lynn...........The American Cancer Society is on line................and if you chat with them they will send you by snail mail a good piece of literature and ways and means to what to do next.

I did spend a lot of time on the forum part of the AMC and go in every so often to check in with new ways of dealing with the residual effects of my radiation/chemo.

I also get monthly emails telling me about break throughs and information that may or may not help.........but, the biggest part of this.................NEITHER YOU NOR LYNN NOR THE FAMILY need to do this all alone.
Yes, Lynn must deal with the fear and sickness that goes with it. But, the ACS is there, just reach out.
I even had a couple of patients with the oral cancer call me personally and ask me what I needed, and to check up on me.
As you can see, I can't brag about this group of people enough. Good luck!
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


afraid there is no good news to report today.  Tomorrow will be a CT scan in Emporia, Monday will be a PET scan in Emporia then Tuesday AM will be an appt. with an oncologist at KU Med. Ctr in KC.  Dr. Barnes, the oncologist who was to do the surgery last week, has referred her to another oncologist so that they know the best course of action for her.  Lynn is very scared, understandably, is in a lot of pain, and we all are very concerned and pray that this can be treated or removed from her body.  I am doing all the chauffering right now.  Cheyenne, her daughter, and the baby will go to KC with us.  Jadin is in 1st grade and Madison just turned 3 and they will stay with a relative in Emporia over Monday and Tuesday.  Lynn is on many prayer lists from north to south and east to west.  Thank you for all your continued prayers as we move into this phase and hopefully by Tues. noon will have some definate answers as to what will take place.


Thanks for the update, Flo.  I was going to ask yesterday for an update.  Prayers are still going her way from here.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Diane Amberg

Prayers from here continue also.Thanks for the update.

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