Something new to try....

Started by farmgal67357, September 28, 2011, 06:37:27 PM

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Damned if I know if they are or not Sarge. Guess I just thought they were catfish because that's what they are called. Never snagged one myself but ate a few lbs of them. I suppose next you will tell me that an armadillo aint in the "hairless possum" family !!

Spoonbill Catfish
Spoonbill Catfish (Polyodon spathula) The spoonbill catfish, also known as the paddle fish, is one of most ancient fish around. They are also one of the oddest looking fish species. Spoonbill catfish are not actually catfish at all as the name implies. Spoonbill Catfish were once endangered but are making a comeback. Spoonbill catfish or paddlefish may have been around for at least 300 million years. Adult spoonbill catfish grow to seven feet long and can weigh as 200 pounds.
Spoonbill catfish are plankton eaters, they filter zooplankton (microscopic animal life) from fresh waters. To do this Spoonbill catfish swim with their mouths open. Some states allow the harvest of Spoonbill catfish and others don't!

Seems strange that in Oklahoma they are legal to keep and in Texas the same fish are protected. As a matter of fact, the TPWD is now stocking thousands of young paddlefish in the Neches, Trinity and Sabine rivers.

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