Misuse of Public Funds?

Started by Janet Harrington, September 12, 2011, 03:34:06 PM

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You know all these ethical/unethical scenarios are fine and dandy on paper The real test is in real life. AND unfortunately i have lived long enough to realize some truths.  1. Given time any leo will take advantage of the benefits given them.  It will start out like small like his car was broken down so he used the patrol car to go up and buy parts to fix his car  Thats personal use but it seems they all justify the action.  SHrug.  Is it a biggie, not really in that he didn't do anything wrong other than violate trust.   It proceeds from there to the next justification to do something else and then it just gets easier.

Second truth is that for every good cop out there it seems that there are 3 bad ones that the good one has to work around.  By bad they sluff off, violate laws, let their buddies in the police force pass on infractions, fix tickets ect ect. 

Third truth is that when it comes to justice in this countrys court system, justices is bid out to the highest bidder.  You can buy your way out of anything you get yourself into if you have enough money. Thats a proven fact!   IMO there arent very many honest judges anymore.   I read not to long ago one judge who sentenced his convict to read a book the heart of the problem and come back and discuss it with him a couple months later as his sentence.  http://ffrf.org/publications/freethought-today/articles/state-church-bulletin-april-2011/   And darned if the lawyers didn't slap him down as fast as they could!   The justice is not there.  THose who try get shot down every time.

Last of all, when the population at large do not trust the leo's nor the court systems, then we as a nation are not far from anarchy.  There can be no Rule of law when the law keepers are also the law breakers.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Janet Harrington

So, I understand that a couple of months ago, the Elk County Road Department purchased a huge dump truck. It is a red truck, don't know the brand. I know it has alot of wheels on it. It looks bigger than the white trucks.

I guess this truck came from somewhere in Tennessee. Is that right? I was told that our road supervisor flew to Tennesse with his wife and drove the truck back. Is that correct? Did the taxpayers pay for the wife's plane ticket? I can't imagine that something like that would have happened. Unless of course, she has a license to drive a truck like that and helped with the driving.

Also, is it correct that there were 4 trucks just like this red truck for sale in Kansas City, Missouri, and all 4 were cheaper in price and had less miles on them? If that is correct, why did we buy a truck in Tennesse?

I so wish that I could be in Elk County on Mondays, so that I could go to the courthouse and find out this information. I have to have another taxpayer tell me about it. However; am I being told incorrect stuff or am I being told correct stuff? I just don't know and can't research it.  Maybe someone that reads this forum can tell me.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on September 24, 2011, 07:36:34 PM
...am I being told incorrect stuff or am I being told correct stuff? I just don't know and can't research it.  Maybe someone that reads this forum can tell me.

Can't say about the truck, Janet.  But I can tell you that the things you are mentioning aren't even close to being the tip of the iceberg.  And I know my sources are accurate.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


My very reliable source says that when the Road Boss flew to Virginia to pick up the maroon truck his wife was not with him. There's no legal way she could have rode back in the truck with him anyway, because there is NO passenger seat in that truck!




Speaking of interesting uses of public funds.. I heard a rumor that the Sheriff receives a set amount of taxpayer funds for prisoner meals, that the sheriff personally makes meal decisions and buys food for the prisoners..... and any money not spent is kept by the sheriff as personal income.  Any truth to this one?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on September 25, 2011, 09:35:47 AM
Speaking of interesting uses of public funds.. I heard a rumor that the Sheriff receives a set amount of taxpayer funds for prisoner meals, that the sheriff personally makes meal decisions and buys food for the prisoners..... and any money not spent is kept by the sheriff as personal income.  Any truth to this one?

That isn't uncommon patriot.  many counties across the US do that! it keeps the food costs down when the sherriff can get a bonus! 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on September 25, 2011, 12:18:24 PM
That isn't uncommon patriot.  many counties across the US do that! it keeps the food costs down when the sherriff can get a bonus! 

Uncommon?  No.  Unethical/unprofessional?  Looks like there's an undue temptation for a single official to make an extra buck.  And an effort to avoid the task of proper budgeting and management.  All on the backs of the incarcerated.  Let's remember, jails also house folks who have not yet been convicted.  Yep, let's serve em the discounted bologna this week, I've got a car payment due.  Do tell Janet.  Is this the Elk County process?  If so, when did it start?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on September 25, 2011, 12:47:30 PM
Uncommon?  No.  Unethical/unprofessional?  Looks like there's an undue temptation for a single official to make an extra buck.  And an effort to avoid the task of proper budgeting and management.  All on the backs of the incarcerated.  Let's remember, jails also house folks who have not yet been convicted.  Yep, let's serve em the discounted bologna this week, I've got a car payment due.  Do tell Janet.  Is this the Elk County process?  If so, when did it start?

Well the problem is that its not done without the consent of the public. This is a commonly openly practiced process and its entirely legal.
Back in dahlonega, the same thing was done.  The sherriff procured food some of which came off his farm, other food off farms of other people in the county, and processed and served.  The inmates got halfway decent food. Hell it was better food than we buy from the grocery store. but he managed to produce it and serve it for around 1.60 a day.    I don't know about unethical in that he did provide the food and like i said it was better than most folks eat from the store.  He did a good job of it, and his wife did the cooking for the county of which she was a damn fine cook. Literally the inmates were eating good!  IF he had gone the route of buying institutional supplies it would have cost way more than that and sucked 100 times worse. 

I don't know how its done here. But there is a massive potential of abuse!   I know in some county jails they only feed 2 meals a day for inmates and it consists of mostly starch's. Taters, mac n cheese, bread and mystery meat.  LOTS Of SOS served!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on September 25, 2011, 04:15:27 PM
Well the problem is that its not done without the consent of the public. This is a commonly openly practiced process and its entirely legal.

Agreed.  Just like GE shipping American jobs overseas while their Chairman heads Obama's Jobs Commission.  Just like Solantra getting big taxpayer loan guarantees then filing bankruptcy, when their poor financial condition was, or should ha been, easily seen in advance.  Perfectly legal, sure.  Ethical, moral, in good taste or an honest protection of the public trust?  I think not. 

Just becuse something is legal, that doesn't make it right.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on September 25, 2011, 04:30:14 PM
Agreed.  Just like GE shipping American jobs overseas while their Chairman heads Obama's Jobs Commission.  Just like Solantra getting big taxpayer loan guarantees then filing bankruptcy, when their poor financial condition was, or should ha been, easily seen in advance.  Perfectly legal, sure.  Ethical, moral, in good taste or an honest protection of the public trust?  I think not. 

Just becuse something is legal, that doesn't make it right.

What is Solantra, I know about the Solyndra Loan.

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