Misuse of Public Funds?

Started by Janet Harrington, September 12, 2011, 03:34:06 PM

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I just saw what I think is a waste of tax payers money. Maybe they know something I don't but saw a truck slowly going down highway 160 spraying Johnson Grass. The JG has already gone to seed so what's the purpose on spraying it now. Even if they kill the existing plants and roots, got the seeds for a fresh crop next year. With-in a month or longer we will probably get a hard frost or freeze and turn the JG brown then it will look like they got a hell of a kill on it. I wonder if there is even any chemical in the spray or just green coloring---maybe Miracle Gro ?Enough damn chemicals floating around causing cancers and for what it costs I wonder if it wouldn't do more good to just keep the ditches mowed down---plus give us a fighting chance to see a deer before they jump out of the tall grass/weeds. Wonder which big shot up there in Topeka gave his brother in law a contract to "kill" the weeds ?


Jarhead, Myrna and I went to Howard this past weekend and we noticed they had been spraying Johnson grass and we both said they were insuring they would have a job spraying it next year because it had already gone to seed.


Hasn't this been one of my pet peeves for years?  Let the stuff go to seed, then spray it.  Maybe they just had some spray left over from the first batch they mixed last spring and had to get rid of it.

Janet Harrington

I think this was probably the state contract people doing this. I, too, do not understand why. Governor, can you answer that? Why spray Johnson Grass after it has gone to seed?

Janet Harrington

Is it misuse of public funds when "Deputy Dog" stops at a convenience store, (in his patrol truck in uniform), buys some beer, then puts that beer in the back of his truck, gets back into his patrol truck, then drives away?

Is that an okay thing to do? Wouldn't you, as Mr. "Phillip Public", think that he was on duty?

This happened at P & J's by a local county yokel. Witnessed by a friend of mine. My friend spoke with the sheriff about this. However; "Deputy Dog" is still working. Did the sheriff suspended "Deputy Dog" for doing this? Probably not. At least, I hope that he was counseled or coached about this looking bad to "Phillip Public".

I am reminded of a story. We had the occassion to stop an Elk County citizen whom we suspected of using and dealing meth. He was arrested for driving while suspended and open container. The open container was a bottle of Zima. We tested the Zima for meth with a field test that we had. The Zima tested positive for meth. I decided that we needed to test a bottle of Zima that we had purchased to see how the meth test would react. I had either my husband or a relative go buy a six pack of Zima. We took a new bottle, opened it, tested it with the meth field test kit, and guess what!!!! The Zima we had purchased tested positive for meth. Anyway, the point here is, I didn't go out and buy the Zima in uniform and with a patrol vehicle. I sent a citizen to take care of that business for me.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on September 20, 2011, 06:47:35 PM
Is it misuse of public funds when "Deputy Dog" stops at a convenience store, (in his patrol truck in uniform), buys some beer, then puts that beer in the back of his truck, gets back into his patrol truck, then drives away?
ABSOLUTELY. It's personal use of the vehicle. Sorry but you go home, get in your vehicle and use your own gas and drive yourelf up there to get your beer, cigs, or groceries.

QuoteIs that an okay thing to do? Wouldn't you, as Mr. "Phillip Public", think that he was on duty?
That would raise ethical questions. Is he on duty buying beer?  Is he going off on duty to find a spot to park and inbibe?  Is he taking it to the station ...the list is endless.  No one would think anything of it if he is in his personal vehicle.

QuoteI am reminded of a story. We had the occassion to stop an Elk County citizen whom we suspected of using and dealing meth. He was arrested for driving while suspended and open container. The open container was a bottle of Zima. We tested the Zima for meth with a field test that we had. The Zima tested positive for meth. I decided that we needed to test a bottle of Zima that we had purchased to see how the meth test would react. I had either my husband or a relative go buy a six pack of Zima. We took a new bottle, opened it, tested it with the meth field test kit, and guess what!!!! The Zima we had purchased tested positive for meth. Anyway, the point here is, I didn't go out and buy the Zima in uniform and with a patrol vehicle. I sent a citizen to take care of that business for me.
That is a interesting situation.  And the only problem that i could see is that it was handled by a civilian.  I would have sent a off duty leo to do it.  Something about chain of custody of the evidence as well as the "test".   

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Come on let's get real. Did the "deputy Dog " drink the beer in the cop buggy or even put it where it was available to grab one ? I think you said no. I guess the same could be said if any cop in the Cop Mobil  pulled up to Toots to grab a burger or pull into Kirk's mini mart and gets a soda. Maybe they should go home and jump in their personal car before doing it. I know quite a few years back I followed an Elk County cop  SUV, like maybe a Blazer or something like it, and followed it to a grocery store in Independence. I even went it the store and visited with the "deputy Dog" while him and his wife---and two grandkids did their grocery shopping. Where was all the outrage back then ?

Diane Amberg

Some areas allow personal use of the vehicles as they say it gives the impression of police presence, which might give someone who is up to no good pause. Also, depending on the situation, such use may be considered as "income" and may be taxable. There is a means test for this.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: jarhead on September 20, 2011, 07:56:04 PM
Come on let's get real. Did the "deputy Dog " drink the beer in the cop buggy or even put it where it was available to grab one ? I think you said no. I guess the same could be said if any cop in the Cop Mobil  pulled up to Toots to grab a burger or pull into Kirk's mini mart and gets a soda. Maybe they should go home and jump in their personal car before doing it. I know quite a few years back I followed an Elk County cop  SUV, like maybe a Blazer or something like it, and followed it to a grocery store in Independence. I even went it the store and visited with the "deputy Dog" while him and his wife---and two grandkids did their grocery shopping. Where was all the outrage back then ?

Well, was this ever brought to my attention? No, it wasn't. A sheriff cannot do anything about stuff that he or she doesn't know.


You can look at it this way too.  IF i own a company, and i have a couple employees working for me and because i am so wealthy i can afford 2 vehicles that my employees can take home since i would need them on their way at a moments notice to go collect bees.  Sooo I let them take the co vehicle home.   THE IRS RULES say i can write off everything about the truck if it is only used for company business. That means and includes if company business takes joe off to joplin to retrieve a hive, and he stops for lunch on the way back, he is allowed to do that by IRS Rules.   BUT if joe stops off at his favorite watering hole and buys a 12 pack to drink after work, SINCE i do not allow Joe to drink on the job nor drive my truck after drinking a beer, then the IRS SAYS personal use.  IF i send Joe to the store with the sole purpose of buying a keg for the company kegger i'm going to throw that night, then It would be considered company business by the IRS.  BUT if i didn't use that keg at the company Kegger and took the keg and gave it to joe or put in my own bar, then its personal USE and therefore in violation of that irritating little IRS rule.  these are just a couple examples of proper and improper use.   

The scenarios that was portrayed are the same thing.   The one that jarhead said about deputy dawg going to grocery store and shopping in his patrol car is improper use period.  It definately is not a distinguised use of said vehicle. 

NOW i am not sure anymore of how the law is on it, nor the IRS Rules on it, but there was a provision in the IRS Code.  That you had to keep a Log of every stop and start of the vehicle that gave date time location and milage.  Now if you do that or it used to be that way, then you could use said vehicle for multiple duty personal and company use.    I don't know if its still that way. but THAT way is a pain in the ass and is subject to constant auditing by the IRS and is why most companys say no personal Use. 

The sherriffs vehicles are not a corporations vehicle they are the taxpayers vehicles designated for the sole purpose of enforcing the law, protection as well as other police duties.  Now picking up beer for your weekend bash would not constitute police duties.  Picking up a six pak of zima for test analysis, would constitute a police duty and would be provable with all the evidence contained in a evidence bag and the witnesses that are at the event. 

Simplest rule is this. IF its personal go home drive your own vehicle.  IF its business use your business vehicle.  Don't try and justify anything.  IF its a grey area i would use my personal vehicle. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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