Misuse of Public Funds?

Started by Janet Harrington, September 12, 2011, 03:34:06 PM

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Janet Harrington

I noticed an Elk County deputy parked in the plant parking lot today. Apparently his wife works there and I guess he stopped to have lunch. Since I couldn't figure out why he was there, I called the Elk County Sheriff's Office to see why he was parked there. (Understand that the plant parking lot is not a public parking lot.) I thought it was odd that he would drive over just to have lunch with his wife. What I learned was that he was on county business in Independence and was continuing on to Caney for some more county business. The plant was on his way and how nice it was that he came to share lunch with his wife.

We have a lot of relatives that come out to the plant to have lunch with the employees, but they usually go to the cafeteria to eat. We do have some of the best food in the area.

Anyway, that got me to thinking. Would you, as a taxpayer, consider that to be a misuse of public funds? Do you think it is a benefit that the law enforcement officers get to take a vehicle home every night?

Now, I already know the answers to these questions. I just want to see what you have to say. Let me know your opinions.

(Here is a hint. On the part about taking vehicles home by law enforcement officers, we have laws about that.)


Quote from: Janet Harrington on September 12, 2011, 03:34:06 PM
I noticed an Elk County deputy parked in the plant parking lot today. Apparently his wife works there and I guess he stopped to have lunch. Since I couldn't figure out why he was there, I called the Elk County Sheriff's Office to see why he was parked there. (Understand that the plant parking lot is not a public parking lot.) I thought it was odd that he would drive over just to have lunch with his wife. What I learned was that he was on county business in Independence and was continuing on to Caney for some more county business. The plant was on his way and how nice it was that he came to share lunch with his wife.

We have a lot of relatives that come out to the plant to have lunch with the employees, but they usually go to the cafeteria to eat. We do have some of the best food in the area.

Anyway, that got me to thinking. Would you, as a taxpayer, consider that to be a misuse of public funds? Do you think it is a benefit that the law enforcement officers get to take a vehicle home every night?

Now, I already know the answers to these questions. I just want to see what you have to say. Let me know your opinions.

(Here is a hint. On the part about taking vehicles home by law enforcement officers, we have laws about that.)

Taking them home as long as they aren't allowed to conduct personal business then thats fine. They need to have the vehicle in case they are called for a situation.  On the lunch, doesn't theofficer get a lunch break?
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Letme rephrase on the lunch. Doesn't the officer get a lunch break and if his county business takes him into his lunch break and he happens to be close to where his wife is, its not any different for him to eat there than to go to mcdonalds.  So i see no problem with that.  BUT if he goes on his break using the county vehicle to do his shopping then theres a problem.  That can be done after work and in his own personal vehicle.  Lunch on the other hand is a different thing.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Janet Harrington

Law enforcment officers do go to lunch. Do they get a lunch break? No. They are still on call, so they don't actually get a lunch break. Guess I could say it this way, they get paid while they are eating. However; they have to leave when they are called out. Many a meal has been left on the table because of calls.

Now, in this incident, he was traveling on county business and apparently planned his day to have lunch with his wife. He had to drive right by the place that she works at, so he came and had lunch. That isn't something he can do all the time. I think that is nice. But, if he had driven out of Elk County just to come have lunch with his wife in Montgomery County, then it would have been a misuse of public funds.

We get to discussing how our county employees and politicians use our money, so I just wanted to see if people knew the difference. It is such a fine line sometimes. The reason I called to find out is because of this fine line. I could have been a jerk and started a real controversary about him being at the plant having lunch with his wife in a county vehicle. However; I chose to call and find out why he was there in a county vehicle. That way there isn't any rumors being started and I don't have to fume about why he was there in the county vehicle. Besides, maybe he was there to get me. Who knows? LOL

Janet Harrington

So, I recently learned that the Elk Valley School District has a huge cell phone bill. Something like $12,000.

Wow. I learned that letters were sent out about the cell phones. I'm just wondering what is happening about this.  I did learn that two school board members there are certainly trying to find the answers to why.

Wonder if West Elk has the same problem. Guess I will be calling and finding out.

Janet Harrington

I have more items to share about misuse or abuse of taxpayers money and will do so as soon as I can word the statements without naming names and pointing fingers.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on September 18, 2011, 06:57:05 PM
So, I recently learned that the Elk Valley School District has a huge cell phone bill. Something like $12,000.

Wow. I learned that letters were sent out about the cell phones. I'm just wondering what is happening about this.  I did learn that two school board members there are certainly trying to find the answers to why.

Wonder if West Elk has the same problem. Guess I will be calling and finding out.

Amazing isn't it!   
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on September 18, 2011, 07:00:05 PM
I have more items to share about misuse or abuse of taxpayers money and will do so as soon as I can word the statements without naming names and pointing fingers.

Since the abuses are a matter of public trust and if they are verifiable (and presumably on the part of elected or government employees) why the need for anonymity?  Doesn't the public (employer) deserve the disclosure necessary to make informed decisions about those they employ?  Especially those elected directly by the voter?   Perhaps, in these economic times, we should be less concerned about political correctness and more about the public's right to transparency in government.  Without the 'who', how does the taxpayer place appropriate accountability?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Janet Harrington

The names I am talking about are the names of the ones who have shared this information with me. Sometimes it takes me awhile to write something to get my point across, so just be patient.

As for the Elk Valley cell phones, I believe that a couple of school board members are right on top of that issue.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on September 19, 2011, 07:22:12 PM
The names I am talking about are the names of the ones who have shared this information with me. Sometimes it takes me awhile to write something to get my point across, so just be patient.

Understandable.  I mistook your original statement.

Quote from: Janet Harrington on September 19, 2011, 07:22:12 PM
As for the Elk Valley cell phones, I believe that a couple of school board members are right on top of that issue.

Let's hope 'a couple' can end up getting 'a majority' to make positive changes.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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