Address to congress

Started by Janet Harrington, September 08, 2011, 05:41:44 PM

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Dear Friends,

Tonight I attended the President's speech before a Joint Session of Congress. I wish I could say that I was pleasantly surprised, but unfortunately it was more of the same. Spending money we do not have on programs that do not work is no solution. Despite the glaring evidence that the February 2009 stimulus did not produce the results that were promised, the President proposed even more stimulus spending tonight.

When the Obama administration sold the February 2009 stimulus to the American people, we were told unemployment would never exceed 8%. Unfortunately, only the reverse has been true; since then, unemployment has only exceeded 8%. In fact, the average unemployment rate for the past 31 months has been 9.4%! Sustained unemployment like this has not been seen since the Great Depression. And, the stimulus was supposed to create 3.5 million jobs, yet compared to the promises that were made and the number of people out of work, the President is 6.7 million jobs short.

The 25 million Americans who are unemployed or underemployed are paying the price for the President's unwillingness to embrace pro-growth solutions. The House has passed no less than 10 bills that would provide some very needed certainty to job creators, but which remain untouched in the Senate. If only the President would send us the three pending trade agreements, the House would swiftly approve three pending trade agreements and create thousands of jobs and grow the economy. And, the House would not object to the President imposing a full regulatory moratorium that would prohibit the issuance of any new job-killing regulations.

Tonight the President outlined his desire to spend $450 billion on another stimulus. That's $450 billion he wants you and I to pay. You and I know that Washington has to put an end to this practice of spend now, think about the consequences later. Families don't practice that type of financial mismanagement – neither should Washington. The $14.6 trillion in debt America already has – plus the trillions more Washington is expected to accrue in the coming years – is enough. In fact, it's too much. And, where that $450 billion is going concerns me. Why dedicate hundreds of billions to the same types of projects and tax gimmicks that underdelivered and underperformed with the first stimulus? Washington must take a cue from job creators across this country – including in the First District of Kansas – who say the only thing they need from Washington is less of it.


Tim Huelskamp
Member of Congress




Then there was O's comment about seeing more things that were stamped "Made in America".... as his chief economic adviser, Jeff Immelt of GE was sitting with Mrs O.  GE... that icon that now does most of its manufacturing overseas, largely in Communist China.  The same GE that paid $0.00 in US taxes last year.   ???

Sometimes the simple things say so much.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Jeeze that was 45 mins of my life i'll never get back.

Damn i feel like i need to go shower now after the proposed screwing hes giving us. 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Warph, I think my choice right now has to be someone I have never heard of.  Thus, the reason I am asking who others like.  I will pay more attention to the ones you named.  I agree with you on Perry.  He reminds me of an Illinois governor who was kicked out of office not so long ago.


One statement did bother me a little.  He was talking about Lincoln and how he saved the country and how he built the transcontinental railroad. (?)  So, I looked it up.  The transcontinental railroad was started 1863, so maybe he might have suggested it or was instrumental in getting it going, but it took until 1869 to complete, four years after he was assassinated.  And, of all the references he made to Lincoln, there was no mention of "freeing the slaves."  hmmmmm.

So, I watched and it was the same old rhetoric, same old BS.  As Steve said, it was a waste of good time and I, too, felt somewhat in need of a shower afterwards.  What is amazing is that he, as well, as many other presidents, give out these speeches which are just totally meaningless and expect the American public to believe it.  This was not a "look at what we need to do with this jobs bill" but "look at what I did (or didn't do) during my administration" speech and the election is coming in fourteen months (his words) and I (I mean we) gotta do something to make me look good so I will get reelected.  I wonder how many of our Congressmen and women are sitting there wishing they were someplace else.  Probably most of them.  At least, the television viewing audience can turn off the TV or switch channels.  The Congress probably just tunes most of the speech out. 

The problem is that a lot of the younger generation hears and believes the BS, pretty much like we used to do when we were college age.  But, the big difference is we had President Kennedy who did do something worthwhile.  And, what does it say to the American people when they see all the Republicans sitting while there is a standing ovation?  Why are our elected congressmen and women acting so much like school children showing all that disdain for the President of the United States?  They may not like what he is saying, but I think, IMHO, they should at least show some respect.   ::)  If not for the man, but for the office.

Larry (what I am I doing in Politics?) j

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Diane Amberg

Larry ,you are being disappointed just as I am. The tolerated rudeness and obvious disdain of the President is going to hurt us at some point. People act like President Obama is President for life.The worst that can possibly happen is he does four more years of the same; not much happening. How will the next President be treated? Just as rudely by whom ever the other side is then ? I hate bulldog politics. Right now all the opposition wants is to bring down the President with no seemingly real plan for what happens next.


dis·dain/disˈdān/ Noun: The feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one's consideration or respect; contempt.

Obvious disdain of Obama, Diane ?  No, I would say "disdain" is when the Generals on the ground have asked that the draw down later this year in Iraq not to go below 27,000 troops but that big eared clown says he will leave 3,000 troops. That is disdain !!

Diane Amberg

Big eared clown? I understand the concern about the draw down but the rude comments don't have any impact, now do they ?   What does that ever accomplish, no matter who the recipient of such language is. Besides I thought we were done with Iraq. People want our military What more can we do there? It's costing too much in money and lives.Leave the contractors if they must and bring the rest home.


Quote from: Wilma on September 09, 2011, 07:32:49 AM
Warph, I think my choice right now has to be someone I have never heard of.  Thus, the reason I am asking who others like.  I will pay more attention to the ones you named.  I agree with you on Perry.  He reminds me of an Illinois governor who was kicked out of office not so long ago.

Wilma, I was interested in who Thad McCotter was since ol Warph mentioned him. I found this website that has info on a huge variety of canidates from many parties. Many of the people I have never heard of. It was an interesting read. Thad McCotter was lead guitarist for "The Flying Squirrels". :laugh:

Breathe deep the gathering gloom,Watch lights fade from every room.Bedsitter people look back and lament,Another day's useless energy spent.Impassioned lovers wrestle as one,Lonely man cries for love and has none.New mother picks up and suckles her son,Senior citizens wish they were young.MoodyBlues


Quote from: larryJ on September 09, 2011, 10:18:51 AM
Why are our elected congressmen and women acting so much like school children showing all that disdain for the President of the United States?  They may not like what he is saying, but I think, IMHO, they should at least show some respect.   ::)  If not for the man, but for the office.

Larry (what I am I doing in Politics?) j

Sorry but the man in the office deserves no respect. I respect the office. But right now, the office is held hostage and the usurper has disrespected this country through the office.  He's lucky i wasn't attending i would have thrown him the great American Symbol of Defiance. The full fledge American Bird!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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