Government Schools and Liberal Indoctrination.

Started by sodbuster, September 03, 2011, 11:29:24 PM

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Nope, everything is huinky dory in the schools !!

Colorado School Comes Under Fire for Hanging Saudi Flag Higher Than American Flag

Published September 05, 2011

An elementary school in Colorado has come under criticism after they lowered the American flag and elevated a Saudi Arabian flag.

The principal at Bauder Elementary School in Fort Collins said they did not mean to disrespect the American flag, according to a report in the Greeley Gazzette.

Principal Brian Carpenter told the newspaper that the American flag was immediately returned to its proper and prominent position at the school.

He explained that other flags are posted around the school to recognize the nationalities of students from other countries.


Quote from: Catwoman on September 05, 2011, 08:31:25 PM
Absolutely correct, Ready...Most parents these days don't have the ability to teach etiquette, as they don't use it themselves.  I really feel for the grandparents who are raising their grandchildren these days...They raised one generation and are now forced to have to do so with a second generation.  One of the things that I find distressing is that this newest generation has no idea what it is to have or show gratitude for what is done for them...It is a total attitude of entitlement.  Who do we thank for that?  Their parents. 

Entitlement mentality comes from the government, the progressives aka liberals aka socialists.  It has been taught in the schools for at least three decades.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Wilma on September 05, 2011, 02:54:12 PM
I think there should be a lot of home schooling, starting from the time the child is born.  They should be taught all the social graces, how to address their elders, how to sit still and be quiet when someone else is talking, etc., etc.  Yessirree, education begins at home.

I agree with Wilma...And I know of no parents who are in the Socialist party, sorry, Steve...I only know a bunch who are at the mercy of the Demo's and the Republicans.  And NO...I know of absolutely NO educators who are teaching an attitude of entitlement to their students...Quite the contrary...They are having to battle that attitude in order to impart any knowledge at all to this newest generation of little darlings.

Diane Amberg

Cat I agree.
Steve, those are great old photos! Thanks for posting them. As I said way back,  I had family members of long ago who had brothers who fought on both sides of the Civil War. History is history. I just don't why some continue to live as if it's still going on.
Red, so now it's the old Repubs fault? You are going to soon run out of people to blame for stuff.That's funny.
Yup, that's me  Red, an old Yankee moderate Independent just using my liberty to express my feelings.


Diane, it's no wonder you can't connect the dots from the Lincolnian Marxists to now.  Yes, it was 150 years ago, yet our founding fathers established this country more than 200 years ago and tossed out the British for much less than your own socialistic beliefs.  The Constitution was created a long time ago too.  Southerners stood for the Constitution and liberty - self determination.  The north did not - the north changed America.    

You can claim to have had family on both sides.  Goody for you.  What does that make you?  
A Constitutionalist or a Marxist? 

Or perhaps you're a "moderate"?       


Perhaps she's an American, Red...Remember that particular kind of critter?  The kind that stands with its fellow Americans proudly?  The kind that doesn't strive, at every turn to divide and destroy?


Heres my thoughts on moderates.

Rev 3:15 KJV - I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
Rev 3:16 KJV - So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Catwoman on September 06, 2011, 06:53:21 PM
Perhaps she's an American, Red...Remember that particular kind of critter?  The kind that stands with its fellow Americans proudly?  The kind that doesn't strive, at every turn to divide and destroy?

Country of citizenship is a whole bunch different than political philosophy.  Last I checked, Anwar Alaki (sp), the latest member if the elite CIA Kill/Capture club is an 'American'.  Just as with livestock, there are citizens who have worms... especially those who have been inadequately inoculated with a good dose of American founding principles and constitutional understanding.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Patriot, your own physical condition is none of our business...That's a TMI moment...Ugh.   ;D  

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