Government Schools and Liberal Indoctrination.

Started by sodbuster, September 03, 2011, 11:29:24 PM

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I can only speak for myself and my government school experience. I have no kids so I can't speak to today's schools. From K thru College I went to public school in Kansas, Missouri, California, and Alaska. 3 red states and one very blue state. Never did we discuss politics or did I know a teacher's political leanings. In College that did change and there were discussions on all of our beliefs. I still keep in touch with people from all states of my public school education. We range from redcliffsw conservatives, anarchists, socialists, republicans, democrats, and people that have no interest in any political dealings. We all went to public schools but all have very different political leanings. So all you detractors of public schools and "government" school explain how this can happen if we are indoctrinated. Your experience just doesn't match mine, where did you go to school. Just a rant on my part, I don't need for you to explain, but you can if you want. I just think you all must have gone to a school in an alternate universe.

Breathe deep the gathering gloom,Watch lights fade from every room.Bedsitter people look back and lament,Another day's useless energy spent.Impassioned lovers wrestle as one,Lonely man cries for love and has none.New mother picks up and suckles her son,Senior citizens wish they were young.MoodyBlues




I went to private school, no my parents weren't rich, they had to sacrifice to send me there.   It ment no new cars, no vacations, second hand clothing ect ect ect...

Also my parents weren't educated by the 60's and 70's educators either. They went to school when responsibility was taught.  It wasn't ok to get pregnant in your senior year, it wasn't ok and acceptable to jump into bed with anyone you want. IT wasn't ok to smoke dope, tell your teachers to f off.  It wasn't ok, to tell any adult to f off.

Those that did usually were branded bad kid and they generally were the dropouts.  60's and 70's was the era where the morality in schools went to hell, when humanism was started and taught in schools.  after 40 years of that we see the results.  Kids who when they go to college if they go to college have to take remedial courses before they can go to college cause they didn't learn squat in school.   

its pretty bad when most of the kids that go to a college or votech have to take the basics all over again in order to function in a college.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Well for one thing - you've recited the Pledge of Allegiance (POA) in the government schools haven't you?  The Pledge of Allegiance was invented by a socialist to indoctrinate government school children. 

As a result of governemt education, the Pledge of Allegiance is ingrained in a lot of people.  Many do not stop to even think about not reciting.  Yet greater Americans never recited the socialist Pledge of Allegiance.


Quote from: redcliffsw on September 04, 2011, 05:51:44 AM
Well for one thing - you've recited the Pledge of Allegiance (POA) in the government schools haven't you?  The Pledge of Allegiance was invented by a socialist to indoctrinate government school children. 

As a result of governemt education, the Pledge of Allegiance is ingrained in a lot of people.  Many do not stop to even think about not reciting.  Yet greater Americans never recited the socialist Pledge of Allegiance.

with age comes wisdom!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Interesting.The main stream wants the pledge (and even prayer in the schools) and the radicals ,as always, will cook up some reason  no matter how silly, to prevent it. You don't think private and parochial schools say the pledge in their schools? Some years back there was quite a discussion on here about what patriotism meant and what a patriot did to show it. Standing proud and saying the pledge was one of the main things that proved patriotism.  Now I've got a big peach cobbler to make for a pool party later today. Have fun fussing y'all.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 04, 2011, 07:45:41 AM
Interesting.The main stream wants the pledge (and even prayer in the schools) and the radicals ,as always, will cook up some reason  no matter how silly, to prevent it. You don't think private and parochial schools say the pledge in their schools? Some years back there was quite a discussion on here about what patriotism meant and what a patriot did to show it. Standing proud and saying the pledge was one of the main things that proved patriotism.  Now I've got a big peach cobbler to make for a pool party later today. Have fun fussing y'all.

Thats a liberal patriotism.  Its patriotism to the socialist government.  A true patriot does not need a pledge.  Secondly it flaunts and goes against anything christian to swear an oath!  God said not to do such a thing and to let your yea's be yea and your nays be nay.    A real patriot doesn't say their allegiance they live their allegiance. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on September 04, 2011, 07:55:00 AM
Thats a liberal patriotism.  Its patriotism to the socialist government.  A true patriot does not need a pledge.  Secondly it flaunts and goes against anything christian to swear an oath!  God said not to do such a thing and to let your yea's be yea and your nays be nay.    A real patriot doesn't say their allegiance they live their allegiance. 

Careful! You're beginning to sound like a Quaker!  :D


It has been my observation over 5 decades that the government sanctioned education system exists not as a means to an end, but rather to promote itself as an end in itself. Academia, and too many of its proponents within, seem to see a government education as the ultimate objective in life, or even as life itself.  It is not.  Academia appears, all to often, a parallel universe that exists alongside reality striving to explain, rationalize and avoid life's challenges, rather than experientially face and change them.   It seeks, in short, to create more academics.  Look to the 'father of modern education' to see the seeds that brought forth the tree which is our current government education system.  A tree exists to produce fruit after its own kind...

John Dewey and the Chaos of Contemporary Public Education
Gennady Stolyarov II

The dismal and declining student performance at America's public schools is no accident. Nor is the pervasive bullying by peers and repression by teachers that the brightest, best-mannered, and most accomplished students encounter in public schools today. Both are the direct results of the educational philosophy promulgated by John Dewey (1859-1952), the originator of "Progressive" education and a self-proclaimed advocate of collectivism and opponent of teaching objective knowledge in the schools. Dewey's ideas have largely shaped the ways in which today's American public education system works—or, more accurately, does not work.

To call John Dewey a socialist is no exaggeration or derogatory epithet... In the 1920s, Dewey wrote extensively in praise of the Soviet education system—so much that he was invited to visit the Soviet Union in 1928 and observe schools in the USSR. He based many of his recommendations for American education on the Soviet model.

Two of Dewey's foremost targets were individualism and objective truth. In his 1920 work, Reconstruction in Philosophy, Dewey vehemently opposed the classic Western idea of the individual as "something given, something already there." Consequently, he derided the free, capitalistic society, where the individual tends to be viewed as "something to be catered to, something whose pleasures are to be magnified and possessions multiplied."

Instead, Dewey asserted, society is what makes the individual who he is, and social institutions "are not means for obtaining something for individuals, not even happiness. They are means of creating individuals." So much for the Founding Fathers' conviction that the inalienable individual rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are primary and that "to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men." For Dewey, society and government come first; they shape individuals and make them what they are, and it is ultimately "society," through government, that must decide how each individual is to best serve "it."

Full article:

Or, to quote the noted socialist, Hillary Clinton, "It takes a village to raise a child."

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

So, for those you who have always talked about Howard as a good place to raise kids and how every parent watched over all the kids, not just their own, it was a socialist activity? And here I just thought it was the right thing to do.

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