Government Schools and Liberal Indoctrination.

Started by sodbuster, September 03, 2011, 11:29:24 PM

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That would be exquisite if only the parent knew those etiquettes.
Unfortunately, most don't.   So now, the norm is:  it is up to the granparents, and by then it is too late  or wasted breath.


Diane Amberg

Ready, I was referring to Federal money.There shouldn't have been any difference between Title I or III in Kansas or Maryland. I don't know how it is now.Things have changed a lot and not for the better in many cases.
Wilma, Newark Charter teaches school deportment.
Why don't all parents still teach that it at home? When did it change?  There have always been  a few bullies at school and in the neighborhood. Not sure how the schools can be blamed for that, but I'm sure some will try ;) I think I know, but I'll let others take the challenge as it's very complicated.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 05, 2011, 04:01:02 PM

Why don't all parents still teach that it at home?

One reason is that parents have been raised in the government system. Second is they are also under attack all the time by the government system.   Parents have been jailed for trying to give their kids the best education.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 05, 2011, 12:54:01 PM

Steve, how can you possibly take the sport priority away from the parents? They'll be happy to tell you it's what they want and it's their tax money to spend as THEY see fit.
Simple.  ITS NOT A NEED. It is extra curricular activity. that means OUTSIDE of the curriculum, not a part of education. They have no right to it. They cannot allocate their tax dollar to sports which is not educational. The tax which is used is doled out for education and not sports but somehow they allowed it to get funded by the tax dollar.  IF They wish to have sports, pay for it out of their pockets! 

QuoteInstant life long well paid career. They just have to be willing to move when they are transferred. It happens in a lot of professional sectors actually.
what is so bad about this?? 

QuoteBut don't think it isn't your money. Many raise the prices of their products to support what they are doing. Not the same as taxes, but you don't think it's from their bottom line do ya?
You know what, I doubt it comes from raising the product price. They get a massive tax break from investing in schools.  They also get in return for the money first dibs basically on any good quality workers. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 05, 2011, 12:54:01 PM
I don't know why I bother.
I have no idea how old you are so I can't possibly know your level of life experience, but if it all comes from paid conservative bloggers and commercials that start with "shocking" and "what "they" don't want you to know," then it might be a bit lacking in depth. It's probably not your fault.
 Did you go to any kind of school or quit as soon as you could?
Did you step out of a time machine? "The Feds" separated blacks and whites?  My, "they" must have been really old by then. Who specifically are you talking about? and when?
 Orville Faubus was a "Fed?" I thought he was the Governor of Arkansas.  That's one famous case. If you are talking about the military, that is true, but only because the white officers didn't think blacks were worth anything as soldiers and refused to accept them for a very long time. Who do you think then desegregated the military?  
"We've heard that before? Why so pessimistic? None of these people are my age, much younger. I'm glad they are still willing to give it a go.Totally different people. Why lie down and quit?  
Red, the constitution doesn't prohibit states from handling education either.  How ancient are you anyway? :o ;D

Diane, why are you so ignorant?  You relying on your socialized public education?  Or just because you read Uncle Tom's Cabin does not make you an expert.

The Fed's separated the blacks and whites right after the War For Southern Independence.  Reconstruction.  Yet you don't know that or understand that either.  Where all did you go to school?  And you taught school?  You're indoctrination is really showing today.

The Confederate Army was integrated - yet you didn't know that either.  The yankee army was segregated.  The U S military was integrated in the late 1940's or early 50's.  The CSA was way ahead on that one too.  

The Constitution prohibits the Gov't from taking our Liberty.  You don't understand that.  It's like you support something foreign to the founding fathers and the Constitution.  Is it your yankee heritage or socialistic education, or both, that caused you to think like that?

Diane Amberg

Steve, you'll never get a consensuses from a bunch of parents on what a "need" is. Some would indeed defend sports as a need for their child. I'm not disagreeing with you.
  As far as DuPont producing people with good life long careers, there is nothing wrong with it. It's a way of life here. I didn't say anything against it. Please tell me about these massive tax breaks you think businesses get for investing in schools.
If some big company tells your community they'll build here and create jobs if you give them tax breaks for x numbers of years. What happens? Tax breaks actually cut into money which would have gone to the local schools. The big business accounts know exactly how to make that work in their favor.They never come out behind no matter what.
     Red, you know perfectly well I'm not "ignorant"and saying so doesn't make it so.  Trying to insult me doesn't work either. I never said or thought that the Confederate army wasn't integrated, whether on an equal footing is something else entirely. In some cases yes, they did have equal footing and went willingly. In some cases slaves were promised their freedom if they fought, and some were taken, forced to serve their masters ,often officers, by cooking, doing laundry, loading weapons and so on.  Show me some old photos of Black Confederate Officers.  How about some photos of any black Confederate troops? There have to be some somewhere.
  The Civil War wasn't the only war ya know.  Do you even acknowledge the existence of others?  I actually had other wars in mind, like the Indian Wars and and WWII etc. Then, as now many of the military bases were in the south, so who objected to blacks in the post Civil war Army? Perhaps you should broaden your history reading a little.
Have you ever lived in the north or been exposed to Yankees? We don't really have horns, it's just a myth. I have and had lots of southern relatives. Do you have any northern ones?
If you are a Civil War expert from personal experience, then you are much older than I thought.


Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I am not sure of the last one, the others though are real photos as they are tin types.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Diane, you're yankee all the way.  I was raised in South Kansas around you Republicans whose ancestors created this socialistic environment we all live in nowadays.  There's never been such a thing as a "conservative" Republican in Elk county as far as I know.  I doubt there's a real Democrat in Elk County except for the ones in the cemeteries. 

The yankees conscripted blacks into their segregated forces.  Some were made to join the north by force.  The yankees used slave labor in the South.  The black union soldiers were expendable to the north.  The Yankees used black soldiers as cannon fodder.

Slavery was legal back then and that's the way it was.  However, the blacks who looked to freedom sought that same freedom that Americans had back then, not the so-called modernistic freedom and socialism that we have now.  They fought against the modern day "freedom" of Lincoln just like the all the other Southerners.  Now we talk about our "democracy" because we vote to take others' money and give it away.  Political victories for some who deny us individual liberty.

They prefer to teach "democracy" and Keynesian in the schools because that's the government schools' pipeline to the money taken by the government from folks or borrowed from the Chinese, and they've created a debt for Americans not even born yet.

Srkruzich, thanks for the photos of the black Confederates.  They stood for our liberty.



Quote from: readyaimduck on September 05, 2011, 03:41:52 PM
That would be exquisite if only the parent knew those etiquettes.
Unfortunately, most don't.   So now, the norm is:  it is up to the granparents, and by then it is too late  or wasted breath.


Absolutely correct, Ready...Most parents these days don't have the ability to teach etiquette, as they don't use it themselves.  I really feel for the grandparents who are raising their grandchildren these days...They raised one generation and are now forced to have to do so with a second generation.  One of the things that I find distressing is that this newest generation has no idea what it is to have or show gratitude for what is done for them...It is a total attitude of entitlement.  Who do we thank for that?  Their parents. 

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