Government Schools and Liberal Indoctrination.

Started by sodbuster, September 03, 2011, 11:29:24 PM

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Do you think the Federal involvement in Education is recent, like in the 1940's or 50's?
Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 05, 2011, 10:31:08 AM
This is strictly my own opinion, but I think years ago the Fed. Gov't was involved in eduction to try to do some leveling from areas with poor...both meanings...and more affluent areas.

 So with out the "Gov't Interference what are poor schools in poverty areas to do, fall further and further behind?" There are exciting things going on in states around here with schools partnering with industry and also colleges, but I'll not bore you with that.  

Get real! After the War For Southern Independence, the fed's separated blacks and whites.  The Fed's encouraged hate between them.  

The Federales got involved in Education right after the War For Southern Independence.  They wanted to teach the South a lesson to never rebel against the Fed's again.  Wasn't that against the Founding Fathers?  Sure was.  Yet today, most worship an all powerful Federal Gov't from Washington DC and even call it Patriotism.  I call it socialism.

Without Gov't interference?  Why don't you understand that the Fed's have been in Education all along and that socialism does not work?  Interference?  They've been there all along and it doesn't get any better.

"Exciting things" - yeah, we've heard that before......



Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 05, 2011, 10:31:08 AM

 So with out the "Gov't Interference what are poor schools in poverty areas to do, fall further and further behind?"
To answer this burning question.  EXACTLY THE SAME THING they are doing even with Government interference. OBVIOUSLY the Feds don't give a rats ass about it.  Which pretty much proves the feds interference is NOT working. 

QuoteThere are exciting things going on in states around here with schools partnering with industry and also colleges, but I'll not bore you with that.   
Now that's a whole different ball of wax!  Corps and industries and all partnering is local community not Federal government using tax money.  When local companies do it, its a investment.  They expect a return on their investment.  The government doesn't put such requirements.  When local business does invest, they want the best not the adequate!  When Feds do it, they want adequate not the best because the best will challenge federal government.

QuoteAs far as the addiction to sports...I agree but what does one do? 

Simple.  IS It a need?  Nope??  Cut it. Its that simple. Screw what the parents think. IF they want football let them pay for it.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I will repost what I deleted as I didn't think it was true to the conversation, however here goes anyway:

To see what is mandated for school education, one has to look at what is being dictated as to subjuct, poliicies, funding, etc.
The schools are funded not only by the State (our tax dollars), and also by the Fereal Governmnet...per special outliers (nutrition, Challenged physically/mentally, etc), as well I am sure more.

Throw in whoever is in charge and madates the regulations either it be the labor unions, the Lobbyists, the demography of the Policital Party or whatever....then you will have chaos.   

Face it folks, the King of the Hill usually wins unless we don't like the king!

Home schooling looks better and better to me, and I don't have kids, yet I pay for the school district of some things I am against.
I truly do not think there is only one solution...It's like trying to blow 4 separate holes with only one stick of dynamite.



Why not eliminate seeking or accepting any solutions from the State and Feds?

Education should be none of their business.  They shouldn't be interfering in our Liberty. 

The founding fathers never made provisions for any such authority in education. 

Diane Amberg

I don't know why I bother.
I have no idea how old you are so I can't possibly know your level of life experience, but if it all comes from paid conservative bloggers and commercials that start with "shocking" and "what "they" don't want you to know," then it might be a bit lacking in depth. It's probably not your fault.
 Did you go to any kind of school or quit as soon as you could?
Did you step out of a time machine? "The Feds" separated blacks and whites?  My, "they" must have been really old by then. Who specifically are you talking about? and when?
 Orville Faubus was a "Fed?" I thought he was the Governor of Arkansas.  That's one famous case. If you are talking about the military, that is true, but only because the white officers didn't think blacks were worth anything as soldiers and refused to accept them for a very long time. Who do you think then desegregated the military?  
"We've heard that before? Why so pessimistic? None of these people are my age, much younger. I'm glad they are still willing to give it a go.Totally different people. Why lie down and quit? 
Red, the constitution doesn't prohibit states from handling education either.  How ancient are you anyway? :o ;D

Steve, how can you possibly take the sport priority away from the parents? They'll be happy to tell you it's what they want and it's their tax money to spend as THEY see fit.
I don't agree with it either. But... those kind of priorities and demanding permissive teachers and the "My Kid is Perfect" attitude partly got us all in this mess in the first place.
 I remember back in the early 70's when the parents of some kids in Newark High School suddenly DEMANDED smoking lounges at school for their kids. Led to all kind of problems that I won't go into here. They actually bullied the school board into spending money for smoking areas and cigarette machines.  Ya know how parents will talk about a phase that their child is going through? Apparently parents will do the same!. Then the parents and the PTA demanded candy and soda machines for the kids. More messes to clean up, and the start of overweight kids.
Steve that "Investment" policy has been around for a long time. UD's  big Chemical engineering program has always been supported by grants and scholarships from the chemical companies here...   DuPont, Hercules and others, who then hire the best of the
graduates. Instant life long well paid career. They just have to be willing to move when they are transferred. It happens in a lot of professional sectors actually. But don't think it isn't your money. Many raise the prices of their products to support what they are doing. Not the same as taxes, but you don't think it's from their bottom line do ya?

Diane Amberg

  But that's a good thing. When the school in Maryland I taught in got Federal money, 'cause we had so many poor kids, the teachers were given the money to decide how it was spent.  It actually made it to the classroom. State money often never gets there. Now unfortunately, there may be lots of restrictions and guide lines. I'll have to ask my younger teacher friends who still work there.
By the way, I talked to my niece in Scottsdale this morning, the one who went to Wilmington Friends.She confirmed that they never said the Pledge.


QuoteWhy not eliminate seeking or accepting any solutions from the State and Feds?

ok by me...however on the flip side, you will have rich parents with kids that are really 'talented', and I use that term lightly to balk at the idea they have to foot the bill.

the old adage "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"  doesn not now apply...It is broke...more ways than one!


Quote from: readyaimduck on September 05, 2011, 12:25:12 PM
I truly do not think there is only one solution...It's like trying to blow 4 separate holes with only one stick of dynamite.


You are so correct, Ready.  Great post.


QuoteWhen the school in Maryland I taught in got Federal  Monies (sic)

well, that is in Maryland at your school a few years ago, and this is Kansas.
We now have a whole lot of different bucket of wor......ahem...Senators/Representatives in office now....
or are they still getting re-elected  (like the only bull for a pasture of heifers?)



I think there should be a lot of home schooling, starting from the time the child is born.  They should be taught all the social graces, how to address their elders, how to sit still and be quiet when someone else is talking, etc., etc.  Yessirree, education begins at home.

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