US Socialist Party releases names of congressional membership

Started by Patriot, September 03, 2011, 02:30:31 PM

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Quote from: Patriot on September 07, 2011, 03:01:58 PM
Well, while we're clarifying things, let's help our left coast, left wing folks realize, that just because it's for sale doesn't mean it's defunct.  Most everything's for sale if the price is right.  Try the Democratic Socialists of America's new site.... I don't think it's for sale.

Oh boy, I just had this feeling you'd respond with something silly.  You're so predictable, its fun now, but I imagine later it will be boring.  

Lets put on our critical thinking caps for a moment, shall we?

The link you posted goes to the DSA, but can you find this newsletter in the DSA archives?  nope.  The DSA does list a newsletter for fall of '09, but if you click on the link, it looks a lot different that what you posted.  So you listed a DSA website, what the hell does that show us?  that they exist?  so now what?  They publication is still a fake.  

Just look at the links.  This goes back to that intellectual curiosity thing that you don't have.  You need to take a minute and think for yourself for a minute.  Go back to that newsletter and take a closer look.  Notice the policy links.  When you click on them, you get re-directed to the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC)  I'll bet that the people who faked this thing are betting that you'll be too lazy to click the links.  I'll also bet that they are banking on the fact that lots of people (just like Humpy showed us) don't know the difference between progressive, socialist, and communist.

At the bottom of the last page, you get this little thing

QuoteCopyright ©2008-2009 All Rights Reserved American Socialist Voter, Labor donated. Not authorized by any candidateor candidate's committee. American Socialist Voter is not a Party, Political Action Committee, tendency, or caucus, 527,lobby, or soft money giver. We are a social networking site for those who call themselves socialist for education andinteraction among their peers.

Here's what I'm seeing.  A group of independent minded american socialists got together and wanted to do something positive for their cause.  They wanted to create this website, and in doing so, created this little guide to socialism.  Now what they did was what a lot of lazy college students do, they went and copied a bunch of stuff from a lot of different places on the internet and threw it all together.  Its obviously not quite finished, but somehow some right-wing guy got a hold of it, threw it out there on the internet and claimed that this was an official publication.  Eventually the myth is dubunked, but every once in awhile, some Tea Party dummy passes it around because they're too ignorant to know the difference.  Enter Patriot, stage right.

I think its funny, the only group that has a lower opinion rating than Congress is the tea party.  Hell, I used to be at least somewhat ambivalent to them, but they are being led around like sheep.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from: Anmar on September 07, 2011, 03:42:41 PM
Its obviously not quite finished, but somehow some right-wing guy got a hold of it, threw it out there on the internet and claimed that this was an official publication.  Eventually the myth is dubunked, but every once in awhile, some Tea Party dummy passes it around because they're too ignorant to know the difference.  Enter Patriot, stage right.

I think its funny, the only group that has a lower opinion rating than Congress is the tea party.  Hell, I used to be at least somewhat ambivalent to them, but they are being led around like sheep.

What's even more entertaining is that with all your armchair intellect, playbook defense of most that's left and assaults on most that's conservative, and with all your fine tooth combing of 'everything' you read, you missed this fine print at the very opening of my original post:

Quote from: Patriot on September 03, 2011, 02:30:31 PM
Some info may be outdated and I'm not endorsing this information, just passing it along...

Talk about missing the obvious.  And, just for the record, I've never said I'm a tea party associate.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


American Socialist Voter–
Q: How many members of the U.S. Congress are also members of the DSA?
A: Seventy

Q: How many of the DSA members sit on the Judiciary Committee?
A: Eleven: John Conyers [Chairman of the Judiciary Committee], Tammy Baldwin, Jerrold Nadler, Luis Gutierrez,
Melvin Watt, Maxine Waters, Hank Johnson, Steve Cohen, Barbara Lee, Robert Wexler, Linda Sanchez [there are 23 Democrats on the Judiciary Committee of which eleven, almost half, are now members of the DSA].

Q: Who are these members of 111th Congress?
A: See the listing below

Hon. Raúl M. Grijalva (AZ-07)
Hon. Lynn Woolsey (CA-06)

Vice Chairs
Hon. Diane Watson (CA-33)
Hon. Sheila Jackson-Lee (TX-18)
Hon. Mazie Hirono (HI-02)
Hon. Dennis Kucinich (OH-10)

Senate Members
Hon. Bernie Sanders (VT)

House Members
Hon. Neil Abercrombie (HI-01)
Hon. Tammy Baldwin (WI-02)
Hon. Xavier Becerra (CA-31)
Hon. Madeleine Bordallo (GU-AL)
Hon. Robert Brady (PA-01)
Hon. Corrine Brown (FL-03)
Hon. Michael Capuano (MA-08)
Hon. André Carson (IN-07)
Hon. Donna Christensen (VI-AL)
Hon. Yvette Clarke (NY-11)
Hon. William "Lacy" Clay (MO-01)
Hon. Emanuel Cleaver (MO-05)
Hon. Steve Cohen (TN-09)
Hon. John Conyers (MI-14)
Hon. Elijah Cummings (MD-07)
Hon. Danny Davis (IL-07)
Hon. Peter DeFazio (OR-04)
Hon. Rosa DeLauro (CT-03)
Rep. Donna F. Edwards (MD-04)
Hon. Keith Ellison (MN-05)
Hon. Sam Farr (CA-17)
Hon. Chaka Fattah (PA-02)
Hon. Bob Filner (CA-51)
Hon. Barney Frank (MA-04)
Hon. Marcia L. Fudge (OH-11)
Hon. Alan Grayson (FL-08)
Hon. Luis Gutierrez (IL-04)
Hon. John Hall (NY-19)
Hon. Phil Hare (IL-17)
Hon. Maurice Hinchey (NY-22)
Hon. Michael Honda (CA-15)
Hon. Jesse Jackson, Jr. (IL-02)
Hon. Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX-30)
Hon. Hank Johnson (GA-04)
Hon. Marcy Kaptur (OH-09)
Hon. Carolyn Kilpatrick (MI-13)
Hon. Barbara Lee (CA-09)
Hon. John Lewis (GA-05)
Hon. David Loebsack (IA-02)
Hon. Ben R. Lujan (NM-3)
Hon. Carolyn Maloney (NY-14)
Hon. Ed Markey (MA-07)
Hon. Jim McDermott (WA-07)
Hon. James McGovern (MA-03)
Hon. George Miller (CA-07)
Hon. Gwen Moore (WI-04)
Hon. Jerrold Nadler (NY-08)
Hon. Eleanor Holmes-Norton (DC-AL)
Hon. John Olver (MA-01)
Hon. Ed Pastor (AZ-04)
Hon. Donald Payne (NJ-10)
Hon. Chellie Pingree (ME-01)
Hon. Charles Rangel (NY-15)
Hon. Laura Richardson (CA-37)
Hon. Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-34)
Hon. Bobby Rush (IL-01)
Hon. Linda Sánchez (CA-47)
Hon. Jan Schakowsky (IL-09)
Hon. José Serrano (NY-16)
Hon. Louise Slaughter (NY-28)
Hon. Pete Stark (CA-13)
Hon. Bennie Thompson (MS-02)
Hon. John Tierney (MA-06)
Hon. Nydia Velazquez (NY-12)
Hon. Maxine Waters (CA-35)
Hon. Mel Watt (NC-12)
Hon. Henry Waxman (CA-30)
Hon. Peter Welch (VT-AL)
Hon. Robert Wexler (FL-19)

Boy, there's a lot of names on this list that I never dreamed of seeing on here....NOT!




ANMAR don't get your little panties in a wad over a little fun with you.


Quote from: Patriot on September 03, 2011, 02:30:31 PM
Some info may be outdated and I'm not endorsing this information, just passing it along...

Socialist Party of America Releases The Names of 70 Democrat Members Of Congress Who Are Members Of Their Caucus

This should come as a surprise to absolutely no one. The radical Marxist-progressives (communists) took control of the democrat party some time ago. They've only become more emboldened with the election of Barack Obama, who was raised as a communist from birth.

With their new found leader, Barack Obama, the Socialist Party of America felt secure enough to announce the names of 70 democrats in Congress that belong to their caucus.

Other than Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who openly ran as a socialist, the rest of this lot ran as "moderate democrats." I think it's time we put the myth of the "moderate" democrat to bed. They are all Marxists, or Marxist leaning. They all are big government totalitarians hell-bent on destroying America, the Constitution, and our way of life. One needs no other proof than the way Congress has acted since the Marxist-democrats took control four years ago, and the tyranny that has been championed since Obama was sworn in.

Q: How many members of the U.S. Congress are alsomembers of the DSA?
A: Seventy

Q: How many of the DSA members sit on the Judiciary Committee?
A: Eleven: John Conyers [Chairman of the Judiciary Committee], Tammy Baldwin, Jerrold Nadler, Luis Gutierrez,Melvin Watt, Maxine Waters, Hank Johnson, Steve Cohen,Barbara Lee, Robert Wexler, Linda Sanchez [there are 23Democrats on the Judiciary Committee of which eleven, almost half, are now members of the DSA

See the full list of socialist congressional members here:

Slow loading, but informative.

From what I can find online, I think that article might actually be wrong or even faked, however, I'm pretty sure it was actually based on this:

That said, a progressive is just another name for a socialist unfortunately. Whether or not that article is correct, its sick that there are even that many in the U.S. government right now.

Oh and Anmar, if my link to Wikipedia isn't good enough and just more "right wing bs" you can instead check out the CPC's very own site here:


MT the progressives got their boost back when USSR fell.  The communists then infiltrated the eco groups and moved on from there into the congress taking over the democrats and then have taken about a third of the republicans.  They aren't socialist they are pure communist but are at this present time lying about their true agenda.  (Saul Alinsky tactic)    Got no use for any of them. Hmm wonder if we can use em for cutbait!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: mtcookson on September 08, 2011, 08:09:56 AM
From what I can find online, I think that article might actually be wrong or even faked, however, I'm pretty sure it was actually based on this:

That said, a progressive is just another name for a socialist unfortunately. Whether or not that article is correct, its sick that there are even that many in the U.S. government right now.

Oh and Anmar, if my link to Wikipedia isn't good enough and just more "right wing bs" you can instead check out the CPC's very own site here:

Thanks for repeating what I already said.  Its funny that you're actually agreeing with me, and then you presume that I'm going to argue with you.  I suggest taking a closer look at posts before you respond to them.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from: Anmar on September 08, 2011, 01:56:27 PM
Thanks for repeating what I already said.  Its funny that you're actually agreeing with me, and then you presume that I'm going to argue with you.  I suggest taking a closer look at posts before you respond to them.

Sorry about that, you're right. I sometimes don't read your posts all of the way through, should have this time. :laugh:

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