combat pay for wind farm

Started by oldfart, August 25, 2011, 12:26:25 PM

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I'm going to army supply store get me bullet proof vest for work tonite.  crazy  person on the loose out there.

Janet Harrington

What in the world is going on, old fart? Someone shooting out there at night?

Hefe de vaca

      No, sheriff. Workers driving through cattle at night and killing calves.

   Also not used to ranchers having a sidearm evidently. I guess the rifle in the rack is less of a problem to them.
   Not only killing calves , but not owning up to it.

   Best keep your fat yap shut, Olefart if you want to keep working there! :police:  It is certainly none of your concern, unless you are on private property doing something stupid.


Janet Harrington

Oh, gosh. That's not a good thing. But then again, what do you do with the cattle when all this construction is going on? So sorry for the rancher who lost the baby calves.

Hefe de vaca

      No real choice with location of cattle when pasture is limited, Janet. If the workers abide by the rules of the company, it would not be an issue. You know as well as anyone , not all follow the rules.

Janet Harrington

I see that everyday where I work now. Just little things like propping open secured doors, so that they don't have to badge in to get in, things like parking in the visitor parking slots just because they think they don't have to walk as far, just to name a couple. LOL Of course, I am told I just shake doors and make ID badges, so I shouldn't have to worry about rule breakers. LOL

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