What happens when parents owe school districts money?

Started by Janet Harrington, August 24, 2011, 04:03:25 PM

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Janet Harrington

Quote from: george on August 25, 2011, 08:57:57 PM
If I understand this correctly, Elk Valley raised the mill levy in the past month. I can understand that it takes a lot of money to run a school to educate our children but then they have the hypocrisy to have a lunch Monday, at the local café for all teachers and staff, on the tax payer's dime. Then yesterday, they all met at the school for a steak dinner. The school had purchased, as I understand it, 55 ribeye steaks to feed the teachers and staff, again at the expense of the tax payers. But this poses a few questions.  Does Elk Valley have 55 employees? If not, where did the extra ribeye steaks go? Did the school board authorize the buying of the steaks and the meal at the café? If not, who did? Is it also true that the school fixed breakfast for the same people, on the above mentioned days and it was also provided free of charge? Is this why our taxes were raised? Is it possible to get answers to the question as to why Elk Valley spends $12,000 per year for a cell phone plan? And why do people that have no affiliation with the school (except to have relatives working for the district) have these phones also? Who has the contract with the phone company and appears to make more money the more phones they lease out? As tax payers we have the right to know the answer's to these questions.

George, I don't know where you are from, but the way to find out how many teachers and support staff work at Elk Valley would be to call the school district office and ask. As for eating steaks, go to the school board meeting and ask about that. The same thing in regard to the cell phone plan. Go to the school board meeting and ask. Unless someone on this forum has that knowledge, that is the only way you are going to get your answers.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on August 25, 2011, 09:20:34 PM
...Go to the school board meeting and ask. Unless someone on this forum has that knowledge, that is the only way you are going to get your answers.

Or at least a free dog n pony tap dance show. 

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


I know in a lot of schools if money is owed for lunchs or overdue books, or whatever they hold the students transcripts and records til they are paid up. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Understand me on this..........I will quietly only once............say what I am going to say..

We all live in a very small tiny speck of the map called Elk County. We're not much of anything to anybody in the world.. but we are a community where just about everyone knows everyone.

We all, at one time or another in the course of our lives .. see, speak and interact with the same people week after week within the walls of our small town world. That in itself is sometimes a challenge. Because of that..there's always going to be town gossips and those who are caught up in talking about....." do you know what I heard?" conversations... and breaches in private information that should never have left an "executive session".

Let me be very very clear on this!~~~~~~~

If at any time.. there are names posted on this forum ..inferring to someone's personal financial business...
I will delete the whole thread .. and put the ones who did the posting on indefinite probation so fast it will make their heads spin.

It is not anyone's business of how much money someone makes or how they make it.. or what hardships they are facing to make that amount of money work for them.

In this time of financial and political upheaval in our world.. we're going to be dealing with a lot of friends and family and people we know who are going to be having some hard times.. and be put into hurtful and embarrassing situations where maybe some of their bills will not be paid on time or at all.  None of us knows for sure if next week..next month or next year.. we might be in that same situation.
To even begin to insinuate that names will be posted on this forum.. is an area of invasion of privacy on individuals that I absolutely WILL NOT tolerate.  >:(
I don't care who you are... its not gonna happen on THIS forum.

I hope I have made myself clear on this.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


WOW!!!  Perfectly clear and I didn't even have to use my hearing aid.

Perfectly right, too.

Janet Harrington

I talked with knowledgeable people at West Elk in regards to what West Elk does when money is owed the school for lunches, etc. I was informed that the secretarys at West Elk stay on top of seeing that these bills are paid. The people were not really sure what the policy was about feeding kids whose parents were behind on lunches. They knew that the grade school kids got fed, no matter what. The thought was that maybe the junior high and high school kids got an alternate lunch, but they also agreed with me that this wasn't a good policy. Again, I think some kids only get hot meals at school.

Anyway, at West Elk, the school secretarys stay on top of fees, lunches, etc., and keep working with parents to keep the bills paid.

Now, Teresa, if I gave the impression that I would actually put names on here about who the people were who owed, I didn't mean it that way. This was just a conversation that I had with a person and it got me to wondering what schools did in that matter. How the person that I talked with got that info, I have no idea. I apologize if I indicated that I would disclose all.


Thank you Teresa, because how do we know it is not just gossip. So many lie's can be told on the forum.  :)


True Jane....however this is a small town, and Teresa is privvy to information on this website as well as talking with people. 
Some people just want to stir up stuff in the name of the truth, and the names of the delinquent partents should never be published here...
Thank you Teresa.


Perhaps the school board should shift the teacher's steaks budgets to the whatever is in need budget, and all the teachers bring raw hambuger for a bbq...That would save about $1000.

It is an appreciation, and yet an ackowledgemnt of a thank you, on a squeezed budget.



QuoteIf I understand this correctly, Elk Valley raised the mill levy in the past month.

That may be true for the school distrist of Elk Valley.
However, the comissiioners reserve the right to deny that mil levy until they set it in October.

That was a partial truth to set people off, George.


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