Tonight I Am Thankful For----------

Started by Wilma, August 22, 2011, 07:57:43 PM

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I am kind of down in the dumps tonight and reading the Forum hasn't helped any.  So, I decided that I had to take care of it myself.  I started thinking about what I am thankful for tonight.

I could say that I am thankful that today was cooler and that it tried to rain.  But that didn't help. 
I could say that I am thankful that there is football tonight, but I am not even watching it.
I could say that I am thankful that Janet found the book that I have been looking for, but she still has it.

Finally, it hit me.

I am thankful for my dishwasher.  Part of my blues were the dirty dishes in the sink.  Having a dishwasher cut down tremendously on the time that I had to spend at the sink.  Then, after scrubbing out the sink, I filled the Brita filter for water to fix the coffeepot for tomorrow morning.  There is another thankful.  Thankful that there will be hot coffee when I get up in the morning.  You know, if I keep thinking I bet I could come with a dozen more reasons for being thankfull. 

Goodnight, everybody.  I am thankful that you are there for me to unload on.  I feel lots better already.


Quote from: Wilma on August 22, 2011, 07:57:43 PM
I am thankful for my dishwasher.  Part of my blues were the dirty dishes in the sink.  Having a dishwasher cut down tremendously on the time that I had to spend at the sink.  Then, after scrubbing out the sink, I filled the Brita filter for water to fix the coffeepot for tomorrow morning.  There is another thankful.  Thankful that there will be hot coffee when I get up in the morning.  You know, if I keep thinking I bet I could come with a dozen more reasons for being thankfull. 

Goodnight, everybody.  I am thankful that you are there for me to unload on.  I feel lots better already.

Often it's the simple blessings we overlook.  Yet many times it's the smallest things that are of the greatest import.  Thanks for the reminder.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Miss Wilma...I am thankful for YOU...Your calm voice of reason...Your ability to see beyond hype and hysteria...And if you are beginning to cultivate an attitude of thankfulness, then please include my thanks among them.  You are a gem among gems.  ;)


Two more things to be thankful for, Cat and Pat.  I am feeling better.

Ms Bear

Wilma, we are very thankful to have you.  Not only do you feel that you can unload on us, you are always there to listen to us, make us feel good or needed.  You can start a subject that gets a response from a lot of forum members without tempers getting involved.

Tomorrow I am going to lunch with a friend that I do genealogy with so I am looking forward to that.  Might even hear from the electrician about when he is going to finish getting my 220 in so I can get an electric stove.  Haven't figured out how to fry an egg on a George Forman and really don't want to drag out the big electric skillet for two eggs.

I am waiting for you to start sharing pictures of the birds you are seeing.  Hope you have an interesting day tomorrow.


Tonight I am thankful for the PMs of encouragement that I have received. Also for the interesting dialogue from many different forum members. Often I disagree with their point of view and I am certain that they do not agree with me. However it is easy to pull together when really needed. Wilma, I am so jealous, I don't have a dishwasher except for these two hands that often look like they have been fed to the disposer after Charlie gets through chewing on them. Keep on keeping on my friend. Just keep on.  ;)

Judy Harder

Wilma, you are a blessing to all who know you. Thank you for being you.

I am thankful that I can wakeup each morning to a bright new world. Hopefully I can make a difference to someone during my day.

I am very thankful for my forum friends........when I posted a strange (for me) message you all got busy getting the help I needed.
Thank God it wasn't as bad as it could be...but, this proves that computers have become a new 911  life line.

a few of my family and friends think I spend too much time on it, but this just proves (as well as you all) that it is a very good
thing. for a semi-stationary person, this beats sitting around feeling sorry for myself or getting into trouble...........ok, past the age of that....... thank you friends and angels. 
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Hefe de vaca

        One of the best posts so far that I've read. Everyday of enjoying life is an adventure.

   " Our care should not be so much to live long, as to live well."  Seneca

Diane Amberg

I'm very thankful that this afternoon's event wasn't worse for anyone.


I am thankful for all in my life!  The good and the bad, the pleasures and the pain, the life and the death!  God provides all in his wisdom!  When I fall there is a reason, when I rise there is a reason and I know now that life has a reason!  I am thankful for all this life has offered me!  To all who are reading this and beyond, you are in my Prayers...  All of Mankind is in my prayers! 
May the gentle glow and silence of the stars bring you rest and may the Sun's light in the morning bring you joy and renew your day!  David
Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition.

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