The City of Howard, Shame!!!

Started by David, August 22, 2011, 04:59:23 AM

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Quote from Wilma:
And right there you would be in trouble within the city limits of Howard.  You can't even shoot a BB gun or I would have one.

I sure don't know about Howards ordinances  but most cities do have an ordinance that makes it unlawful to discharge a firearm in city limits-BUT---a BB or pellet  gun are not considered a firearm-PLUS---you have the right to protect yourself-SO if a mean look'n armadillo bares his saber tooth tiger sized fangs and makes a menacing move towards me I WILL blow the feathers of his carcass WITH a firearm and it's OK


Quote from: Wilma on September 03, 2011, 07:53:27 AM
And right there you would be in trouble within the city limits of Howard.  You can't even shoot a BB gun or I would have one.  And there is a reason that you can't be shooting BB's.  Too many domestic animals hit, birds killed and broken windows. 

First of all, IF I shoot something it dies. First shot, no second needed. Secondly i don't shoot windows, or houses.  Third Get real a bird?  Like we don't have enough of them already. Just take a good gander at ones pasture or trees around the house.  Tons of birds. It would be a good thing to thin them out  bit.  Fourth, domestic animals would not be hit in that i would be shooting varmint. See first reason... IF i shoot something IT dies not some domestic animal. 

There is no law against bb guns.  Secondly there can be no law that infringes upon the 2nd amendment.  Part of bearing arms is shooting them. 

NOW lets get into the particulars. IF ANYTHING LIKE THE ABOVE That you mentioned happens, then sue the individual. But a one law over all is not acceptable!   Last of all whats the fine?  50 bucks the last i checked for the illegal law of "unlawfully discharging a firearm in the city limits".

I agree with Jarhead, blast away!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on September 03, 2011, 07:57:53 AM
Well let me know via pm where it is. I  can't come get it at this moment, but when i get my 1 ton running in a week or two and i get my trailer that someones making me i'll be there with tools in hand to get as much as i can. I LOVE salvaging wood!  :D 

You have to understand i'm a craftsman. I use antique wood to make many things if i can get it.  I don't have a lot o money so i can't buy the wood to fuel my obsession with creating things out of wood. So i take any wood that is useable out of salvage. 

I have some of the old piedmont school in my shop that i am making some stuff out of it.  ITs hard as a rock so it takes a while to get something made but its gorgeous wood that has sat 90 years under a hot tin roof and baked all those years.   

IF my health holds out this fall, i'll be doing a lot more.  Last fall was miserable as i was constantly in the hospital over pancreas attacks.  Maybe this year will be a good year for me.

Those pancreas attacks are as painful as a heart attack or worse. Worse I think because they last for a long period of time. My wife has many small attacks but when that big one comes in it's hospital time.

I hope you do better this fall.


I meant to ask but forgot to---if Howard allowed you to shoot a BB gun you said you would have one. What would you plan on shooting with one ? Just curious.


Probably she would shoot at an ex-m.....Marine (ooops!  sorry, once a Marine always a Marine)..............Anyhow, she would probably shoot at some dude walking around carrying a metal detector if he was on her property after he found something she might want.   :laugh:


HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Quote from: Ross on September 03, 2011, 09:22:32 AM
Those pancreas attacks are as painful as a heart attack or worse. Worse I think because they last for a long period of time. My wife has many small attacks but when that big one comes in it's hospital time.

I hope you do better this fall.

I absolutely agree. I have had both. Heart attacks subside when you get control of your panic and movement but pancreas attack does not. It causes similar pain but much worse its localized in the stomach area instead of the chest.

THE ONLY solution to a attack is to stop eating or drinking anything for 3 -4 days.  When i have a bad one i usually end up in the hospital because even 2 or 3 percocet 10's will not bring the pain down to a tolerable level and you usually have to have at least morphine to get it to a tolerable level. They usually use daladid on me which i can only take for 3 or 4 days anyway before it causes the worst migrain headaches you have ever had.   

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I used to break up cat fights with a well placed BB.  Where we lived shooting was allowed, but in Haysville city limits even BB guns were not allowed.  When I said that pets, birds and windows were shot at, I was not meaning adults.  Children are allowed BB guns and as in every thing else, some of them are not sufficiently instructed in what is considered targets and what is not.

Now, I am not against children having BB guns.  I think that is one of the first steps in learning to shoot, but as in other things, they should be supervised until they can be trusted to do the right thing.

Jar, does your toy beep when it finds something?  Should I be listening for a beep?


(I am so sorry.................I just can't resist this one...........I am so bad.........)

Wilma, if you hear a beep, step aside, that means he is..............................

backing up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o :o :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


I gotta log off, and pack a bag, before some ol Marine (Dude) starts walking up my driveway!

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Too late Larry---the cross hairs are locked in on your front door right now !! :D

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