The City of Howard, Shame!!!

Started by David, August 22, 2011, 04:59:23 AM

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Janet Harrington

Quote from: Wilma on August 24, 2011, 06:38:38 PM
What is the rest of the story?  A city doesn't just issue a judgment and a huge fine without first giving some warnings.  I can sympathize with a person who is unable to take care of their yard.  But there are handymen around that can be hired to do those things.  It was mentioned that this person is headed for a wheel chair in the near future.  I am in a wheel chair, but I still get out and do what I can to take care of my yard.  What I can't do and what doesn't get done for me, I hire done.

Mother, I think the lady received a letter telling her what was going to happen if she didn't get the yard mowed. Maybe I read it wrong, but that's what I think was written.


There may have been a warning, Janet/Wilma.  That is the normal protocal.
They usually give it 3 times?

However.....the town is what?  250 voters in the city limits?  Rules are rules....yet give me a break.
That is like the local cops in a town of 150 putting on lights and sirens after an 83 year old lady for expired tags...and she was just going 2 blocks to get milk!

Isn't there a case by case scenarion or is it....across the board...
In that case, God help you all.


Quote from: Wilma on August 24, 2011, 06:38:38 PM
What is the rest of the story?  A city doesn't just issue a judgment and a huge fine without first giving some warnings.  I can sympathize with a person who is unable to take care of their yard.  But there are handymen around that can be hired to do those things.  It was mentioned that this person is headed for a wheel chair in the near future.  I am in a wheel chair, but I still get out and do what I can to take care of my yard.  What I can't do and what doesn't get done for me, I hire done.
You Wilma are fortunate enough to be able to do and /or have the money to pay to get it done. Not everyone is so fortunate.
MS can be a very debilitating disease both mentally and physically and if this is a young or middle aged person with no real retirement they ar not fortunate enough to have the extra money. I don't know all the facts on the person but my father had MS and a sister had MS and a close friend had MS. I do know a bit about MS.

You and I are fortunate enough to not have it.


Quote from: flo on August 24, 2011, 12:11:18 PM
Socialism - the equal sharing of misery

Yep, that's what you are trying to do here.  How bout some comments about the GOOD things about living in small town America?  Howard being one of them.  When did you last hear of a drive by shooting in Howard?  You hear plenty in the city.  When was the last time you heard of a bank being robbed in Howard? there's one robbed just about every day in the city.  When was the last time you went to the city and half the people there smiled and waved at you?  You'll see that every day in Howard.  You can choose to be a pessimist or optimist, a doer or a complainer, but you can't do it by yourself so you try to enlist others to join in your misery.  I choose to be an optimist and a doer (what I can) and will continue to wave and smile and thank the person who held the door open for me when entering the PO or grocery store.  That's something else you won't see much of in the city.  Our city council and county commissioners are hell if they do and hell if they don't.  Remember this? You can satisfy all the people part of the time, you can satisfy part of the people all the time and then there are those that you will never satisfy, regardless of what you do.  :-\
You eloquence doth slip by you by!  You make the arguements of a third grader who did not read her first grade books!
Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition.


Quote from: srkruzich on August 24, 2011, 12:13:23 PM
IF i remember right someone said something  about a drive by shooting in elk not too long ago!

It was me Steve, just a backfire from to many campfire beans! LOL 
Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition.


Yes, Ross, we are fortunate that our problems are not MS.  However, at this phase of this horrible disease, the person should be on disability and I know that can be sufficient for the needs of a small town citizen.  Anyone who has paid into the system is eligible for disability payments and even people who have not paid in can be eligible and do draw from it.


Quote from: Wilma on August 24, 2011, 09:36:15 PM
Yes, Ross, we are fortunate that our problems are not MS.  However, at this phase of this horrible disease, the person should be on disability and I know that can be sufficient for the needs of a small town citizen.  Anyone who has paid into the system is eligible for disability payments and even people who have not paid in can be eligible and do draw from it.
Wilma, I am trying hard to keep my mouth shut!  Her GOOBERMENT check is little more than enough to cover the monthly price of the mansion she lives in, she can't even use the chair in most of he house because it is not accessible.  I cut wood for her to burn in the winter, I bring food every chance I get so she will not starve and yes I cut her grass!  She is myserable and alone and none of you self righteous people have an answer for the way people hurt!  It is real easy to sit back and say you have had it rough when all you have had to deal with was a full belly and a choice of deserts!!!  What about the real hungry and those without?  Are you ready to forsake your own brother?  Sooner or later God will cut you Down!
Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition.


Quote from: David on August 24, 2011, 10:00:46 PM
  Wilma, I am trying hard to keep my mouth shut!  Her GOOBERMENT check is little more than enough to cover the monthly price of the mansion she lives in, she can't even use the chair in most of he house because it is not accessible.  I cut wood for her to burn in the winter, I bring food every chance I get so she will not starve and yes I cut her grass!  She is myserable and alone and none of you self righteous people have an answer for the way people hurt!  It is real easy to sit back and say you have had it rough when all you have had to deal with was a full belly and a choice of deserts!!!  What about the real hungry and those without?  Are you ready to forsake your own brother?  Sooner or later God will cut you Down!
Now, now David we have to have some tolerance of those more fortunate than others that don't understand. Especially those that loudly proclaim christianity or the fact they do for the children, especially when the children are not theirs and they want to provide a trip to the city to watch ballet at taxpayers expense while other children do without food and clothing.

So David, let's show a little tolerance and compassion for these folks. So, if they are stuck on the road with a flat tire or have run out of gas, or stuck in a snow drift,  I won't drive by flipping the bird but I will stop and offer a hand. Not a hand out, but a hand of help and no tax dollars will be involved.


i have to agree with david on this one as a four county employee the poeple who are on disability still have a huge struggle. SSI which pays on a needs based is for people who have not enough work credits to draw SSDI which is you have enough work credits and you earned what you draw from social security. the cap on what a person on SSI can draw per month is $674.00 per month and they usually get under $50.00 per month in food stamps. doesn't sound so glamours too me. then here is an example for you i worked with a patient who worked all his lifeand his SSDI check was $1500.00 a month,but because he was under retirement age he had to wait 2 years for Medicare insurance. he was eligible for a medical card but he had a $5,600.00 spindown every 6 months before his medical would pay. i guess my point is that disability is not as glamorous as some think it is. Now for my personal opinion after looking at the names that recieve farmers welfare checks they are living the glamorous life. i mean where else could you work that you get paid to set in the local cafe and drink coffee most of the day and get paid thousands for running a business that is a failure year after year? now that is the type of welfare check i want to get!!!!!


I also have personal knowledge of what disability pays.  That along with SRS assistance is working quite well for a person I know.  It doesn't provide for luxuries and it doesn't always cover something that is wanted, but by managing and saving, this person has what is needed, owns and maintains a car and can afford an occasional luxury.  You just have to take advantage of what is available.  I would rather pay taxes than to try to find the people that need my assistance and help them.  It is cheaper.

Probably the thing that I am most fortunate in is having children that I can ask for help when I need it.  I am not totally disabled, I just can't stand or walk, but I do very well in my chair.  I keep my house in order so that I can get around in the chair.  Before I moved here I had doors replaced so that I could wheel into the bathrooms and my closet.  I had the gigantic tub replaced with an oversized shower so I wouldn't need assistance there.  I bought appliances that I could use easily.  After years of adapting, I know what my needs are now and what I can't do.  It is called adjustment.  When adjustment means giving up your independence and living where your needs are taken care of, then so be it. 

One other thing, the people in Howard are very helpful and charitable.  Charity begins at home, but is it charity when it is accompanied by resentment and complaining?  Mowing and cleaning an old person's yard is commendable, but it would be more so if the deed were done before it becomes a nuisance.

Now, if I don't get off here and get my day started, I won't be able to get outside before it gets too hot for me.

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