The City of Howard, Shame!!!

Started by David, August 22, 2011, 04:59:23 AM

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Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


RE:  Trash cans left beside the street after trash pickup.

Why would anyone want to leave their trash can where it could blow around, get hit by traffic or used for target practice?  Why do some people not think about how their property looks when it is unkempt?  Why do some people wonder why property in Howard isn't worth much when they can see why nobody wants to buy it?

There is one little word that explains the reasons that the city wants the yards mowed and the trash cans put away between pickup days.  It is "PRIDE".  Pride in the appearance of your home.  Pride in the appearance of your community.  Pride that is visible to visitors.  Pride in your community that just might tempt outsiders to become insiders.

Excuse me, boys, but why are  you squabbling over the rules and regulations of a town that you don't live in?


Because their other sacred cow is DOA...The thread is effectively dead.  So...Instead of staying on their own pile of dung, they're moving their brand of stink over to the Coffee Shop.  So much for a safe haven from the haters on the Forum...


Quote from: Jefe de vaca on August 23, 2011, 06:18:25 PM
    Ease up Janet, we all know where they get their jollies. Your family gets the utmost of respect from this sector. No convincing the "Howard Haters" otherwise. This thread just gave them something new to jump on, since their other thread is Dyyyyyinggggg.
We are not Howard haters, you sir have no clue apparently what is going on.
Or do you? Do you believe Ek is all about Howard? Is that what you are trying to say?
And I believe as I have said before I believe you are just a bully.
Because of all the hateful statements you make when you have nothing intellegent to say.
no sir, that thread is not dead.
There were just recentlly seven more responses on it.
Yes, defenders showed up being ugly with their messages.
Letting all know they lack the decency to be honorable.
But it is still alive, even thought you can not aswer the posts responsibly.

I wish you a good evening.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Jefe de vaca on August 23, 2011, 06:18:25 PM
    Ease up Janet, we all know where they get their jollies. Your family gets the utmost of respect from this sector. No convincing the "Howard Haters" otherwise. This thread just gave them something new to jump on, since their other thread is Dyyyyyinggggg.

Thank you, Jefe. I appreciate your support.

@Hillbilly, no one was convicted because your county commissioner, (she is not mine because I didn't vote for her), said no one could prove who did it. I can tell you exactly who did it and he still works for the road/weed department. Anyway, neither here nor there. It's really funny, I think, that the county commissioner didn't even ask the sheriff's office to investigate it. But, then, you work at the Longton shop, I think, so what would you know?

@ everyone else...this thread started off from David talking about the city telling a disabled person that she needed to mow her grass or get taxed because the city had to mow it. Then it went to talking about trash pretty fast.

I can remember when everyone hated Francis E. Bliss because of trash dumpsters. Gosh, I'm so glad I am not in public office anymore. I get to say what I think. LOL

Janet Harrington

Quote from: warsey on August 22, 2011, 10:22:13 AM
When I lived in Howard I used to mow my nieghbors lawn when I mowed
mine. It wasnt that big a deal.She was 86yrs old at the time.I was just
thankful for her friendship.

Hey, warsey. Good to see you online. And as for you helping your neighbor, you were always one of the nicest people I have ever known. I sure didn't know you had moved to Moline. LOL


Quote from: Janet Harrington on August 23, 2011, 08:02:29 PM
@Hillbilly, no one was convicted because your county commissioner, (she is not mine because I didn't vote for her), said no one could prove who did it. I can tell you exactly who did it and he still works for the road/weed department. Anyway, neither here nor there. It's really funny, I think, that the county commissioner didn't even ask the sheriff's office to investigate it. But, then, you work at the Longton shop, I think, so what would you know?

Hey, I didn't vote for her either...Not my district, wouldn't if it was my district. Work out of the Longton shop? Damn straight. So what would I know? Apparently more than you. Apparently you with all your wisdom and knowledge (don't get the big head because that was sarcasm) you're not all that intelligent with the ongoings in your own district, much less county or you would've realized that there has been several people hired before and after the infamous word writing in the grass incident across from your momma's house. Did the sheriff's department investigate it? I'm going to say no to wasting the taxpayer's dime on a dirty word wrote in the grass. People are innocent until proven guilty in the court of law. Why don't you tell us who you think it is so they can sue you?  And if you ain't willing to put that name out there, then shut up. Go back to shaking your doors and making I.D. badges. I believe there are more important things that are wrong with this county now (and in the past) than something that happened with grass. Even Fall River has had it's share of mistakes, right?----Robert

P.S. The point made about Liz mowing earlier in this thread was not intended to rehash this subject. If Elk Konnected cares so much about appearance and physical image, you would think one of those steering members/owners could go help a disabled woman out with mowing their yard. That was the point being made!




Quote from: Wilma on August 23, 2011, 06:41:14 PM
RE:  Trash cans left beside the street after trash pickup.

Why would anyone want to leave their trash can where it could blow around, get hit by traffic or used for target practice?  Why do some people not think about how their property looks when it is unkempt?  Why do some people wonder why property in Howard isn't worth much when they can see why nobody wants to buy it?

There is one little word that explains the reasons that the city wants the yards mowed and the trash cans put away between pickup days.  It is "PRIDE".  Pride in the appearance of your home.  Pride in the appearance of your community.  Pride that is visible to visitors.  Pride in your community that just might tempt outsiders to become insiders.

Excuse me, boys, but why are  you squabbling over the rules and regulations of a town that you don't live in?

Pro 16:18 KJV - Pride [goeth] before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.
Pro 16:19 KJV - Better [it is to be] of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


10 pages and counting...Here we go...





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