The City of Howard, Shame!!!

Started by David, August 22, 2011, 04:59:23 AM

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Quote from: Patriot on August 23, 2011, 07:55:27 AM
David, thanks for starting this thread.  We have learned much about how the needs of citizens can not be met by government, and how government often is the source of increased undeserved anxiety among those they are elected to serve.  We have been reminded that there are folks right in our midst that are living with simple needs going unmet and that we must be constantly aware of those around us.  We see how important it is to really know those to whom we give power and that we can't elect and forget.  Our leaders must be called to account for toolishness.  Thanks again.
The oath of office for county commissioner does not say a thing about loyalty to the people of/or to the county of Elk County.
I think Perhaps it should.

It only refers to upholding the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of Kansas.


Quote from: Wilma on August 23, 2011, 10:21:16 AM
I have stayed out of this because I don't have a problem with the city of Howard.  My yard is mowed and I don't do it.  I am lucky enough to have a son-in-law whose mission in life seems to be to see that this old lady has what she needs.  The whole town is lucky to have him as he has in the past and still does, mows lawns free of charge for people that he knows can't do it themselves and can't afford to pay to have it done.  He is getting to the place himself that this is hard for him to do, but he still does it.  He doesn't stop with lawn mowing.  He does whatever he sees needs to be done.  You all know him as Jim Harrington, Janet's husband.  I know him as one of the best sons-in-law that a person can be lucky enough to have and I am one of the lucky ones.

Howard doesn't lack in charitable people.  However, charitable people can't help unless they know where help is needed.  Just look around.  You probably know someone that could use some help.  Don't wait for them to ask you.  Go ask them what you can do to help.

Wilma, I agree that Howard has a lot of people that do work for others for nothing. My 2 brothers and others I know have mowed a lot of yards for nothing, and would help anyone in need. I don't think we know all of the story on the lady that this post was about.


Not only does Howard have people that way, so does Longton. I wasn't going to beat my chest---BUT---this past month I started mowing 4 yards that aren't mine. They were in raggedy ass shape, all 4 of them, but I think Judy will confirm the yards are looking pretty spiffy right now. Even had to use my tractor and bush hog one of them before I could mow it. Do I do it for money ? NO !! Do I do it to put a feather in my hat ? No !! Am I doing it so I have 4 yards to metal detect in when it cools down ? You damn bippy, that's why I'm doing it !! Kinda puts a tear in your eye, doesn't it Frank ?


Ron, I am not surprised at all that Longton has people like that and that you are one of them. I have communicated with you enough to know that you are that kind of person. However you are an onery cuss at times. I could say more but I don't want you to get the bighead.

Ron, I think every town in America has people like that. We have lived several places in Kansas, lived in Oklahoma and Texas and we have always had great neighbors. Ron, I think great neighbors comes with attitude and how you treat them.

Reminds me of a story one of my mentors in Howard when I was growing up told me.
"A couple was looking at moving to a new area and they drove around the area and saw a couple sitting on the porch and they stopped and asked them how the people were around there, the old fellow on the porch said how are they where you came from, the visitor said " they are great, good neighbors and do anything to help you, the old fellow on the porch said "That's just the way they are around here". The next day another couple went to the same area looking to move there, the same old couple was sitting on the porch and the couple stopped and asked them how the people were around there, the old fellow on the porch said, how are they where you came from, the visitors said "Terrible, won't help you at all, not friendly don't like any of them", the old man on the porch said "that is just the way they are around here".


I don't really think this thread was about good people helping neighbors in the first place.  I see it as more of an indictment of a small town government who are so arrogant as to believe that hammering the elderly for $75 to do a $10 mowing job is necessary at all. In a town the size of Howard are such 'enforcement' actions really necessary, or could someone with the city not found one of those helpers in the community?  Howard isn't, after all, New York City.... so why act like it?
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


I will reserve answering that till I know what the whole story is on this. I still think there is more to that story than what has been said.

Judy Harder

Quote from: jarhead on August 23, 2011, 12:19:51 PM
Not only does Howard have people that way, so does Longton. I wasn't going to beat my chest---BUT---this past month I started mowing 4 yards that aren't mine. They were in raggedy ass shape, all 4 of them, but I think Judy will confirm the yards are looking pretty spiffy right now. Even had to use my tractor and bush hog one of them before I could mow it. Do I do it for money ? NO !! Do I do it to put a feather in my hat ? No !! Am I doing it so I have 4 yards to metal detect in when it cools down ? You damn bippy, that's why I'm doing it !! Kinda puts a tear in your eye, doesn't it Frank ?

Just this morning I did my walk up north past my church and towards Hitchin Creek and realized the ground Ron was talking about looked great. I knew the owner hadn't been here all that much this summer and that it was really looking good. Now, unless the city gets on him, his yard gets the shaggiest of the whole town.... Ron, you have it looking like someone cares down there.
Almost beautiful.

As for Diane, I to owe her thanks for donations that show up from time to time and turn out to be just what God has planned.
When we need help and ask for it.....or not, God does send help in the form of human angels. He does ask us to share what we have even if it is a pat on the back for a job well done.

So, for all of you good samartians. thank you so much....and I realize this has been a long hot summer..but do you think the back stabbing can let up now....?? Play nice children! You all are better friends and neighbors than this.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Hefe de vaca

Quote from: David on August 22, 2011, 05:47:55 AM
I would like very much to see us join hands as a community!  Why cant we reach up for help and reach down for those who need us!

   This is a quote from the author of this thread.

   I have met just as many people in NYC that are caring and giving as I have met here, and just as many who complain they are getting screwed by the local government. No, I have seen more of the latter here on this forum.

  Many people have offered ideas and help on this thread, and a few have made it all about their agenda to point fingers and suggest those in office only want money to put in their pocket.

  You, Patsy, with all your juvenille accusations show us all the kind of person who has no desire to help their fellow man, only perpetrate animosity and aversion to community with totally nebulous reasoning.

   You obviously missed the congealment of the communities in New York after 9/11, and their fortitude to remain united. On the eve of that event, you are base to refer to them in such a manner. >:( >:( >:( SOSDD from you. I know that has somewhat a swear word in it :o but you deserve worse with your infantile inferences  ::)

   If you don't want to be part of the solution, you are part of the problem. :police:

 I would like to include Teresa's post in "What they gave to me" regarding the song of Diamond Rio's that radio stations banned here.I believe it was #64.

   Oh, and I might add, your input here has been, ZERO, Patsy. :-*


Quote from: Jefe de vaca on August 23, 2011, 03:29:50 PM
You, Patsy, with all your juvenille accusations show us all the kind of person who has no desire to help their fellow man, only perpetrate animosity and aversion to community with totally nebulous reasoning.
Oh, and I might add, your input here has been, ZERO, Patsy. :-*

Wrong Heifer..I know for a FACT that if I needed anything, Patriot is one of the people I could call on. AND I will GUARANTEE you that I am not the ONLY person in this county that could call on Patriot and he would do EVERYTHING in his power to make sure what NEEDED to be done was done! His input is that of a very smart man, Heifer--a man that I will listen to any time he wants to speak. Apparently, YOU have NO CLUE as to who he is and have NEVER been around him for YOU to make unfounded statements like the ones I quoted of yours above. It's a good thing other people know him and don't have to rely on your opinion of him.----Jennifer



Hefe de vaca

     Sorry , Judy, didn't mean for this to follow one of your insightful posts.  :'( Just didn't care for the slight on the good people of New York. :P

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