The City of Howard, Shame!!!

Started by David, August 22, 2011, 04:59:23 AM

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Quote from: readyaimduck on August 24, 2011, 07:12:43 PM
There may have been a warning, Janet/Wilma.  That is the normal protocal.
They usually give it 3 times?

However.....the town is what?  250 voters in the city limits?  Rules are rules....yet give me a break.
That is like the local cops in a town of 150 putting on lights and sirens after an 83 year old lady for expired tags...and she was just going 2 blocks to get milk!

Isn't there a case by case scenarion or is it....across the board...
In that case, God help you all.

Pitiful isn't it! 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Wilma on August 24, 2011, 09:36:15 PM
Yes, Ross, we are fortunate that our problems are not MS.  However, at this phase of this horrible disease, the person should be on disability and I know that can be sufficient for the needs of a small town citizen.  Anyone who has paid into the system is eligible for disability payments and even people who have not paid in can be eligible and do draw from it.

THats not true wilma, MS strikes the young mostly.  AND to get disability you have to have paid in 40 quarters to recieve it and most folks at 35 haven't paid in that many quarters.  Secondly your amount is based on the last 5 years you work, and that could have been for low wages and that would make your check too small to live on.  So no thats not the case with MS.  Most of the folks i know that have been stricken with ms got hit at age 29 and 30. Too young to claim disability.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: David on August 24, 2011, 10:00:46 PM
  Wilma, I am trying hard to keep my mouth shut!  Her GOOBERMENT check is little more than enough to cover the monthly price of the mansion she lives in, she can't even use the chair in most of he house because it is not accessible.  I cut wood for her to burn in the winter, I bring food every chance I get so she will not starve and yes I cut her grass!  She is myserable and alone and none of you self righteous people have an answer for the way people hurt!  It is real easy to sit back and say you have had it rough when all you have had to deal with was a full belly and a choice of deserts!!!  What about the real hungry and those without?  Are you ready to forsake your own brother?  Sooner or later God will cut you Down!

THis lady doesn't have food?  Thats not acceptable.  I have some here i will give out my pantry but i do not have a vehicle i can drive to deliver it if someone would like to come get it for her.  I'll share what i have. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: cheyronni on August 25, 2011, 06:41:58 AM
i guess my point is that disability is not as glamorous as some think it is. Now for my personal opinion after looking at the names that recieve farmers welfare checks they are living the glamorous life. i mean where else could you work that you get paid to set in the local cafe and drink coffee most of the day and get paid thousands for running a business that is a failure year after year? now that is the type of welfare check i want to get!!!!!

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: redcliffsw on August 25, 2011, 07:29:27 AM
Cheaper?  How so?

Government ought to be guarding our individual liberty instead of taking our money to give to others.

Democracy, you say?  Rounding up the votes to take other peoples money and property does not make it right either.

Making them give, the anti-American way.

Its not cheaper really just more convenient you know. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


QuotePosted by: srkruzich
QuotePitiful isn't it!  

Yes it is.  It is called common sense, which sometimes is lacking with those with absolute power to only folllow the written law.

As to the football team, Steve. would be an off duty workout pre-football season just like bailing hay in the summer.
No strings...and no give and take.  It would be:
here are some yards that need mowed.  Work it out guys and see how your football team handling teamwork.
If they don't, then they need to work out in the gym on their own.

It's called:  in my day, it was just being a good neighbor or a citizen...but noooooooooooo   we have to label everything in order to get funding.
pfffttttt   I say.


Quote from: mtcookson on August 25, 2011, 07:33:46 AM
I don't believe anyone here would ever resent and complain about charity. They will however resent and complain about an abusive city/government, I know I will.

Charity is not charity if it is stolen from people in the first place.  Whoever called foodstamps or medicaid charity has no clue as to the true meaning of it.  Destroys the entire concept of taking care of others.  For all the christian folks that are ok with government theft in the name of the lords charity, God loveth a cheerful giver, and i haven't ever seen a cheerful person on tax day when they are writing out those thousands of dollars to the gooberment.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Ready its not that i don't think its a good idea.  But the fact is these kids time is worth something and no one has a right to take that time from them by force.  IT would be tantamount to stealing their life since they cannot get those minutes back.  Now kids that are raised right are raised to help others by VOLENTEERING of their own free will.  I instilled the act of volenteering in mine. IN FACT my boys paid money they earned in the summertime to volenteer to go to cities all over the region to volenteer to fix roofs, cut lawns, clean homes, ect for mostly disabled people mostly elderly.  This was  run  by the GA baptist association and was a fine event.  THe boys loved doing it because of this. They got to go out of town away from the house rules for one, they got to go with friends, and they got to see new cities. It was a awesome way to teach. EVEN THOUGH one of mine darn near got arrested once for diving off a dock in charleston.  he was damn lucky he was a excellent swimmer cause he had to swim about a 1/2 mile to get out of the water!  :|  Wasn't happy with him on that one!  But he made it and came home safe. Now he's jumping into firefights in lybia and afghanistan. 

Anyway if they football team is doing it as  a part of their pt then thats a kool idea.  :)

Quote from: readyaimduck on August 25, 2011, 07:00:53 PM

Yes it is.  It is called common sense, which sometimes is lacking with those with absolute power to only folllow the written law.

As to the football team, Steve. would be an off duty workout pre-football season just like bailing hay in the summer.
No strings...and no give and take.  It would be:
here are some yards that need mowed.  Work it out guys and see how your football team handling teamwork.
If they don't, then they need to work out in the gym on their own.

It's called:  in my day, it was just being a good neighbor or a citizen...but noooooooooooo   we have to label everything in order to get funding.
pfffttttt   I say.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I think we are in agreeance Steve as to VOLUNTEERING to better onself..just got cornfused in the backwards discussion.
Sorry if I didn't make myself clearer.


Quote from: srkruzich on August 25, 2011, 06:54:47 PM
THis lady doesn't have food?  Thats not acceptable.  I have some here i will give out my pantry but i do not have a vehicle i can drive to deliver it if someone would like to come get it for her.  I'll share what i have. 

Steve, you are the kind of Angel this world and this community needs, May God Bless You and Yours!  She is very proud and even though she hurts and does without she knows we are all hurting these days!  Keep your food stored for now for the day may come when we all will have to sit together and share a can of beans!  What I have is hers and yours and every neighbor, friend or supposed enemy!  If you ever need me just holler!  David 
Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition.

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