ZIRN, Catherine (Sherman) - b. October 18, 1843 -d. September, 1910

Started by Janet Harrington, November 18, 2006, 05:27:06 PM

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Janet Harrington

Catherine Zirn, nee Sherman, was born in Oberfelt, Germany, October 18, 1843.  When about four years of age with her parents and family she came to this country and located in Lafayette county, Missouri, living there until 1858, when they came to Miami county, Kansas.   She was the third child born into the family, only one brother survives her, William Sherman, who lives on a farm nearby.

Catherine Sherman was married to German Zirn in 1861 in Miami county, Kansas.  In 1872 with her husband she came to Elk county.  They located on a claim which has been their home until the decease of the departed.  She shared with her husband all the hardships and privations of pioneer life.  Together they toiled to make a home for themselves and their growing family.

Five children were born to German and Catherine Zirn; two died in infancy; three, Henry, Milly and Carl survive and are present at this the last service given to their devoted mother.  All were with the mother in her last sickness, and with her husband and many friends did all that loving hearts and willing hands of the life of the one dear to them free from pain and suffering.

Sister Zirn gave her heart and life to her Savior in January 1876.  She united with the Baptist church of Howard, being baptized by Rev. J. M. Haycraft.  She was a member of the Howard Baptist church at the time of her death.  She retained a firm trust in her Savior to the last.  There seemed to be a desire in her heart to know her Savior in fellowship and to serve him in some humble way.

While not robust of health in late years, for the most part she was active and did a large share of the work of the home.  On Wednesday last, early in the day she compalined of a pain in her head, which quickly became acute and very soon she became unconscious and so remained until her passing away Friday afternoon last.  The immediate cause of her death was the bursting of a blood vessel in the brain.  At her death she was 66 years, 11 months, 5 days of age.

She was a devoted and helpful wife, a tender and loving mother, a kind and sympathetic neighbor and friend.  She will be missed.  Who can fill a wife's and mother's place!  But the memory of a loving devoted, Christian lilfe is left a bright legacy to sorrowing friends.

Funeral services conducted by Rev. W. E. Bates of the Howard Baptist church, Sunday September 25, 1910.  interment in Grace Lawn cemetery.

A large concourse of friends were persent.

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