what has happened folks?

Started by readyaimduck, August 10, 2011, 08:12:54 PM

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W. Gray

I can recall in 1954 when the Pledge of Allegiance was changed with the words "under God."

A lot of people in my town were grumbling about the change, but I don't recall that there was any organized resistance or public pressure against it.

In school, it took a few days for the entire class to get the hang of it for the two new words and I recall there was a lot of chuckling even by the teacher when some of the kids would forget to add the new words.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


There's no reason to recite the Pledge of Allegiance that I can see unless one supports the tyranny of the central government and socialist direction of the USA.

Diane Amberg

I really feel sorry for your deep unhappiness.


I tend to agree with Red on this. Now don't get me wrong, that flag is revered and honored in this house!  And God help the fool that would desecrate one in front of me, cause i'll be going to jail for shoving the flagpole up their ass for it!  But I don't ever pledge allegience to a government.  My allegiance is to my country and only my country.  The words pledge the allegiance to the flag which is a maritime flag. It represents government not a nation in all reality.  The Republic is the Government, not the country and it assigns the flag as a representation of that government not our country.  The part of One nation under God is true, and i do support that. Indivisible not true, we are separate entities of 50 independent sovereigns, coming together as one force. Being that we are independent sovereigns we have all rights to not participate in any event if we so choose so we would be divided on some issues. Liberty is not given from the flag, it is given by God and no one else. The flag represents the lives of those lost defending our God given right of liberty, it represnts  a lot of blood and sacrifice so it is a hallowed flag.  Justice is not a part of the constitutional provisions. Justice is a by product of a republic based on a rule of law so the flag has nothing to do with justice! It was added as a feel good statement to make people feel all warm and fuzzy!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

    When we had to learn the new "under God" part, I remember our teacher (Miss Cope)  having us practice it ...one nation, under God indivisible, with no pause after the word God. Somehow that has gotten lost over the years. She said it meant that as long as we were all united as Americans under God, the nation would never be split apart. We would stand strong together forever. 
    Remember, Korea had just ended and the military from both WWII and Korea were looking to settle down again and get back to "normal". Of course we read the bible every day back then, with the Jewish kids reading from the Old Testament if they chose to.It wasn't a big deal. 


Dianne:  It was the "Under God"  that we have an option to leave in or omit that I was referring to.

Why is this even considered?  That was what I was trying to say...no proof needed!


"The Pledge itself is an oath of allegiance to the central state, and the "under God" language only serves to deify the state.  From the perspective of a Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, or James Madison, nothing could be more un-American.  After all, they and their contemporaries had fought a long and bloody war of secession to sever their forced allegiance, complete with loyalty oaths, to another overbearing and tyrannical state, namely the British empire."
-Dr. Thomas DiLorenzo



I have said the Pledge every day of my school year for over 15 years now...I pledge to defend, honor and support my nation, against all comers...I pledge to do my best to educate the children of people who aren't smart enough to know how good they've got it here (try having the kind of openness found on this Forum over in the Arab states...Go for it...)...I pledge to raise my children to be aware of the blessings that they enjoy just by accident of birth...And I pledge all of this, regardless of what namby pamby is at the helm.  I am an AMERICAN...Not just someone who sits around, bitches and cusses and yet sops up all of the great advantages that being an American affords them.

I DO PLEDGE.  If you don't like this great nation, then buy yourself a one-way ticket to anywhere else and get the hell out of here...WE DON'T NEED YOUR NOISE. 

Diane Amberg

Ready, thanks for your explanation. Are you old enough to remember having to relearn it?


I don't ever remember NOT saying 'Under God"  and I am 58.!

I understand as to why it was be put in...however I think it is about other groups of 'fair' and equality of religion that caused it to be considered taken out.  Perhaps someone could point me to a link for some more edumacation.

I still think it stinks.

And the powers that be, cat irregardless of how you feel,...could cause you to be reprimanded or fired for saying it.
Up to the kids to insert, yes I know....however you would then be considered a traitor to the laws of the land.

Not disagreeing with you...just giving you a sense of this world.

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