what has happened folks?

Started by readyaimduck, August 10, 2011, 08:12:54 PM

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quote from catwoman:
Jar, I DARE you to try teaching elementary, with about 25-28 in one class...Go for it, big guy...You'll find out quick that it's extremely high stress.  It's not like teaching a bunch of adult yahoos about da law...And teaching way before I was born would have been a HELL of a lot easier than teaching the kids today..

I did not say I taught "da law" I said I taught classes on the LAAW (Light Anti-tank / Assault Weapon ), along with classes on Squad tactics. No , no stress there---just a bunch of "adult yahoos" who without exception were Viet Nam bound, knowing that some of them would return in body bags---but no stress !! Maybe it would have been more important to teach them about nouns and verbs but at the time I tried to teach them something that might--just might save their life.It would have been nice if you would just call them young Marines because "adult Yahoos' doesn't really pay them justice.
As you repeatedly like to beat your chest about being teacher and what a hard job it is--and what a great job you are doing--you might want to read your below post.
Re: Elk County Hand Out At Commissioners Meeting on 4/25
« Reply #2170 on: Today at 09:44:18 am »  


Mr. Ross, it is a well known fact that there are those who have a deep-seated need to seek attention...And then there are those who have no need of that and do the right thing anyway, quietly, knowing it was the right thing to do.

W. Gray


I had very little contact with the LAW other than training but what really surprised me as a young kid was that it was a fire once and then throw it away weapon.

The Army even classified it as ammunition, as I recall.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


The LAAW was a fire once, throw it away weapon. We trained with a 3.5 Rocket Launcher (bazooka ) but I never saw one in Nam. It was too heavy to lug around in the mountains in NW Nam---not to say it wasn't used elsewhere further south. I would like to say I blew the crap out of stuff with a LAAW but truth be, I never fired one in Nam. Until I became a radioman (OJT) I did carry my fair share of LAAW's and they were a nice little "bunker buster" I could have witnessed it taking out bunkers but me being interested in soil conservation, at those times, I had my nose close to the ground studying the dirt---up close and personal  !! :)


Quote from: Catwoman on August 14, 2011, 09:25:02 AM

Listen, you moron...
Now...I'll retract the claws and go continue my efforts in my school room today.  I prefer the low SES crowd to what I'm finding here. 

So much for your intellectual writing abilities... good Christian woman (your words, not mine), right?  Now, tell us how you were 'goaded' into your high tech reaction.  Thank God your not a gun carrying law enforcement officer.... with that short fuse n all.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


As you will note, I have removed myself from this discussion.  I can't do anything to help the lack of knowledge displayed here.  And, by the way...As many months as I've been listening to this uninformed BS, I'd hardly call my reacting now having a short fuse.  Someone needs to put all of you idiots in your place.

Diane, they're all yours.  


Quote from: Catwoman on August 13, 2011, 07:55:22 PM
Well, as you're the first one, on a different thread, to use that, I guess you'd know... ;D

kinda negates the judge not least ye be judged.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: jarhead on August 14, 2011, 08:39:04 AM
quote from catwoman:
Jar, I DARE you to try teaching elementary, with about 25-28 in one class...Go for it, big guy...You'll find out quick that it's extremely high stress.  It's not like teaching a bunch of adult yahoos about da law...And teaching way before I was born would have been a HELL of a lot easier than teaching the kids today..

Ehhhh elementary kids are creampuffs!  You haven't done squat til you jump into the lions den of highschool
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Catwoman on August 14, 2011, 10:38:41 AM
As you will note, I have removed myself from this discussion.  I can't do anything to help the lack of knowledge displayed here.  And, by the way...As many months as I've been listening to this uninformed BS, I'd hardly call my reacting now having a short fuse.  Someone needs to put all of you idiots in your place.

Diane, they're all yours.  

Oh, yes, please, Diane, PLEASE put all of us IDIOTS in our place...We just can't wait to see what kind of infinite wisdom you can spout today!! Or how many times you can change the subject to suit your spoutings....




Quote from: Catwoman on August 14, 2011, 10:38:41 AM
As you will note, I have removed myself from this discussion.  I can't do anything to help the lack of knowledge displayed here.  And, by the way...As many months as I've been listening to this uninformed BS, I'd hardly call my reacting now having a short fuse.  Someone needs to put all of you idiots in your place.

Diane, they're all yours.  

Removed yourself?  No, you removed a couple of indefensible rants rather than face the music.  Pretty gutless and lacking in integrity, imo.  I have no doubt you're still cussin & discussin in the background.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Now, back to the discussion at hand.  What has hppened to folks?
Our rights are being chisled at little by little (as in termites) that can't be killed one by one...nah....have to fumigate. That starts with the people questioning and depicting the laws....the congress as well as the president.
And in my opinion....they don't really care...only what the people that give them the most money says...
That's called buying your Senator on sale.

On this forum, it is not any different than whether we should say the Pledge of Allegience, or not and if we do wether to insert Under God...for lest we not offend ANYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And, I think there are a few on here that cannot be boughten and wil stand their ground.

In the meantime...how as we, the Idiot, little people of podunk Kansas fix or deal with this?

ready for action, cuz this country's delimma gives me a bad tasted in my mouth.   and I won't move to SWITZERLAND...although I do love their cheese!    ;D

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