Land ownership...

Started by Patriot, August 04, 2011, 09:16:18 AM

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So now you are saying that there isn't any corruption, just maybe something that you perceive as possibly unethical.  Tell me, what is unethical about belonging to a non-profit organization that requests taxpayer funds, (just as numerous other organizations do)?  If the commissioner belonged to the Howard Ball Organization, would it still be unethical.  Would it be unethical if a commissioner belonged to the Longton Fair Board when they asked for money to help rebuild their building?  Where is the unethical?  What about the times that Longton has requested help in repairing their streets?  Does a commissioner have to give up every possible connection to other organizations just to be ethical?


Quote from: Wilma on August 05, 2011, 08:53:02 PM
So now you are saying that there isn't any corruption, just maybe something that you perceive as possibly unethical.  Tell me, what is unethical about belonging to a non-profit organization that requests taxpayer funds, (just as numerous other organizations do)?  If the commissioner belonged to the Howard Ball Organization, would it still be unethical.  Would it be unethical if a commissioner belonged to the Longton Fair Board when they asked for money to help rebuild their building?  Where is the unethical?  What about the times that Longton has requested help in repairing their streets?  Does a commissioner have to give up every possible connection to other organizations just to be ethical?
No, Wilma playing two parts at one time as a Commissioner a person should be Commissioner only and not the organization. Very simple. If you can't keep the positions seperate, give one up. Simple, huh? And I personally have never used the word corruption. However since you continue to bring it up, can't you see where a lack of ethics could lead to it? If you represent the Howard Ball Organization and that Organization comes before you requesting taxpayers dollars that would be very unethical especially if two out of three Commissioners are cheerleaders for the organization. Can you not see the conflict of interest? Can you not see the lack of ethics in the situation? There are no excuses fo the behavior, none. And to use your title of Commissioner to further a groups agenda is totally uncalled for. The citizens of the county are who you represent as a County Commissioner  and no one else and the title is not for your own use willy-nilly. Simple ethics.


Quote from: Wilma on August 05, 2011, 08:53:02 PM
  What about the times that Longton has requested help in repairing their streets? \

Uh Wilma, could you please tell me when this was ? Who did Longton request the help from ? Were they denied the help or richly rewarded with mucho dinero to fix our streets  ? Just asking .


Quote from: Wilma on August 05, 2011, 07:13:45 AM

I know this is off topic, but this thread is still impugning the reputations of our commissioners..

Yes, you are off topic, but what's new.  This thread has not one damned thing to do with the county commission or any commissioner or any public employee, or, for that matter, Elk Konnected. Other than in response to your off point ramblings.  You're busy defending and nothing in this thread is alleging anything about anyone.  Are you, or someone you know, feeling guilty about something?  Is there some drive to defend to avoid confession?
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Wilma on August 05, 2011, 02:25:12 PM
Ross, don't you know that you can't do anything in Elk County without the whole county knowing about it?  How and where could our commissioners get away with anything?  There are a lot of rocks but not enough to hide behind if you want to do something you shouldn't be doing.

Unchristian like gossip and backbiting?  Surely not in Elk where we're family oriented and all looking out for one another.  Such rumor mongering would definitely set a bad example for our children.... please say it ain't so!
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Wilma on August 05, 2011, 08:53:02 PM
Tell me, what is unethical about belonging to a non-profit organization that requests taxpayer funds...

To which non-profit do you refer?  Be careful now, facts and truth are important.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Can you prove that ELK LLC is not a non-profit organization?


Quote from: Wilma on August 06, 2011, 08:21:21 AM
Can you prove that ELK LLC is not a non-profit organization?

Only by inferences in two instances.

1.  EK has relied on the county government to secure at least 3 grants (each in excess ov $13,000) from the Kansas Helath Foundation for their use.  The KHF published rules clearly say these grants are available to only government or properly established  501(c)(3) non profit companies.  Why did the county apply for these in the name of government and not for EK? If EK is a non profit, EK could have directly applied.

2.  EK recently published their intent to funnel donations through the ECCEF, a non-profit foundation started by Elizabeth Hendricks in 2001 so donations to EK could be tax deductible.  If EK were a non-profit, direct donations should already be tax deductible.  What would the IRS say?  Could this be an attempt to circumvent federal tax law?

Now... you've been given a direct answer, Wilma.  Your turn.   Do you have any proof that EK is a non profit LLC?  Or do you simply believe your own rhetorical assumptions without proof or question?

And after you fail to answe directly by providing your usual evasive BS.... how about discussing in this thread the topic of this thread, and take your EK/Liz defensiveness to one of the threads more suited to your personal interests in other matters.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on August 06, 2011, 01:06:09 PM
Now... you've been given a direct answer, Wilma.  Your turn.   Do you have any proof that EK is a non profit LLC?  Or do you simply believe your own rhetorical assumptions without proof or question?

Oh Wilma..... where are you?  No answers?  Gee.  I'm disappointed. not surprised, but greatly disappointed.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Just one question?  If you are so sure that there is something wrong, what are you going to do about it?

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