Land ownership...

Started by Patriot, August 04, 2011, 09:16:18 AM

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I moved to Elk County knowing it would be a good place to live.  I have personally known quite a number of the previous county commissioners.  Went to school with one of them.  I have known the families of two of our present commissioners and I cannot imagine that either of them would knowingly do anything to harm our county or their families.  Elk County is a family oriented county where everybody looks after everybody else.  And we don't do it by trying to ruin the reputations of citizens with previously proven good intentions. 


I know this is off topic, but this thread is still impugning the reputations of our commissioners, and this isn't being done by long time citizens who have known the commissioners most of their lives.  It is being done by fairly new citizens who have bought land and moved here, then find that they can't have their way.

For you all that look in on us, please don't judge the county by what these few people are saying.  Elk County is a good place to be.  It is struggling to try to keep it a good place in spite of the fact that a few are unhappy.

Diane Amberg

 Patriot and Ross, my comment about rural problems wasn't an opinion from me .It came from an article in our paper, July 28, taken from the 2010 census.  From Hope Yen AP
"Population of Rural America Hits New Low,Census shows."   from Washington.   It states in part, Rural America now accounts for just 16 percent of the nation's population, the lowest midcentury many communities could shrink to virtual  ghost towns as they shutter businesses and close down schools.  
It goes into where and why and all, and then the last part of the last paragraph could have been written by many of you.
"Many rural areas can't attract workers because their aren't any jobs and businesses won't relocate there because there aren't enough qualified workers.So they are caught in a downward spiral."


Quote from: Wilma on August 05, 2011, 07:13:45 AM
I moved to Elk County knowing it would be a good place to live.  I have personally known quite a number of the previous county commissioners.  Went to school with one of them.  I have known the families of two of our present commissioners and I cannot imagine that either of them would knowingly do anything to harm our county or their families.  Elk County is a family oriented county where everybody looks after everybody else.  And we don't do it by trying to ruin the reputations of citizens with previously proven good intentions. 


I know this is off topic, but this thread is still impugning the reputations of our commissioners, and this isn't being done by long time citizens who have known the commissioners most of their lives.  It is being done by fairly new citizens who have bought land and moved here, then find that they can't have their way.

For you all that look in on us, please don't judge the county by what these few people are saying.  Elk County is a good place to be.  It is struggling to try to keep it a good place in spite of the fact that a few are unhappy.

Now that you have gave your sermon, here is mine.

I like Elk County as musch as you do. But I diasgree with a few things that are going on in our county right now. And Elk County is just like any other rural , county in the US of A. But I guess if you don't suppoert the good old boy's club you are considered wrong.  I really don't really see what difference it makes how long you have known someone. You can live next dooor to the nicest person all of your life and then one day find out they are a serial rapist, murder or what ever when they are on vacation. Or they can be highly respected like Senator or Congressman Weiner and then you find out something they have done that is bad. This year alone 14 Navy Officers and Gentlemen of the highest regard have been fired from their esteemed positions .  So, you just never know. And the same applies around the world.

When politicians confuse their positions with private organizations that alone should be a red flag to you. Think about it. Ethics, morals, principles. That's my opinion.


Quote from: Wilma on August 05, 2011, 07:13:45 AM
I moved to Elk County knowing it would be a good place to live.  I have personally known quite a number of the previous county commissioners.  Went to school with one of them.  I have known the families of two of our present commissioners and I cannot imagine that either of them would knowingly do anything to harm our county or their families.  Elk County is a family oriented county where everybody looks after everybody else.  And we don't do it by trying to ruin the reputations of citizens with previously proven good intentions. 


I know this is off topic, but this thread is still impugning the reputations of our commissioners, and this isn't being done by long time citizens who have known the commissioners most of their lives.  It is being done by fairly new citizens who have bought land and moved here, then find that they can't have their way.

For you all that look in on us, please don't judge the county by what these few people are saying.  Elk County is a good place to be.  It is struggling to try to keep it a good place in spite of the fact that a few are unhappy.
LOL thats the ones you have to watch the closest.  Govt power changes people. sorry i dont' care if you've know them all your life, once they get into a govt position of power, they are never the same.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 05, 2011, 09:28:59 AM
Patriot and Ross, my comment about rural problems wasn't an opinion from me .It came from an article in our paper, July 28, taken from the 2010 census.  From Hope Yen AP
"Population of Rural America Hits New Low,Census shows."   from Washington.   It states in part, Rural America now accounts for just 16 percent of the nation's population, the lowest midcentury many communities could shrink to virtual  ghost towns as they shutter businesses and close down schools.  
It goes into where and why and all, and then the last part of the last paragraph could have been written by many of you.
"Many rural areas can't attract workers because their aren't any jobs and businesses won't relocate there because there aren't enough qualified workers.So they are caught in a downward spiral."

Not enough qualified workers?  Poppycock. Theres plenty and i've seen more companies train the workers to do the job.  The reason they don't come is the taxes and infrastructure.  Thats its.  IF they wouldn't tax the bejeeber out of them and would build up a industrial park for them they will come.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

I think sometime ago when we were batting around ideas, I did suggest an industrial park for small incubation industries, but was told it wouldn't work.


Ross, don't you know that you can't do anything in Elk County without the whole county knowing about it?  How and where could our commissioners get away with anything?  There are a lot of rocks but not enough to hide behind if you want to do something you shouldn't be doing.

Diane, an industrial park would have to have water to support it.  You know what the water situation is in Elk County.  Unless, of course, we could go harness that delightful low water crossing way out west on Limestone known as Clear Creek.  I wonder if it is still running.

Diane Amberg

 :D Now that you remind me, it was the water issue. I've never known Clear Creek to run dry, just low. I'll have to hire someone to  go out there and look. ;D


Quote from: Wilma on August 05, 2011, 02:25:12 PM
Ross, don't you know that you can't do anything in Elk County without the whole county knowing about it?  How and where could our commissioners get away with anything?  There are a lot of rocks but not enough to hide behind if you want to do something you shouldn't be doing.

Diane, an industrial park would have to have water to support it.  You know what the water situation is in Elk County.  Unless, of course, we could go harness that delightful low water crossing way out west on Limestone known as Clear Creek.  I wonder if it is still running.

Heck wlima elk has had water in it for a while.  Moline i think had water long before howard. and Moline the last time i checked was in elk. the park could be down there ya know.
Whats that clear wet stuff thats flowing down water pipes all over elk countynow?  I mean those folks pay 70.00 a month just to have the water coming to their door and an additional 8 or9 bucks a thousand? 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Wilma on August 05, 2011, 02:25:12 PM
Ross, don't you know that you can't do anything in Elk County without the whole county knowing about it?  How and where could our commissioners get away with anything?  There are a lot of rocks but not enough to hide behind if you want to do something you shouldn't be doing.

Diane, an industrial park would have to have water to support it.  You know what the water situation is in Elk County.  Unless, of course, we could go harness that delightful low water crossing way out west on Limestone known as Clear Creek.  I wonder if it is still running.
That's not entirely true Wilma.
But Wilma I haven't actually accused any one of anything illegal now have I?
I personally believe it to be very unethical for a County Commissioner to sit at the County Commissioners Meeting and being a spokesperson for Elk Konnected and at the same time deny Elk Konnected's using tax dollars immediate after a representative for Elk Konnected Youth Services had just asked for money from the Commissioners. And after it is pointed out to the County Commissioner, the County Commissioner then still denies Elk Konnected uses taxpayers money. Would you call that ethical, would you call that having principles.

How about a County Commissioner writing what I consider a phoney phoney letter to an own organization she claimed to be founder of and using the title of County Commissioner? Is that what we elect County commissioners for, to endorse organizations, to praise organizations in our name? Is that ethical? Or is it because you have know these people all your life that it is okay to use us as they see fit?

You asked Wilma and that my opinion. Ethics, principles, values do these things mean anything to you and Elk County?

So you see they don't have to hide if they have a blanket okay to do what ever they want now do they?

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