Politics? No, this is about survival... Get a CDL to drive your tractor.

Started by Patriot, August 03, 2011, 09:38:08 PM

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Agenda 21 Update: Family Farms Are Under Attack

Posted on July 31, 2011 at 1:07pm

Is the US government starting to implement the policies of the United Nation's plan for global management of people and resources known as Agenda 21?  The latest efforts out of the Department of Transportation (DOT) seem to indicate this is happening. And they are starting by targeting America's farming communities with costly and oppressive regulations.

In Late May, the DOT proposed a rule change for farm equipment, and if it this allowed to take effect, it will place significant regulatory pressure on small farms and family farms all across America – costing them thousands of dollars and possibly forcing many of them out of business. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), part of the Department of Transportation (DOT), wants new standards that would require all farmers and everyone on the farm to obtain a CDL (Commercial Drivers License) in order to operate any farming equipment. The agency is going to accomplish this by reclassifying all farm vehicles and implements as Commercial Motor Vehicles (CMVs)...

...This proposed change literally means family farms could no longer legally allow young workers, not old enough to drive and seniors who no longer drive on the public streets, to operate a tractor... even on the family's private property...

Full story:  http://www.theblaze.com/stories/agenda-21-update-family-farms-are-under-attack/

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


And, how would keeping these groups (underage drivers and those too old to be driving) from operating heavy equipment be attacking family farms?  The family farm will go under, sure as shootin', because we can't take a 10 year old, still wet behind the ears, or Great-Grandpa, out of his LazyBoy recliner, and use them as free slave labor during harvest (or during the "working cattle" season, whenever that happens to fall in the year)?  Get real.   ::)  Another Chicken Little post... ::)


FMCSA requests public comment on: (1) Previously published regulatory guidance on the distinction between interstate and intrastate commerce in deciding whether operations of commercial motor vehicles within the boundaries of a single State are subject to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs); (2) the factors the States are using in deciding whether farm vehicle drivers transporting agricultural commodities, farm supplies and equipment as part of a crop share agreement are subject to the commercial driver's license regulations; and (3) proposed guidance to determine whether off-road farm equipment or implements of husbandry operated on public roads for limited distances are considered commercial motor vehicles. The guidance would be used to help ensure uniform application of the safety regulations by enforcement personnel, motor carriers and commercial motor vehicle drivers.

Patriot just trying to see your point. What is your problem with people having to get a Commercial Drivers License to drive farm equipment on public roads? Many pieces of farm equipment are very big and take a special skill not possesed by a driver of a passenger car. This proposal does not impact those who drive on non-public roads or property. Educate and enlighten me as to your point, if you can. (I am totally serious and no kidding, poking, name calling etc.)

Breathe deep the gathering gloom,Watch lights fade from every room.Bedsitter people look back and lament,Another day's useless energy spent.Impassioned lovers wrestle as one,Lonely man cries for love and has none.New mother picks up and suckles her son,Senior citizens wish they were young.MoodyBlues


Lets see if I have this right.  If these new regs were to be put in place, you would need a CDL to drive a farm tractor a quarter of a mile down a dirt road in the middle of absolute nowhere, but still just need a regular license to drive a 40 foot motor coach style RV from Key West, Florida to Seattle, Washington via Portland, Maine and San Diego, California?
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Quote from: flintauqua on August 03, 2011, 11:35:24 PM
Lets see if I have this right.  If these new regs were to be put in place, you would need a CDL to drive a farm tractor a quarter of a mile down a dirt road in the middle of absolute nowhere, but still just need a regular license to drive a 40 foot motor coach style RV from Key West, Florida to Seattle, Washington via Portland, Maine and San Diego, California?

That was my question.  And it doesn't appear that there is a distinction between that farm tractor being on a back county road or in the middle of I-35.  Even so, the idea of the local farmer having to keep the same records as a transport driver seems onerous, at best.  
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Catwoman on August 03, 2011, 10:29:25 PM
And, how would keeping these groups (underage drivers and those too old to be driving) from operating heavy equipment be attacking family farms?  The family farm will go under, sure as shootin', because we can't take a 10 year old, still wet behind the ears, or Great-Grandpa, out of his LazyBoy recliner, and use them as free slave labor during harvest (or during the "working cattle" season, whenever that happens to fall in the year)?  Get real.   ::)  Another Chicken Little post... ::)

By the way...This belongs on the Politics board, not in the Coffee Shop.

Obviously you didn't go read the entire article.  It's not just about the kids, grandpa or slave labor.  Sorry your city mindedness got in your way.  Politics?  Well I'm thinking folks who live out in farm/ranch land see this kind if thing as much closer to home and very much fodder for coffee shop concern.  However, if Teresa wants to move it, that's fine by me.

Last year, it was the EPA taking a 'shot' at making lead lead a ground pollutant and restricting its' use in ammunition.  Nowthe DOT wants to make Old MacDonald (sorry Sarge) get a CDL to operate his Ford 9N (to be reclassified as an interstate commercial vehicle) on the quarter mile dirt road between his front & back yards.  And do so by regulatory fiat and not legislation.  Chicken Little?  You really don't get it, do ya?

Speaking of livelihoods, workplace protections, and pensions, yours is protected somewhat by a union contract, isn't it, teach?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: sodbuster on August 03, 2011, 11:27:01 PM
Patriot just trying to see your point. What is your problem with people having to get a Commercial Drivers License to drive farm equipment on public roads?

It wasn't 'my' point, actually.  It was a reprint of an article of interest.  Though I do have a problem with the reclassification of a tractor & bale mover as a commercial motor vehicle and the ambiguous 'public road'.  All public roads aren't the Pacific Coast Highway.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Great Point Patriot! If Teresa wants to move this then Teresa can do so, as Teresa is the owner of this forum and the Supreme Master and Moderator. Speaking of moderator, Catwoman, what happened to you being moderator over the Coffee Shop? I guess your old flappity lips and your catbox head got the best of ya. Poetry...pure poetry!
I agree with you Patriot that it is stupid to be wanting to commercialize farm equipment such as tractors, but tractor trailers I feel should still fall under the same guidelines. It is a combination vehicle, air brakes with 10-18 gears and whether it's going 2 miles to the grain bin or 100 miles to the grain bin it still should have to fall under the same guidelines. Meaning, they should fill out a log book, do their daily inspection, have to have a medical card and be subject to the hours of driving. As far as for slave labor, I don't believe that dear old Grandpa is going to do a damn thing that he doesn't want to do in the first place. And so much for that hard strenuous work that the 14 year old child would have to do other than sitting at home playing with their Wii, wee wee or being on Facebook when they could be making money, sitting in their air conditioned cab of their tractor or truck, driving. I made damn good money myself doing it when I was younger. I hauled hay when I was 12 and made a penny a bale. I was making 200 bucks a week. Pretty good money for a 12 year-old. I don't remember putting in horribly long hours (just during daylight). Maybe we should just pamper kids some more, give them everything they want or desire, don't spank 'em when they've really done wrong and damn sure don't make them find their own place to live when they're adults. We can just keep on working the rest of our lives to support them and their families. Until we die and the government can take over giving them welfare because they have no work ethics. Sounds like a socialist point of view.---MR. KSH

P.S. In the hour it took me to type all of this, the Supreme Blondie moved it from Coffee Shop to Politics.



Jo McDonald

P.S. In the hour it took me to type all of this, the Supreme Blondie moved it from Coffee Shop to Politics (quote from Mr. KSH)

LOL  She's sneaky like that, isn't she?

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