MY political reaaaaaaaaaaality check.....................

Started by thatsMRSc2u, August 03, 2011, 02:32:24 PM

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  This is just some thoughts on the blame game in American politics at the moment and the sheer ridiculousness of it.

  I find it highly amusing that Obama gets the blame for "the bailouts" when they were started rolling by George W and Hank Paulson six months before Obama got elected........and HALF of them were already given out before he was sworn into office.

  I find it highly amusing that democrats get the "blame" for all the financial woes in the government when republicans have controlled Congress for about 20 of the last 30 years..........I mean seriously...they are ALL to blame.

  I find it highly amusing the things people choose to call unnecessary spending while still paying outrageous salaries and paying for outrageous transportation costs for people who basically "work" and I use that term LOOSELY for maybe two or three months a year....the rest of the time they spend campaigning for the next time.

I find it highly amusing that tax dollars pay for the FINEST insurance and medical care for these same people while I have to scrape together 50 bucks to go see a nurse practitioner once a year and can in no way afford insurance on myself.....those tax dollars ought to go towrds the finest healthcare for the people who are coughin up the cash.....US

I find it highly amusing that in this world of instant know anything about anybody or buy the info from whoever has it for sale ( cause if there was any info SOMEBODY would be sellin it) world that we live in that people STILL actually think Obama in a closet muslim and not an american citizen...................I mean seriously.......think about it. They can find out some pissant congressman solicited a gay guy in a bathroom in a truck stop in BFE.............. ::)

Obama is a half black half white american with an arab name who listened to some people OTHER people think are radicals talk and hung out with em for a while and then decided to jump on the political gravy train instead of gettin a real job and managed to convince some REALLY desperate people that he was the guy they were lookin for to get things changed and they elected him president ( which my vote was not one of them). Hey people are entitled to try even if it AInt goin to work...they gotta dream.

Fact of the matter is......WE, US, the American people are responsible for this government being the monster it is because WE, US, the American people keep VOTING for the same lame ass politicians for sometimes 50 years! Why would ANYBODY be surprised that NOTHING changes. WE haven't why the hell should THEY? Not gonna kill the golden goose are they? THEY may be crooked as hell but they AIN'T stupid.


You hit the nail square on the head, Mrs. C...As usual... ;D

I would love to see the whole bunch of them systematically kicked out and bring in a new bunch, except I agree with those who say it'd be just more of the same.


Quote from: Catwoman on August 03, 2011, 04:29:38 PM
You hit the nail square on the head, Mrs. C...As usual... ;D

I would love to see the whole bunch of them systematically kicked out and bring in a new bunch, except I agree with those who say it'd be just more of the same.

Breathe deep the gathering gloom,Watch lights fade from every room.Bedsitter people look back and lament,Another day's useless energy spent.Impassioned lovers wrestle as one,Lonely man cries for love and has none.New mother picks up and suckles her son,Senior citizens wish they were young.MoodyBlues


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on August 03, 2011, 02:32:24 PM
  This is just some thoughts on the blame game in American politics at the moment and the sheer ridiculousness of it.

  I find it highly amusing that Obama gets the blame for "the bailouts" when they were started rolling by George W and Hank Paulson six months before Obama got elected........and HALF of them were already given out before he was sworn into office.
He gets the blame because he continued the bailout.  They may have started it but he made it worse!

QuoteI find it highly amusing that democrats get the "blame" for all the financial woes in the government when republicans have controlled Congress for about 20 of the last 30 years..........I mean seriously...they are ALL to blame.
Thats because everytime it gets straightened out they dems fubar it up again.  THe dems have controlled the congress since 2006.  Now they control 2/3 of the government. Next election it will balance out and we can get on the right track again, and fix this F** Mess they got us into.

QuoteI find it highly amusing the things people choose to call unnecessary spending while still paying outrageous salaries and paying for outrageous transportation costs for people who basically "work" and I use that term LOOSELY for maybe two or three months a year....the rest of the time they spend campaigning for the next time.
I'm all for cutting out their retirement package and make the congress fund their own like the rest of america has to as well as making it illegal for them to take the million or two million a year more they make from the graft they receive from outside sources.

QuoteI find it highly amusing that tax dollars pay for the FINEST insurance and medical care for these same people while I have to scrape together 50 bucks to go see a nurse practitioner once a year and can in no way afford insurance on myself.....those tax dollars ought to go towrds the finest healthcare for the people who are coughin up the cash.....US
AGain i agree.  Make them pay for their own healthcare if they want the best, or take what we get!

QuoteI find it highly amusing that in this world of instant know anything about anybody or buy the info from whoever has it for sale ( cause if there was any info SOMEBODY would be sellin it) world that we live in that people STILL actually think Obama in a closet muslim and not an american citizen...................I mean seriously.......think about it. They can find out some pissant congressman solicited a gay guy in a bathroom in a truck stop in BFE.............. ::)
He sure doesn't act like a American citizen, giving preferrential treatment to muslim nations!

QuoteObama is a half black half white american

YUP a Zebra!

Fact of the matter is......WE, US, the American people are responsible for this government being the monster it is because WE, US, the American people keep VOTING for the same lame ass politicians for sometimes 50 years! Why would ANYBODY be surprised that NOTHING changes. WE haven't why the hell should THEY? Not gonna kill the golden goose are they? THEY may be crooked as hell but they AIN'T stupid.

Yup i agree thats why i don't vote for lame ass politicians. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Catwoman on August 03, 2011, 04:29:38 PM
You hit the nail square on the head, Mrs. C...As usual... ;D

I would love to see the whole bunch of them systematically kicked out and bring in a new bunch, except I agree with those who say it'd be just more of the same.

Not if you take the profit out of it. Then they would work for us..... Term limits, fund their own retirement, fund their own healthcare. ect ect force them to disclose any gift or graft receiived.  (like the free haircuts, free dinners ect ect ecct It all adds up)
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Pam, you are right as usual.  I think it is time for term limits in the house and senate.  Maybe some of the good ole boys would have to find a regular job and live like regular people.  I would say we need an age limit, also, but I guess there is a law against that.

I read something in the paper this morning about retirement benefits for ex-presidents, ex-senators and ex-house members.  Wish I knew more about that.  It might be something that could be cut.


Quote from: Wilma on August 03, 2011, 05:56:15 PM
Pam, you are right as usual.  I think it is time for term limits in the house and senate.  Maybe some of the good ole boys would have to find a regular job and live like regular people.  I would say we need an age limit, also, but I guess there is a law against that.

I read something in the paper this morning about retirement benefits for ex-presidents, ex-senators and ex-house members.  Wish I knew more about that.  It might be something that could be cut.

The constitution requires that the president is rewarded with his salary after he leaves office.  Senators and congressmen do not have this guarantee. They just vote themselves pay.  Originally it was a job that was service to your country. 

The benefits they receive are voted in by them.  No accountability inthe process. There are age limits.  President has to be at least 35.  Not sure on senators and reps i think 21.   I think age range should be 35 - 80.  Age is a plus in leading.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Now Mrs.C2you:
Don't you know that no one accepts the responsibility anymore, and everyone else is very quick to point a finger?
What happened to accountability and got Gawd sakes, the "Bathroom hall monitors"??????

Well, I agree with all you and Steve said.
It is up to us to vote on what we want, and therein lies the problem:  No on can agree.

Term limits should be less; take away the pay cor every day they are not in office and give them the same deal we have.
If you can't afford health insurance with the best doctors in the field, then....Welcome to our world.

Is Politics becoming what I used to play, but don't anymore as I am now and ADULT.....the game is called "King of the HILL?"
I think those that we elected just took that game a step higher.   We reallly need to send a message about abuse of power!
Just my 2 cents.

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