Well, So Much For Forecasts----

Started by sixdogsmom, August 01, 2011, 09:26:15 PM

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I got around and went to Indy this afternoon, I have been putting it off until I just could not put it off any longer. Dear old weatherman said it was supposed to be around 105 today. When I left this afternoon, it was 110, and before I could get around the quarry it was 111!  :P :P This hot, there is just nowhere that anyplace is really cool, and most could really benefit from some air stirring around. Guess I will try for Sedan later in the week to get a haircut, and the rest of the groceries I didn't get today. Thank God, my home is cool, and I can almost afford to keep it that way.


I just bought a new rain gauge. Got it up today! I think its going to be perfect.  ;D

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !



Diane Amberg

Now about those people arguing about climate change. It was announced here that our July was an all time record.  Whew!


The climate fluctuates. 2009 was one of the top 15 coolest summers since records were kept

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