Will Kansas Be Next?

Started by Catwoman, July 31, 2011, 02:59:43 PM

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Quote from Diane:
An entire group should not be indited by anyone because of the actions of a very few. To me that shows immaturity and lack of depth, and perhaps lack of intelligence.

As this statement seems to be directed at me I did not lump ALL teachers into a group of pervs. I meant, it's seems to be the flavor of the day for a select few. If you think that the ones who get busted and have their mugs plastered on the evening news are the only ones doing the "Big No-No" then that shows "a persons lack of depth and perhaps their lack of intelligence". Probably a minuscule percentage of teachers but even one is one too many. As to my lack of intelligence, ol Sarge has told you that over and over ---and he aint windy !!!!

Diane Amberg

In no way did I mean you, why would you think that? I was writing in general terms only, as I assumed you were. I even went back to reread what you had written.
There are those who who do jump in and toss labels around and generalize when it isn't appropriate. As I said, people who are in positions where trust is assumed just must not break that trust and yet some few do. That's why it makes news. Perhaps the youth of some is a factor, I'm too old to relate to that. I do know a few young friends who talk like sex is no big deal.  Happens very casually and see no problem with anybody, anytime, anyway. After all it's "just sex." That's too much for me!
I don't like it when teachers in general are targeted as a bunch of commie bad guys. That stinks.
Poke fun if you want, just be sure we know it's meant to be good natured.You and Sarge do it, but unfortunately you won't let some of the rest of us do the same thing. It does get out of hand and there is a double standard. I've quit a couple of the long threads because of that. It's no longer debate it's just anger, and that doesn't solve anything.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 01, 2011, 09:13:52 AM

Something has changed about kids and sexuality in general. The word "casual" has invaded too many areas of our lives, sex included.  Parents who let their daughters dress too provocatively don't help matters. Is shouldn't matter, but it does.  When I see how some young adults show up for job interviews I'm shocked!

Your absolutely right. its called Government education!  Used to be that they didn't hand out condoms, and give tacit approval to the kids by the literature and education given in sex ed classes.   Used to be that you were told don't and most didn't and the ones that didn't were the ones who faced the consequences of their actions.  No one came along and said its ok, we'll take care of you....

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Well Diane,I guess if you weren't pointing your finger at me then I apologize for stepping on your toes-------BUT---I repeat again---you seem to be sly like a fox and always seem to have a way out of a trap if you step in it ;)

Diane Amberg

I'm entitled to my opinion regardless. I know you don't like me and that's your business. Apology accepted.
Steve, how long ago was "Uncle" so and so preying on young girls?  That goes back to even when I was a kid and before, and that was FAMILY! (not mine)  The girls were just quietly sent away. My own piano teacher was an octopus! and that was back in the 50's.
If you think kids don't have sex just because some one said no, I'll show you a lot of of pregnant girls in terrible circumstances. If girls could get the boys pregnant, things would change in a hurry! Condoms also help prevent diseases too.  The STD rate in this country is awful! If nobody teaches all the STDs and how to prevent them, the kids don't have a fair chance. Even my own parents never taught us anything about STDs.
I also never thought the boys poking each other in the locker room and laughing about "who has the clap now" was very cute.
If it never needed to be taught, then why did the military always show "those films?"  Do they still? Why did/does the military leave illegitimate kids all over the world? Shouldn't they already know how to behave? It should be a non issue but it isn't.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 01, 2011, 07:01:51 PM
I'm entitled to my opinion regardless. I know you don't like me and that's your business. Apology accepted.
Steve, how long ago was "Uncle" so and so preying on young girls?  That goes back to even when I was a kid and before, and that was FAMILY! (not mine)  The girls were just quietly sent away. My own piano teacher was an octopus! and that was back in the 50's.
If you think kids don't have sex just because some one said no, I'll show you a lot of of pregnant girls in terrible circumstances. If girls could get the boys pregnant, things would change in a hurry! Condoms also help prevent diseases too.  The STD rate in this country is awful! If nobody teaches all the STDs and how to prevent them, the kids don't have a fair chance. Even my own parents never taught us anything about STDs.
I grew up in the "promiscuous age"  60's. Thats when it all went to hell.  The stds were low back then you know cause folks were afraid of contracting them.  the worse thing they ever did for slowing the sex down was to find a treatment for them.  And those folks uncle so and so were not common everyday things.  That increased with humanist teachings in our schools.  Gotta thank the 50's generation for that one! 

QuoteI also never thought the boys poking each other in the locker room and laughing about "who has the clap now" was very cute.
I don't know what school you went to but none of the boys did any of that.  Sorry but queers were not out and about back then.  They kept it to themselves.

QuoteIf it never needed to be taught, then why did the military always show "those films?"  Do they still? Why did/does the military leave illegitimate kids all over the world? Shouldn't they already know how to behave? It should be a non issue but it isn't.
Show what films?  I would say a lot of it is war.  But your assuming that all military went out and screwed everything that stood still long enough which is simply not true.   
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 01, 2011, 07:01:51 PM
I know you don't like me and that's your business.

I also never thought the boys poking each other in the locker room and laughing about "who has the clap now" was very cute.

Diane ,I don't even know you so how can I know if I would like you or not? Now on to more serious business. What was you doing in the boys locker room to even know what was being said and done--now calm down---you left the door wide open and you know you would have jumped all over that opportunity to gig someone.

Diane Amberg

Steve were you ever in the military? Those who were certainly know what films I am talking about and I didn't accuse everybody of  being that free, but it was common enough.
As far as the locker room goes ,the gym teachers told it in the teachers' room. I also taught as a resource teacher in middle school and high school, so I was in the teachers' room in between programs. I wasn't in the locker room as a student, so don't be silly. As an EMT much later ,yes.
When I was teaching elementary school, you bet I walked in on the boys if they were out of class too long. Usually they were up to something, like stopping up the sinks to make them over flow.They learned very quickly they weren't safe from me.
Then there was the boy they called "the baby doctor" that had several girls pregnant at the same time in different schools. They were all minors so there wasn't much anybody could do.
That particular school was a real arm pit.The rough black kids were bussed out of the "valley" section of Wilmington to this suburban school in New Castle County. Of course the honors kids were bussed out there too. Really nice kids and very good students. Eventually the impossible kids were weeded out and sent to an alternative school, but the first few months were rough every year.
Jar, why would anyone be setting a "trap" for me. That's rude and very disappointing. I don't want to be made into some kind of game for you few to play with. >:(  I suppose you think I'm just making stuff up to have something to say. That's a shame.


Diane, don't sweat it...Your talking to some who think "the clap" is something that is restricted to the homosexual population...Talk about not being up what your STDs are...lol  ;D


Quote from: Catwoman on August 02, 2011, 02:53:12 PM
Diane, don't sweat it...Your talking to some who think "the clap" is something that is restricted to the homosexual population...Talk about not being up what your STDs are...lol  ;D

No but it is on the rise in the queer population!  You get what ya ask for!  IF they kept it in their pants and out of someones ass they wouldn't have the clap or any other std.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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