Schools using school buses as rolling billboards

Started by srkruzich, July 31, 2011, 12:41:24 PM

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Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I would guess that the schools are selling the ad space on their buses to make up for the cuts in funding from the gov't.  In spite of what some think, the only fat left in education to cut would be the administrative salaries...Everything else has been cut to the point where it is the students who are suffering.  This selling of ad space is a rather ingenius way to bring money into the schools, although I have to admit that I wouldn't enjoy watching it on any buses in my district.  I have no idea of whether it violates any consitutional aspect.  I don't think the constitution has been micromanaged to the point where ad space on a school bus is covered.


Why not ad space on school buses, then ad spaces at sports events as long as they are appropriate.  If the schools can raise some extra revenue for themselves, why not.  Altho, like Cat, I am not sure I would like seeing it.


Quote from: Catwoman on July 31, 2011, 12:52:05 PM
I would guess that the schools are selling the ad space on their buses to make up for the cuts in funding from the gov't.  In spite of what some think, the only fat left in education to cut would be the administrative salaries...Everything else has been cut to the point where it is the students who are suffering.  This selling of ad space is a rather ingenius way to bring money into the schools, although I have to admit that I wouldn't enjoy watching it on any buses in my district.  I have no idea of whether it violates any consitutional aspect.  I don't think the constitution has been micromanaged to the point where ad space on a school bus is covered.

time to start cutting administration salaries don't ya think.  Why does a administrator get a six figure income?? why does the superintendent get 6 figure income!   After all their just a manager is all.  IT managers make 45k a year. Why can't we pay the school admins less.

Theres a lot more fat in school budgets that can be cut.  :)  Trust me i could find plenty!    Start off with paper.  Why spend tons of money on paper.  Go digital.  Its been done for years in business why is it that the schools are still in the stone age. Secondly, why are schools using textbooks.  WHy not go digital on it.  The money saved would buy computers to put the digial books on and that would be good for about 4 years. You replace every 4 years.  Give each student a laptop as they enter highschool or as they enter middle school.  make it a gift to highschool students when they graduate.  Insure them in mass in case they are broken.  it will make current education up to date, and cost at least half of what it does today with the books.

OH another thing, by eliminating textbooks, you can eliminate lockers that take up space and hide all manner of contraband.  Also its healtheri for the kids, they don't end up with 80 pounds of paper in their backpacks.   

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Wilma on July 31, 2011, 01:33:51 PM
Why not ad space on school buses, then ad spaces at sports events as long as they are appropriate.  If the schools can raise some extra revenue for themselves, why not.  Altho, like Cat, I am not sure I would like seeing it.
Because your talking about using taxpayer dollars to compete against other advertising agencies.  That would be a major conflict
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on July 31, 2011, 01:51:55 PM
time to start cutting administration salaries don't ya think.  Why does a administrator get a six figure income?? why does the superintendent get 6 figure income!   After all their just a manager is all.  IT managers make 45k a year. Why can't we pay the school admins less.

Theres a lot more fat in school budgets that can be cut.  :)  Trust me i could find plenty!    Start off with paper.  Why spend tons of money on paper.  Go digital.  Its been done for years in business why is it that the schools are still in the stone age. Secondly, why are schools using textbooks.  WHy not go digital on it.  The money saved would buy computers to put the digial books on and that would be good for about 4 years. You replace every 4 years.  Give each student a laptop as they enter highschool or as they enter middle school.  make it a gift to highschool students when they graduate.  Insure them in mass in case they are broken.  it will make current education up to date, and cost at least half of what it does today with the books.

OH another thing, by eliminating textbooks, you can eliminate lockers that take up space and hide all manner of contraband.  Also its healtheri for the kids, they don't end up with 80 pounds of paper in their backpacks.   

Most parents are hooked for providing the reams of paper needed at the school level, Steve.  Check the supply lists provided at Wally World.  I do agree with the fact that more of the content could become digital...But there again, you have a segment of the student population that going totally digital wouldn't work for (like children who can see large objects but are essentially legally blind).  A "one size fits all" education isn't possible, given the large amount of diversity in learning styles present in today's student population.  That's called a cookie cutter approach to education...It's bad enough when you have teachers that try to shove kids into fitting into a cookie cutter approach.


It's bad enough that the public schools are indoctrination centers for the government.

Better to look elsewhere for education so the kids don't grow up to be communists.

Diane Amberg


Quote from: redcliffsw on July 31, 2011, 02:47:09 PM
It's bad enough that the public schools are indoctrination centers for the government.

Better to look elsewhere for education so the kids don't grow up to be communists.

Red, you're on the wrong thread...We're not discussing Communism, indoctrination or any little green men in three piece suits, lurking under the local hedges...We're discussing whether or not using buses to bring in ad revenue is (A) a good idea or (B) whether it constitutes a crossing of the line, Constitutionally speaking.  Now, if you have something constructive to add to that, go for it.  Otherwise, you need to be looking for the "Reds" somewhere else, please.


Crossing the line?  Constitutionally speaking? 

This thread is as good as any to expose the reds.


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