Started by frawin, July 29, 2011, 03:38:15 PM

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Quote from: Brenda Edwards on August 06, 2011, 08:56:31 PM
Oh wait.....tell her how old you were when you found out there wasn't a santa....*hint hint* It was the same age as when he stopped wetting the bed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO

Aint we the funny one tonight ? Until you sleep upstairs in the Amityville Horror House where snow would drift across the floor and temps would dip below zero do not ever knock peeing the bed. Some nights it was the only warmth you would get !!
Plus consider your options---you could stay snuggled down in that feather mattress and "warm" that puppy for 30 minutes or so-------or---you could get out of bed and stand in 3 inches of snow---barefoot--pull that stink'n ol chamber pot out from under the bed--slide the lid off to an aroma of ammonia that made you wince so bad you usually missed the pot anyway----------------yep, I think I made the wise decision .

It didn't really bother me so much when Ging told me there wasn't a Santa Clause but at the same time she said Easter Bunny wasn't real either. Now that one really floored me. I don't recall my age but I do know it depressed me so bad I quit smoking for a week and didn't drink a beer for several days !!


Jarhead, ole buddy, 'pears you ain't gittin' a whole lotta respect here.  Just want you to know, whatever you tell me I will believe cuz warriors don't pull each others leg unless it's in jest. set them people straight about who's the boss!

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Brenda Edwards

LMAO...Dad you crack me up!!  ;D I wouldn't trade you for anything! :-*


Larry, I can't'. I lost all control of them young'ns the day they ceased to be a tax deduction but not to worry. Miss Laughing Girl there will be wanting ol Pops to plow her garden this fall but after she turns the soil with a shovel instead, I bet she will start showing me just a tad more respect. She wasn't this way until she started slamming Margarita's with Teresa !!!
Oh yea,Laughing Girl--shouldn't you be in bed---gotta work tomorrow you know--make that money so you can take care of your poor ol Dad in his Twilight years.


Quote from: jarhead on August 06, 2011, 11:39:06 PM

Oh yea,Laughing Girl--shouldn't you be in bed---gotta work tomorrow you know--make that money so you can take care of your poor ol Dad in his Twilight years.

I have some great ideas Brenda where we can put him in his Twilight years... but.............................

"Every time a blonde has an idea, someone gets hurt~~~."   ;D

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Brenda Edwards

Me?? A sick puppy?? Is this coming from the man who use to tell me...."Oh don't be sad, those frogs will grow their legs back" I sat there looking at them in that bucket with big alligator tears in my eyes,and you were looking at their legs in a bowl licking your chops!! :laugh:

Alright, alright...I'm sorry...I don't want to plow my garden with a shovel next spring!


Like father like daughter.. .....
( legs never did grow back did they Brenda..? ) ;D ;D

Reminds me of a story ...
Bill and Silvia Crum and Mark and I went frog hunting one night.. Got a gunny sack of 'em.. Took them back to their house and the guys cleaned them on their back porch. It was kinda connected to the kitchen and it was like 3 in the morning when we left.. so Bill said he would be up in a few hours anyway to feed cattle and he'd just dump the remains then. ( which most know is the front part of the frog minus the legs)

Silvia said they went to bed and about an hour later she heard this noise in the kitchen.. sounded like someone was in the house.. She woke up Bill and made him go look. So he grabbed his pistol and headed for the kitchen with her behind him..
She said she let out a scream cause the Frogs had escaped the gunny sack and were crawling around all over the kitchen floor minus their hind legs.. She said it was like a horror show. They gathered them up and she made Bill go then and dispose of what she called The Amityville Fogs..
Have never forgot that and from there.. I made Mark really thump them so I knew that they were dead and didn't come back to haunt me the next time.  ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

EWWWWWW! That's amphibian abuse. Poor little guys. ;) ;D


I know... It IS kinda more than abuse.. but my taste buds outweigh knowing that.. LOL
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I tried the humane thing with Mr. Bull Frog a long time ago. Whacked them puppies on the noggin with a 12 inch Crescent wrench. The first one, up-chucked a half grown frog---which explained why one year a pond is full of frogs you think will be ripe for picking in just one more year, but the next year they are all gone---cannibals !!
After "killing " every frog, the next morning when I looked into the bucket before giving them a proper burial, I was greeted with 24 pairs of eyes looking at me---------------------there was three of us hunting so if Mr Warden reads this--- 3 x 8 = 24  ;D

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