FRYE, Nancy Elizabeth (Trimble) - b. November 9, 1880 - d. July 15, 1932

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Howard Courant
July 31, 1932

Nancy Elizabeth Trimble, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Trimble, was born at Elk Falls, Kansas, November 9, 1880 and departed this life July 15, 1932, at the family home four miles west of Howard.  She had lived 51 years, 8 months, and 6 days.

When about three years of age her family moved to the farm four miles north of Moline, where she lived her girlhood life and received her education in the schools of that vicinity.

On February 8, 1899 she was happily united in marriage to W. H. Frye of Grenola, Kansas.  To this union were born eight children, four boys and four girls.  One daughter preceded her mother in death in 1919.  The children who survive her are:  Stanley E. of Colorado Springs, Colorado; G. Herbert of Moline, Kansas; Mrs. Edison Asbury of Winfield, Kansas; Mrs. Lester Cory of Longton, Kansas and Fred, Eugene and Dora all at home.  Besides her husband and children, she leaves to mourn her going, six grandchildren, her aged mother, Mrs. M. F. Blair of Moline and two brothers, D. R. Trimble of Buffalo, Missouri and Parmer Trimble of Ottawa, Kansas.

Nearly all her life was lived in and around Moline, where she leaves a very large circle of friends and neighbors.  She was loved and respected by all who knew her.

Mrs. Frye was a member of the Baptist church of Moline and was a devoted Christian and one who always took her part in the work of the church.

For more than a year Mrs. Frye had been failing in health and during her last illness her suffering has been very intense.  However she was a very patient sufferer and made a hard fight to regain her health but to no avail.  On Friday, July 15th, she quietly passed to her reward.

The entire comunity joins in expressions of profound sympathy for her bereaved husband, children and other relatives in this hour of deep sorrow.

Funeral srvices were held Sunday, July 17th, at 2:30 at the Moline Baptist church.  The services were very impressive and largely attended.  The floral offerings were abundant and beautiful. The music was given by the church chior.   Rev. J. W. Bayles of the Baptist church of Howard conducted the services and preached the sermon.  The body was laid to rest in the Moline cemetery.

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