Elk County Sheriff's Office destroys marijuana plants

Started by Janet Harrington, July 28, 2011, 03:13:00 PM

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Quote from: sodbuster on July 29, 2011, 10:10:24 AM
Sounds like a professional garden put in by a drug cartel. Now that the garden was raided keep an eye for the following animals they are a tip off that a garden is near.

Come off it.  Thats a load of crap.  don't go starting a damn panic on that breed of dog. We have enough problems with idiots thinking that pits are bad dogs. Don't go labling this breed as a bad breed.  They are a wonderful cattle dog! 

The last i checked, tigers are not that common around any part outside of a zoo and gators don't live here....Sheesh
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on July 29, 2011, 10:25:21 AM
   Omg..........hell just froze over.........I agree with Steve on somethin :P

   Yes pot is illegal but I dont think it should be......there are uses beyond gettin stoned and eatin cheetos all day.

   think those tax-dollars would be MUCH better spent on shuttin down meth. I hate that drug with a passion.

Hell hasn't froze over, otherwise my electric bill wouldn't be so high but yeah i do agree. I don't care who knows it but i will use it for my pain control at any time i want.  Damn the law.  The law doesn't have to live with what i live with!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on July 29, 2011, 10:25:21 AM
   Omg..........hell just froze over.........I agree with Steve on somethin :P

   Yes pot is illegal but I dont think it should be......there are uses beyond gettin stoned and eatin cheetos all day.

   think those tax-dollars would be MUCH better spent on shuttin down meth. I hate that drug with a passion.

BTW i wouldn't turn in a meth lab either. I would blow it up.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Patriot on July 29, 2011, 12:16:23 PM
Actually, it's a natural wormer for goats.  But not their first browse choice.... that would be leafy spurge.  The lespedeza runs a close second.  Next in line is canada thistle, of all things.
Oh shoot yeah, the first thing to go out of my pasture was that thistle. I had all kinds of thistle in my pature when i first got here. Now there isn't a single plant.  They killed it off.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on July 29, 2011, 12:35:38 PM
Come off it.  Thats a load of crap.  don't go starting a damn panic on that breed of dog. We have enough problems with idiots thinking that pits are bad dogs. Don't go labling this breed as a bad breed.  They are a wonderful cattle dog!  

The last i checked, tigers are not that common around any part outside of a zoo and gators don't live here....Sheesh

Steve the stories of those animals being used to guard pot farms are easy to find. Secondly, it is partly tongue in cheek. Thirdly, KIB\DEA reported they supspect a drug cartel due to the nature of the farm. Very similar to others they have found. Presa Canario's are not used as cattle dogs, but as a guard dog for people and cattle. (Never labeled the breed as bad, just the drug dealers that train and use them). Just waking people up as to what is to come your way if you don't stop these drug cartels from infiltrating EK.

Breathe deep the gathering gloom,Watch lights fade from every room.Bedsitter people look back and lament,Another day's useless energy spent.Impassioned lovers wrestle as one,Lonely man cries for love and has none.New mother picks up and suckles her son,Senior citizens wish they were young.MoodyBlues


Quote from: sodbuster on July 29, 2011, 12:43:56 PM
Steve the stories of those animals being used to guard pot farms are easy to find. Secondly, it is partly tongue in cheek. Thirdly, KIB\DEA reported they supspect a drug cartel due to the nature of the farm. Very similar to others they have found. Presa Canario's are not used as cattle dogs. (Never labeled the breed as bad, just the drug dealers that train and use them). Just waking people up as to what is to come your way if you don't stop these drug cartels from infiltrating EK.


They use any dog they can get, the presa canarios were bred for cattle dogs, hog dogs, dogs that can handle large breed animals. Same thing for pits.  Pits were originally bred for cattle dogs specifically to handle the bulls. They don't do so well with hogs though. The cathoula cur dogs are hog dogs. They are exceptionally well suited to handle a hog as well as bulls and cattle.  So are the presa's.   Just because the dealers use not only presas, they use pits, shepards, dobermans, and any large breed dog to guard. Usually not the crops. Usually they use them to guard their warehouse.  Look for booby traps, tripwire explosives, tripwire shotguns and all manner of surveillance. They use wireless cams to send video to their location in order to keep from getting caught. 9 timesout of 10 the reason you don't get them is cause they see ya coming long before you get there.

Meth labs are the number one users of these things!  Pot growers ehhh they don't bother with it.  Its too easy to see the LEOs monitoring the fields.  Only those who are idiots get caught growing it cause their greedy and they try to cash in once their stash has been discovered. The smart ones have a sacrificial plot to keep the LEO's attention.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


As I said above. Presa's were not used as cattle dogs. Just livestock guarding and people guarding. If you have any proof I would be happy to read it. As I said all of those animals have been used in California pot farms more times than just a single event. The point of my post is you have professional drug cartels in Elk County. Take note it only gets worse from here.

Breathe deep the gathering gloom,Watch lights fade from every room.Bedsitter people look back and lament,Another day's useless energy spent.Impassioned lovers wrestle as one,Lonely man cries for love and has none.New mother picks up and suckles her son,Senior citizens wish they were young.MoodyBlues


Quote from: sodbuster on July 29, 2011, 12:59:07 PM
As I said above. Presa's were not used as cattle dogs. Just livestock guarding and people guarding. If you have any proof I would be happy to read it. As I said all of those animals have been used in California pot farms more times than just a single event. The point of my post is you have professional drug cartels in Elk County. Take note it only gets worse from here.


First introduced to the world outside of Spain's Canary Islands by the American Anthropologist Dr. Carl Semencic in an article for Dogworld Magazine and in his books on the subject of rare breeds of dogs, the Presa Canario or "Canary Dog" is a large sized dog with a thick and muscular body.[1] The head is broad, massive, square, and powerful. Proper head and good expression are part of the breed standard, and are manifest in the best breed specimens. The ears are normally cropped, both to create a more formidable expression and to prevent damage while working with cattle

Presa Canario


The ancestors of the Presa Canario, or
canary dog were probably brought to the Canary
Islands by the Spanish Conquistidors, and coexisted
with indigenous cattle dogs from the beginning of
the fifteenth century. These dogs served many
purposes.  They guarded the farms, helped catch
and hold cattle, and exterminated wild or stray dogs.
In the 1940s, the breed began to decline in
numbers.  In was revived again in the 1970s, when
reputable breeders developed and bred Presa
Canario true to their original size and character.

Presa Canario dogs have experienced ups and
downs in the course of history. These dogs are now
gaining popularity with the quality of the breeding
stock being constantly improved.

The breed originated in the Canary Islands, which
got the name after the dog, not a famous bird.  In
fact, the word "cane" gave rise to the island name. 
The island was referred to as "The Island of Dogs."

The Presa Canario dog  originated from the strong
smooth - coated found on farms and used as working
They were called Majero and are believed to
resemble the Perro de Pastor Malloquin and the
Cao de Castro Laboreiro.  These dogs were widely
spread on the territory of the Canary Islands before
the Spanish were settled there.

In the 19th century, Mastiffs and Old-style bulldogs
appeared on the canary Islands. These dogs were
crossed with the native dogs and the end
result was the Canary dog, also referred to as the
Canario dog.

The Presa Canario was recognized by the
United Kennel Club on January 1, 2003.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

  See, Steve does know 'way too much. ;D  ;D ;D ;)
Yes, I know about the sinsemilla, that's what the word means, sin semilla....without seeds.Thought that's what ya all would grow out there. It's extra strong because it doesn't put any energy into seeds, just leaves.
By the way, I have no problem with it for any good medicinal use. Just keep the stoners out from behind the wheel! They are a real problem to the EMTs because our pain response assessment doesn't work and the stuff can mask serious injuries...more work for us. Stay home if you're gonna stay stoned.  They do end up in car wrecks and sometimes get whupped in bar fights.  Drug induced heroics. Then WE have to deal with 'em. Somebody always calls 9-1-1.
It's amazing how much EMT instructors have to know, especially for the national courses. Even the basic EMT-B course here is 150 hours with many hours of renewals every two years, plus con. ed. classes. Drugs and their effects and interactions are definitely a part of it. From Mary Jane to tar heroin, meth, crack in all it's forms, and all the mixes some people will put in their bodies.One Doc told us that the folks who put these decks and mixes of unknown pills together and take them create a new disease every time they do it . Each drug  alone might not ever be a problem in small amounts, but take 'em all it can be a killer.  Start with Narcan and hope for the best. I'm surprised Amy Winehouse lasted as long as she did. She was doomed.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 29, 2011, 01:13:45 PM
 See, Steve does know 'way too much. ;D  ;D ;D ;)
Yes, I know about the sinsemilla, that's what the word means, sin semilla....without seeds.Thought that's what ya all would grow out there. It's extra strong because it doesn't put any energy into seeds, just leaves.
By the way, I have no problem with it for any good medicinal use. Just keep the stoners out from behind the wheel! They are a real problem to the EMTs because our pain response assessment doesn't work and the stuff can mask serious injuries...more work for us. Stay home if you're gonna stay stoned.  They do end up in car wrecks and sometimes get whupped in bar fights.  Drug induced heroics. Then WE have to deal with 'em. Somebody always calls 9-1-1.
Well tinctures don't stone ya. Tinctures when you are in pain, alleviate the pain.  acts a lot like morphine does.  Morphine when your in pain doesn't cause an addiction or so the docs tell me.  I worry about that when i am in the hospital.  They give me a lot of morphine when i go in.  I have such a high pain tolerance as it is that when they give me morphine or daladid, i'm up and walking around 5 min after getting the meds.  Takes a lot to knock me down.   Wonder if ketamine would work better?

QuoteIt's amazing how much EMT instructors have to know, especially for the national courses. Even the basic EMT-B course here is 150 hours with many hours of renewals every two years, plus con. ed. classes. Drugs and their effects and interactions are definitely a part of it. From Mary Jane to tar heroin, meth, crack in all it's forms, and all the mixes some people will put in their bodies.One Doc told us that the folks who put these decks and mixes of unknown pills together and take them create a new disease every time they do it . Each drug  alone might not ever be a problem in small amounts, but take 'em all it can be a killer.  Start with Narcan and hope for the best. I'm surprised Amy Winehouse lasted as long as she did. She was doomed.

I'll tell ya, when your doc says he can't prescribe pain killers to you and referes you to a pain management class your basically screwed.  SO i can either go to the street and pay top dollar for oxy or i can get some bud and make my own that will last far longer, be less harmful and less dangerous for me to use and be around people.  All medicines natural as well as pharmaceuticals have interactions.  For example, raspberry tea can cause a miscarraige in a pregnant woman in her early trimester but in her later trimester will help the pregnancy.  I've dallied  in the herbs for years and know what i can take and can't take.  In fact, my doctor asks me about herbs a lot of the time and my experience with them taking them alongside of my pharmaceutical meds.  I also have a doctor that knows i know as much about my meds i take as he does and when i adjust myself, he looks at what i do and says ok, that sounds like its working or he disagrees and says lets try something else.   

I'm no expert on it but i am a expert on how my body reacts.   

I just wish these idiots out there that regulate everything would get off of this cannabis has no medical value. They don't know what they are talking about!  The only reason its illegal is cause they don't know a way to tax it and control it.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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