DEMPSAY, Arthur "Art" - b. August 4, 1834 - d. January 15, 1933

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Howard Courant
January 19, 1933


Oldest Civil War Soldier in Elk County, Passed Away Last Sunday, Aged 98 Years

Arthur Dempsay, of the Cave Springs neighborhod, passed away last Sunday.  He had been steadily failing for several months, so the end was expected.  Something over a year ago he had a leg amputated to relieve a bad condition caused by an accident a number of years ago, and while the operation undoubtedly prolonged his life, he was never able to take care of himself and be up and around again.  For some years he made his home with his son John T.

Arthur Dempsay was one of Elk county's best citizens, honest, peace loving, friendly, and thrifty.  In his early life and long after he became an old man, he was a prodigy of physical strength, activity and good health, never ailing, always well, cheerful and contented.

He was not among the earliest settlers, but he came to this county more than 58 years ago, and we believe lived on the place where he died more than 52 years.

This writer first made his acquaintance in 1877, and his name was on The Courant's subscription list when we bought the paper more than 51 years ago, and at times he subscribed for two or three copies, for himself and for some of his family.

The funeral Monday afternoon was attended by a large number of his old friends, neighbors, and relatives.  The services were impressive and appropriate. The following is the obituary:

Arthur Dempsay was born near Nashville, Illinois, August 4, 1834; departed this life at his home northeast of Howard, Kansas, Sunday, January 15, 1933, age 98 years, 5 months, and 11 days.

He was married to Mrs. Mary Frances Rainey in 1872, and to this union four children were born:  W. P. Dempsay of Howard, Kansas; J.T. Dempsay of Severy, Kansas; Myrtle Doggett of Howard, Kansas; and Hattie Doggett of Murdock, Kansas.  There were also two stepsons: Stephen Ulysses Rainey who departed this life a number of years ago, and Benjamin Rainey of Corcoran, California.

The wife and mother preceded Mr. Dempsay in death, July 20, 1909.  Seven grandchildren are left to mourn his departure and six grandchildren have passed on.

At an early date in the Civil War, Arthur Dempsay volunteered in Co. F. 13th Illinois Cavalry and served throughout the war, having active service in many southern states.  He came to Kansas with his family in 1873 and settled near the present home and throughout the 58 years he was a citizen of this county, he was honored, respected and beloved by all who knew him, for besides being a loving husband and father, he was a faithful, generous friend and neighbor and the community where he lived so many years will miss him greatly.

Funeral services were held at the Union Valley school house, Monday, January  16, at 2 p.m.. Rev W. C. Chappell, pastor of the Howard-Antioch M. E. churches, in charge.  Favorite hymns were sung by a quartet of friends of the family.  The Masonic fraternity with the Severy Lodge in charge conducted the burial at North Pole cemetery, where the loving wife has reposed for a quarter of a century.  There was a large attendance of neighbors and frinds at the funeral and burial.

In the passing of Arthur Dempsay Elk County bids good-bye to one of her best and most beloved citizens, and the Grand Army of the Republic counts off one of its oldest and bravest soldiers.

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