Casey Anthony Found

Started by Warph, July 22, 2011, 03:28:26 PM

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An undisclosed source today revealed that First Lady Michele Obama has invited Casey Anthony, recently released accused child killer, to "hide out" in the White House in Washington, D.C.

Mrs. Obama stated, "Barack and I are never there, so someone might as well get some use out of the old place.  Who would think of looking for her there, and security precautions are certainly in place.  If necessary, we have the armed forces of the United States to protect her.  The same people who voted for Barack are the same ones who found her innocent, I am sure of that, people just don't make mistakes."

She told Casey that she could stay as long as she likes, or at least another year or so, or at least until the next election.

The Casey Anthony trial was a criminal trial held in Orlando, Florida from May 9 to July 5, 2011 in the state's Ninth Judicial Circuit Court.  Casey was accused of killing her child, Caylee Marie Anthony.

After her early morning release, Casey was last seen driving away from the jail with her head down in her lawyer's (Jose Baez) lap and her destination was unknown.

It is now known that she was taken to a covert government airfield, hidden under Disney World, and flown by a "black ops" Airwolf helicopter to Washington, where the helicopter landed on the roof of the White House.  Air traffic is so frequent at the White House that the helicopter landed unobserved.

The First Lady also revealed to Casey that her tattoo "Bella Vita" which means "Beautiful life" in Italian, may become the theme of her husband's next campaign, and that once the hatred for her has settled, she may well replace the vile, despicable and cowardly, wild-haired, mop-headed Wasserman-Schultz as head of the DNC.   There was some talk that due to her notoriety, that she may become the new chief of Staff after the 2012 election.  We'll wait and see what happens. 

She also stated that there were irregularities in her husbands past, much the same as with the question about who might be the father of her deceased child.

Michele indicated that Casey was welcome to stay as long as she liked, or until they were forced to leave.  "We're not here much, we've actually remodeled the Oval Office to make living quarters for Casey, 'cause Barack is never there.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Janet Harrington



Naaah, doesn't work for me. This satire\humor is too early for me.  I understand it, it just doesn't work for me at this time. I love sick humor, satire,  all humor. Not complaining about this post just saying it doesn't work for me at this time as being humorous. Warph, I say don't put this in your stand up routine yet. :o

Breathe deep the gathering gloom,Watch lights fade from every room.Bedsitter people look back and lament,Another day's useless energy spent.Impassioned lovers wrestle as one,Lonely man cries for love and has none.New mother picks up and suckles her son,Senior citizens wish they were young.MoodyBlues


Quote from: sodbuster on July 23, 2011, 04:15:26 PM
Naaah, doesn't work for me. This satire\humor is too early for me.  I understand it, it just doesn't work for me at this time. I love sick humor, satire,  all humor. Not complaining about this post just saying it doesn't work for me at this time as being humorous. Warph, I say don't put this in your stand up routine yet. :o


I know how you feel, David  You definitely need a change in something that Will work for you.  Something that has some excitement to it.  Right?  As you know David, the Gaza flotilla and the flytilla may have been down right failures.  But did you know they were also missed opportunities for Israel.  It's no secret that a portion of Israel's tourist trade comes from "Protest Tourism."  From philosophy students and poetry PhD's like you who want a chance to visit the Holy Land, throw some rocks at a soldier and have their pictures taken with AK-47 wielding terrorists.  And it's time that the Israeli tourist industry took their business seriously.

Rather than profiling them and giving them the heave-ho at the airport, why not develop special tourism packages catering to their needs.  Ah ha, happily one company, Kick-Ass Protest Tours is already on it.  By the first quarter of 2012, Kick-Ass Protest Tours expects to be able to offer angry entitled clowns a choice of three tour packages in Israel.  That's three, David.  8)

#1)  8)
You're angry at your parents.  You're angry at the world.  You're still angry at Bush.  One time you saw a PBS documentary on Gaza and you said, "Man, are those people angry.  But in a really deep and spiritual way."

Pack your hemp sandals, your $259 dollar sunglasses and get ready to fill your Flickr account with photos of underprivileged children.

Take off from San Francisco International Airport in a remodeled Tupolev Tu-114 aircraft that smells like gasoline and cow manure.  As your body tries to decide whether it should pass out from the fumes or throw up from the turbulence, you will relish knowing that you have left behind your comfortable life and are experiencing the agony of being in the Third World.  Your ticket price of $3000 dollars will be a small price to pay for the insights from this experience that you will be able to share on Tumblr.

You land at Ben Gurion airport, after three hours going through customs, where you will be encouraged to yell "Power to the People" slogans at officials who will pretend not to understand what you are saying.  If you cannot think of any slogans to yell, a booklet of slogans handwritten by a committee that includes Noam Chomsky, Tony Kushner and Norman Finkelstein ($19.95) will be provided for you.

Accommodations will be provided inside a half-collapsed house with an Israeli bulldozer outside.  With six to a room, your job will be to prevent the bulldozer from knocking over the house.  At unpredictable times during the night, the bulldozer will start up, and then you will be expected to run out of the house, screaming and waving your hands, while shouting political slogans at it.  The bulldozer will then usually stop.  If it does not, you will be expected to lie in the mud while contemplating the geopolitics of the whole thing.  

Sometimes during the night, men will come through the tunnels in the house, carrying mortar rounds and IED's.  You will be given 15 minutes to pose for pictures with them.  These will look really good on your Facebook and your friends who just went skiing or to build homes in Africa will be really jealous.

After three days of this ($4999) while drinking putrid water and eating old stale pita, ($215.44) you will be able to say that you participated in the revolutionary struggle against Zionism and for weapons smuggling tunnels.  You may even get a PhD thesis out of this, or at least a foreign correspondent post with Newsweek magazine, which means you will be able to do this sort of thing full time. And even get paid a stipend for it.

#2)  8) 8)
You are a very deep person.  People tell you this all the time, even when you don't prompt them.  Often you wish that you had been born earlier so that you could have participated in the great protest movements of the past.  You write outraged poems about many things which to your shame occasionally rhyme a little too well.

Deep in your deep self, you hate Israel, Coca Cola, Nuclear Power, Country Music, McDonalds, Organized Religion, People Who Don't Recycle and Republicans in no particular order.  If you are English, then you hate these things too, but not as much as Tony Blair and the Daily Mail.

You leave on a boat from somewhere.  Probably Mexico.  Maybe Turkey.  It's still too early to tell.  The boat will not be very good.  It will lack a toilet.  You will have to use a bucket.  Occasionally you will also have to row.  If the boat springs a leak, you will also have to use the bucket to bail.  (Bucket is complimentary, additional buckets are $49.95)

On this cruise ($12,000) you will rub shoulders with mildly famous authors like Alice Walker and Henning Mankell, and fight with them over bucket privileges.  If you are not abducted by Somali pirates, you should be approaching the coast of Gaza in 6-8 weeks.  Possibly more if you took a wrong turn around Australia or Atlantis.

If your captain is not excessively stoned, he will be successfully run the boat aground on the Gaza coast.  You will be given one hour to pose for photographs with authentic Hamas terrorists ($300.00) and even hold their weapons (additional $75.00).  If you do not yet have a Keffiyah, one will be provided for you, ($39.95).

After this time you will be arrested by the authorities for illegal entry.  You will be given 15 min to be photographed struggling with them in heroic poses.  If your poses are not heroic, this is your own damn fault.

In prison ($7,000.00) you will receive access to a computer so that you can document your struggle in full detail.  If you do not have a Twitter account, one will be provided for you ($9.25).  You will be given a chance to pose for photos in prison.  Be sure to grip the bars tightly and put on your best defiant look that will impress committed activists back home ($81.00).

After an hour in prison you will be driven to the airport, where you will be given another 15 minutes to protest your deportation and confer with journalists.  Then you will be put on a plane and sent home to whatever suburb you came from.  Your boat will be sunk to the bottom of the ocean or used to transport the next group of protest tourists, depending on how badly it smells.

#3)  8) 8) 8)
You are a mature thinker.  Not only do you know the difference between the International Secretariat of the Fourth Communist International and the International Committee of the Fourth Communist International, but you also know why both are wrong, and you are right.  Israel is despised both as a tool of the capitalist fascist colonialist vanguard and because it is a bridge with the workers and peasants of the Islamic world who are the best hope for bringing down the system.

The first class fight ($40,000) arrives on schedule, after a brief hijacking.  As befitting your intellectual stature, the hijackers allow you to draw up their political program for them.  It should be no less than 100 pages and should incorporate as many references to People of Color, Dialectical Materialism and the Military-Industrial Complex as you can fit in.  10 minutes before landing the hijackers will be disarmed, but this will not affect you in any way as you are an intellectual and above the fray.  Nor will you be expected to participate in any of the fisticuffs.

On the ground, you will begin with a tour of Israeli left-wing NGO's who will ask you to help fund their work of bringing down the Zionist state, ($2,500,000) and then driven to help local Arab Muslims bring in the olive harvest.  Their olives are located on an Israeli farmer's land.  You will be encouraged to help vandalize his farm equipment and vineyards.  Eventually you will discover there are no actual olives.  But symbolic olives will be provided ($4.00 each) to hold up.

Next you will be taken to the separation wall.  You will be provided with stones to throw at Israeli soldiers (20 dollars each) and while you will be too far away to actually hit them, the photo will look brilliant on the cover of Newsweek.

A can of spray paint ($195.00) will also be provided for you to draw pictures or slogans on the wall.  In the unlikely case that a deep intellectual like you cannot think of a slogan, something about "Apartheid" will do.

Following this you will participate in a seminar at Birzeit University on the Arab Spring. Study up carefully, many of Birzeit's faculty are graduates of Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow and are up on all their Marxism-Leninism.  President Abbas, another graduate, may stop by and consult with you on his updated thesis of how to run a fake terrorist state entirely on foreign aid.

Finally you will be driven to Amos Oz's house, where the cranky writer will expostulate at length on Israel's immoral occupation, how much he hates the settlers and how much his bladder hurts ($599.95).  The latter topic will occupy most of your session.  You will then receive a copy of Oz's latest book ($39.95) and he will waddle off to the bathroom, while you head back to the airport.

While waiting in the airport lounge, you may be able to turn your thoughts into an essay for The New Yorker.  Be sure to tell David Remnick that Aisha sends her best and that he's welcome to visit her again anytime.

Kick-Ass Protest Tours has put together an impressive tour package to cater to the leftist of all stripes and categories.  Its ingenuity shows that just because people hate a country but are still obsessed with visiting it, doesn't mean that a tourism package can't be developed for them.  Good luck on whatever package you choose, David.  Which ever one you pick, it should be a blast!   :o :o :o


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Diane Amberg

You forgot to mention the falafel stands on every corner. Included in all tours.

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