Take from it what you will...........but he HAS a point.........

Started by thatsMRSc2u, July 25, 2011, 09:38:00 PM

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Quote from: Ross on July 28, 2011, 04:59:33 PM
Jeffe was taking to me in this one.
And I responded with;
Then Wilma wanted in  with her personal opinion;
I did not call any names. But I do believe You are equally nasty on other threads Wilma.
But Jefe's insuinuating remark "Think you could handle it in real life , no place to hide?" is fine with you.

Then Catwoman wanted to be involved with her opinion;.

I am sorry Wilma, Sir Jefe could not teach me a thing, I believe he lacks the ability. He could not even answer simple questions on another thread. Ha, ha.

You see Wilma you and Catwoman made it about me . I didn't makea it about me, re-read your post. It's there in black and white.

And then this male cheerleader in California get real nasty and you ladies say nothing. What a refined group you folks are. I really think you each deserve the other.

There you have it all. YOU made it about me. So now, Wilma and Catwoman stop it, please.
Stop making it about me.

Cheer for Jefe.

Ya'all are a real refined group. And I wish to cheer you on.

Ya,all keep your cheerleading group real tight . And perhaps you can get a real cheer together.

Have a great evening.

Ross I think a lot of people are trying to send you a message and you are not getting it.


Quote from: frawin on July 28, 2011, 05:19:49 PM
Ross I think a lot of people are trying to send you a message and you are not getting it.
Mr. Frawin,
That is not a lot of people, just a cheerleading group.
I just sent them a message. They don't own the forum!
And bullying doesn't work on here.
And that they chose to make me the center of attention just as you are doing right here..
Read the post to understand it.

Please don't send me anymore private messages.
They will not remain private as I am not a sneaky private person.
Thank you.

You sir, have a good evening as well.


That is correct Ross...these private messages from pissy people are quite irritating!! Never say in private what you don't have the guts to say in public...




What I hear being said is, "you all have a tightnit group that you're not letting me be a part of, so I'll take my ball and go home"...

The only thing binding us together is a moderate, albeit a bit conservative, mature viewpoint that isn't swayed by hystrionics.  You're welcome to be a part of us, Mr. Ross...Honest, you are, as well as the rest of your private boy's club...And there have been brief glimmers of a more evolved viewpoint that have eminated from you, before the paranoia sets in once again and you return to your original stance.

Really, Mr. Ross...You're welcome as can be, if you can relax, laugh a bit more than cry about the banality of this common life we share and just get on with it.  No membership dues, no secret handshake and no wondering about little green men hidden in the shadows...Just a relaxed bunch of adults who are making their way through this life the best that they can... ;D...Come on in and sit down awhile!  ;D


  I'm sittin here........shakin my head................MARVELING......................heres a pissy message for yall.... out in the open..........where everybody can see............

   You sound like a pissy third grader! You make snide remarks to people and then you come back and "oh my....I wasn't wude...I was polite....I just can't understand why you donwt wike me" with your lip stickin out, battin your eyes.....my GOD dude....move on already.....

Ha Cat you were writin while I was.......yeah what she said...unless you want to do some more of the why you pickin on wittle ol me bullshit :P I aint quite as diplomatic as Cat is......


What I see is several adults stating their viewpoint.
It makes some mad, and it makes some glad.

Ross understands what he sees and is irate.
No one see it the same way and dumps on him.

However, for the first time I see adults talking in a very healthy conversation, albeit snarky at times.
So, let me say this:
Everyone who posts is wrong, and Everyone who responds is right.

Now, did I just cancel myself out????     ???
ready and trying out the new math


LOLOLOLOLOL...Oh, Ready...You are truly good!  ;D  You just keep up the new math and I figure, somewhere along the line, it will all work out...At least, I hope so!!  You're a hoot!!  ;D


I belong to an adult card group and the conversation (use that tem) lightly is nothing like this.  
Consider Teresa a great monitor that alows free speach to a point.

Tempers will flare and not everyone are able to express their point....



Nah, no correction necessary... ;D...I love reading all of you, even the curmudgeons...Whether or not consensus is achieved is not material here.  All that matters is that everyone is given the same opportunity to voice their thoughts.  And, yes...We are indeed fortunate that Teresa and Kjell are running this Forum.  Too often in this life, people exit it, feeling like they were never heard.  At least, here on this Forum, no one is going to die of lack of attention! lol  ;D

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