Free Speech

Started by Lookatmeknow!!, July 25, 2011, 04:44:09 PM

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Since when in the world are we not allowed to free speech?? Why is it that some people can't just agree to not agree on issues, without the name calling and back lash that follows? I thought that everyone was entitled to their own opinions on things, and if they state it the ones that don't agree with the others thinking are suddenly not intelligent? There are things that are said that are so mean and hateful on here, because some choose to not agree and they write their opinion on the matter and suddenly they are so dumb!! Why is that? Is it that one person is right and no one else is? No, it's because we all stand for what we believe in. I might not believe like others, but sometimes it's just better to not agree then to post one's opinions. I feel that we should be able to not agree and post our opinions without the "I'M BETTER THAN YOU AND KNOW IT ALL ATTITUDE"!! Sick to death of putting jokes on here to people, posting my opinions, and others think it's ok to call me dumb!! I know that many of you are going to say, stop reading it, stop posting. But why should I have to do that? Don't I have the same rights as they do when it comes to using the forum?

Please feel free to BASH away!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on July 25, 2011, 04:44:09 PM
Since when in the world are we not allowed to free speech??

We are, and you have every right to use this forum.  Just remember, we're also allowed to be offended, hurt, sad, angry or whatever other feeling might cross our plate when we read other folks views.  And if we choose to engage in the dialogue, there's no guarantee that we're somehow protected from others views about what we say.  In the politics forum here, in particular, one needs to develop a thick skin if they're gonna play.  Life isn't kind sometimes.  An you're right, no one makes anyone read or reply.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


What I find extremely amazing in here is the fact that everyone seems to think that they are NOT doing what they are whining about others doing. I guess it is true that sometimes we can't see the forest for the trees when it comes to our own faults... or the way we are.
Discussions are fine.. Debates are fine... Disagreeing is fine... Hell, it's all fine~~~And  sometimes it feels pretty damned good to call some names and tell someone to 'get bent".. That's human nature...
Its also human nature to get so wrapped up in a topic and so passionate about it that its hard to see or want to see anyone's opinion other than our own... or the ones that we agree with.  
I admire those who can keep their cool and stay on topic...
I usually try, but fail miserably.. I  get as mad as a mule chewing on bumblebees.. which generally leads me to spouting out a lot of knee jerk comments... which as most everyone knows.. accomplishes nothing other than making me feel good temporarily. 
I am very opinionated in some areas in here.. ( and still quietly seething inside from someone using the term "loony right wingers"..  as I kinda resembled that remark...and I happen to not think of myself or those I agree with as loony at all~~~But ... that is here nor there.)  For this reason, and the fact that as the owner of the site, I feel I  need to try to just sit on the fence and listen.. no matter how hard I want to jump on one side with both feet.
There are times I fail at this too.. I get frustrated and I'm not above stooping and sniping below the belt on my passion and inner feelings get the best of me. So I'm up against the same things every other human being is up against on a public forum.  :-\
Once one here has ever been muzzled. Not to my knowledge anyway..

Angie, I'm directing this to you and answering your questions.. as you are the one who brought this topic to post............

Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on July 25, 2011, 04:44:09 PM
I might not believe like others, but sometimes it's just better to not agree then to post one's opinions.

I feel that we should be able to not agree and post our opinions without the "I'M BETTER THAN YOU AND KNOW IT ALL ATTITUDE"!!

Don't I have the same rights as they do when it comes to using the forum?

Okay~~ 1st.. you don't agree... but yet~~you post your opinion..
As does everyone who isn't on the same side....

2nd~~ To be fair.. I think that when we all are trying to get a point across that WE ALL tend to emit that " I know it all attitude".. because frankly, if you think you are right and you think others are wrong.. then we actually DO think we know it all. :)

3rd....Excuse me.. but from all of your long posts that pretty much use all terms of verbiage.. I would say that you DO  and ARE utilizing your full rights and use of this forum.   :)

Once again... I allow almost everything on here.. If I take anything off, there is a reason and it will not be because I agree or disagree on a personal level.

Quote from: Patriot on July 25, 2011, 05:31:26 PM
In the politics forum here, in particular, one needs to develop a thick skin if they're gonna play.  Life isn't kind sometimes. ..... no one makes anyone read or reply.

Well said Patriot... That's the truth...  :)
* I have said the same thing numerous times*....
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Your right of free speech is only guaranteed when it is government that is trying to supress your speech.

Breathe deep the gathering gloom,Watch lights fade from every room.Bedsitter people look back and lament,Another day's useless energy spent.Impassioned lovers wrestle as one,Lonely man cries for love and has none.New mother picks up and suckles her son,Senior citizens wish they were young.MoodyBlues


Points well taken!! Got it, thick skin is something I need to get a grip on!! Not taking things personally, too!! Got it!! ;)
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!

Diane Amberg

But Teresa, everybody knows and some will be happy to tell you, with disdain, that I  DO know everything, I've been everywhere, done everything, got the Tee-shirt, have all the right answers and the IQ to back it up. ;D  After all, it's always all about me! 8) :P ;D ;D ;D
  But, in the four years I've been visiting here I've learned that "free speech" allows me to cuss out children, and call people stupid, because according to my personal IQ they are, (Yes, I know what it is) You should worship at my feet.(poke poke) ;D I can then behave in all sorts of despicable self absorbed manners because others can and do.
 Ordinary verbal manners are considered by some to show weakness. Mouth muscle shows power and therefore street smarts.
 I can suggest that people be injured for their beliefs because it was done to me, twice. I was told to suck it up. If I have to suck it up, they do too.  Don't debate the issue with facts, attack the person! :P
 I've learned how to completely derail a good conversation and professionally deflect and attack  posters' personally to make my point seem more important.
 If "anything goes," then nobody can be accused of having any" faults," it's all allowed. Opinions may be paraded as facts, and one has to take it or leave it. So be it.
If some posters have to have thick skin, then all should. I should never read anybody's own frustrated words coming back to bite them when someone finally has enough verbal bullying and fights back. The receiver then should have thick skin enough to take the rebuttal like a man/woman and not whine and say ,"well, what about when YOU said''.....That's an underhanded set up.  The aggressor is just waiting for the victim to break so they can pounce and throw their own words back at them, as if they themselves are then justified and their opinion is the best one. It's a short list, but everyone who posts with any regularity knows who they are and what their motives are.
If it's a free for all, it needs to be on a level playing field.  Now go play nice, or your recess will be cut short. ;D  :angel:   I'm expecting dissenting slams any time now, so have fun. I'll put my special armadillo armor on.


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on July 25, 2011, 04:44:09 PM
Since when in the world are we not allowed to free speech?? Why is it that some people can't just agree to not agree on issues, without the name calling and back lash that follows? I thought that everyone was entitled to their own opinions on things, and if they state it the ones that don't agree with the others thinking are suddenly not intelligent? There are things that are said that are so mean and hateful on here, because some choose to not agree and they write their opinion on the matter and suddenly they are so dumb!! Why is that? Is it that one person is right and no one else is? No, it's because we all stand for what we believe in. I might not believe like others, but sometimes it's just better to not agree then to post one's opinions. I feel that we should be able to not agree and post our opinions without the "I'M BETTER THAN YOU AND KNOW IT ALL ATTITUDE"!! Sick to death of putting jokes on here to people, posting my opinions, and others think it's ok to call me dumb!! I know that many of you are going to say, stop reading it, stop posting. But why should I have to do that? Don't I have the same rights as they do when it comes to using the forum?

Please feel free to BASH away!!

Everyone has the right to free speech.  You just don't have the right to not be offended! :)
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Yep teresa you do remove posts for a reason :D  LOL
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 26, 2011, 11:37:22 AM
But Teresa, everybody knows and some will be happy to tell you, with disdain, that I  DO know everything, I've been everywhere, done everything, got the Tee-shirt, have all the right answers and the IQ to back it up. ;D  After all, it's always all about me! 8) :P ;D ;D ;D
Yep i do know everything! Been everywhere!  Whats your point! :)
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Well, me too...come sit by me. ;)

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