Government Schools, Bastion of Honesty and ethics!??

Started by srkruzich, July 22, 2011, 09:11:07 AM

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Diane Amberg

I'm not sure who you were quoting but some was not mine! :P
Sorry you didn't care for school but I've found the loudest complainers didn't, for one reason or another. It wasn't the school's fault you had three jobs. You were "above all that?"  Now that's just sad. After all these years you still haven't gotten past it ? The "drunk and pregnant" business is self imposed and totally stupid IMHO. How is that the school's fault that a few have no sense and aren't about to listen to their parents, ministers or anyone else.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 23, 2011, 10:27:01 AM
Steve, any good teacher could tell if some kids just went through the motions on those tests. At the ages those kids took those test they were in no position to know whether those tests had value or not. I suppose some parent would excuse their child's poor performance by suggesting that the whole thing was stupid. Immaturity plays a part too.
  Why bother if it doesn't count? Discipline and character building that's why. Learning HOW to take tests and understand the differences between different kinds of questions is part of the learning process.  I wouldn't brag about poor school attitude Steve. You should have been challenged more, but if you excused yourself by sleeping in class, why would the teacher bother? ;D Did your parents work with your teachers to challenge you? I'd have loved to have worked with you. You'd have had extra assignments and individual study projects.
The school didn't care as long as my grades were good.  Shrug.  I had excellent grades.  Extra assignments to do what?  Busy work?  lol. That does nothing but turn kids off on school.  Like i said i left and succeeded without the added drudgery of going through the motions.   Most of the problem was that teachers didn't want to bother with ADHD kids. I was and am still am afflicted/blessed you call it what you will with it.  I spent more time in the office over that than i did in class and whats funny is I still did better than most of the kids in class.  But i doubt you could have done much with me.  I wouldn't and still to this day would not do busy work.  I've had employers give me busy work and i'd tell them just give me the day off if they have nothing meaningful for me to work on.  

QuoteIn your case, you quit, no surprise there. I guess you are younger than I thought. When I went to school in the 50's and very early 60's ,you quit, that was that. No second chances. GEDs started out to help vets who enlisted for WWII before they graduated. That made sense.
I'm 50 years old.  Lots of folks have quit because they are quite bored with the school.  Why go through 2 more years of torture when you can take the GED, which says YOUR qualified and have learned the curriculum to graduate.   It makes no sense to put up with the classroom when you can basically test out of it.  

QuoteNow some people complain because it's considered coddling the kids. Why should they get to squander their education and goof off with no consequences, and then go to night school to finish.
Night school?   What nightschool. I went and took the GED.  Didn't go to any school for it.  It was scheduled that week i quit, i went and took it, passed it and went into the office the next day and withdrew. SHowed them my scores my test and said i fulfilled the requirements of law.   They don't and won't argue with that.

QuoteWhy did you even bother with a GED, Steve?
Because 1. the law said i had to be in school or graduate, 2. I was smart enough to know that you won't go anywhere without a piece of paper that says you are qualified and have learned the curriculum, and 3. you can't get into higher education without it.  
OR you couldn't at that time. Today you can go to college believe it or not without a ged.  Go figure....just pass this act test and they let you in.

QuoteI know you made sure your own sons got a good education. As I have said many times, one size doesn't necessarily fit all, but most kids do fine and also enjoy the sports, music and the whole school experience, including the Prom and other events that they will always remember and cherish. When one quits that experience is lost too.  Sure e-education may be the thing of the future, but even that won't fit every one,  I still say for every person there is some way to get the education that is a good fit. How does griping help?
JUST Because i quit, doesn't mean i didn't get an education!  I suppose quit is the wrong term, I accelerated my graduation by testing out of the last 2 years.  THat would be more accurate.  Secondly I was able to teach myself.  Who needs a educator when you can teach yourself.  I have utilized education in that it makes it somewhat easier sometimes but quite frankly from what i have seen of college educators these days, their worthless.  They don't and won't help, they usually do not have a clue as to what the real world is doing.   I Find this most true in the Computer field. IF you don't go to a payplenty school, like devry, or a votech, your instructors are just a body filling a space.  THey haven't a clue as to how and what is done in the real world job market.  

I've engaged instructors over IT information and they really are clueless.  They think that the only world in IT is the windows world and that you'll never amount to anything if you choose otherwise.  Funny though how windows world jobs are the lowest paid jobs in the market.  Yet you cna't convince these instructors of that.  

I tell folks all the time that are going into computers.  YOu wnat a education in computers, get the basics, 1 or 2 year at a community college and skip the bs degree.  Go to work for CNN, or a company like them.  They are doing things in their company that isn't going to be done in the marketplace for another 10 years.  That is education when you get on the leading edge and are creating the world marketplace with your work.

Anyway,  Like i said before, the education quality has diminished over the years.  We learned more in my 10 years in school than most kids learn even into thier 2nd year of college today.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 23, 2011, 11:16:29 AM
I'm not sure who you were quoting but some was not mine! :P
Sorry you didn't care for school but I've found the loudest complainers didn't, for one reason or another. It wasn't the school's fault you had three jobs. You were "above all that?"  Now that's just sad. After all these years you still haven't gotten past it ? The "drunk and pregnant" business is self imposed and totally stupid IMHO. How is that the school's fault that a few have no sense and aren't about to listen to their parents, ministers or anyone else.

I copied and pasted right from your post word for word. Not that it matters.

Those are facts of life.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 23, 2011, 11:16:29 AM
Sorry you didn't care for school but I've found the loudest complainers didn't, for one reason or another.

That business of the loudest complainers is an old axiom for trying to gloss over the truth.
In traditional logic, an axiom or postulate is a proposition that is not proved or demonstrated but considered to be either self-evident, or subject to necessary decision. Just BS.

I didn't have to get over it, I got past it. I even made a better income through life then most of the kids with straight A's.
Even some of those became drug addicts and alcoholics. Go figure.

Hefe de vaca

     Once again, Ross joins a thread to moan the blues and call attention to himself with no real thoughts as to the topic.

Diane Amberg

 Mr. Ross go back and read reply 19.You scrambled the middle. I didn't say anything about your graduation or stages or anything of the sort. :o


Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 23, 2011, 01:18:26 PM
    Once again, Ross joins a thread to moan the blues and call attention to himself with no real thoughts as to the topic.
You sir really seem to be envious of me, otherwise the put downs would mot be necessary.
You seem to just look for my posts, thanks for the compliment of following me.
I hope you sir someday out grow the need to bully.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 23, 2011, 01:22:33 PM
Mr. Ross go back and read reply 19.You scrambled the middle. I didn't say anything about your graduation or stages or anything of the sort. :o

Did this get scrambled too? I simply quoted what was there at the time. Perhaps you modified it after I quoted it. Just as I modified my post to Jefe just now. I add the line, "You seem to just look for my posts, thanks for the compliment of following me."

So pardon me for quoting something you may not have meant to say.

Diane Amberg

But Ross, your put downs are allowed? How about it? We're always wrong and you are always right? Please explain how that works? Other people are stupid and should be called as such because of a different point of view, but you are some how different?   I'm disappointed and going away. When you all come up with the perfect solution for educating the next generation's kids beside school, please let me know what it is. I'm obviously too old and stupid to know, even though I had parents asking for me for their children. Oh, well.Those were MY "facts of life." I surely shouldn't ever feel good about myself. Sheesh! :P
    You are full of crap about my post, I didn't go back and change anything! Why would I say anything about "my diploma" and "stage." Now I am really pissed. You somehow scrambled it, now take responsibility for it. >:( 


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 23, 2011, 01:56:19 PM
But Ross, your put downs are allowed? How about it? We're always wrong and you are always right? Please explain how that works? Other people are stupid and should be called as such because of a different point of view, but you are some how different?   I'm disappointed and going away. When you all come up with the perfect solution for educating the next generation's kids beside school, please let me know what it is. I'm obviously too old and stupid to know, even though I had parents asking for me for their children. Oh, well.Those were MY "facts of life." I surely shouldn't ever feel good about myself. Sheesh! :P
   You are full of crap about my post, I didn't go back and change anything! Why would I say anything about "my diploma" and "stage." Now I am really pissed. You somehow scrambled it, now take responsibility for it. >:(  
My apology's it did get scrambled some how and terribly. I shall go back and remove the quote.
I'm human and can screw up, I admit it. So sorry.
Also Diane I was not referring to you in anything I have said.

Diane Amberg

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