It's "Bye Bye, ObumaClown" in 2012.... Guarenteed!

Started by Warph, July 21, 2011, 01:06:32 AM

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In 2008, ObumaClown carried 28 states and the District of Columbia.  That gave him 365 electoral votes to McGoofy's 173.  But that was then and this is now.  At the time, ObumaClown's offshore drilling ban hadn't destroyed the oil-driven economy of the Gulf States.  While it's true that most of those states, though not Florida, went for McGoofy, I'd say that ObamaClown's energy policy and his push for the Cap & Trade Bill ensures that none of them will be moving into his column.

In addition, the soaring cost to fuel their cars, heat their homes and feed their families, will serve to remind voters all over the country that not even Clinton was as fanatical in his opposition to the American coal and oil industries.  It will not be overlooked that, at the same time ObumaClown was attacking America's oil industry, he was giving Brazil two billion dollars to help finance their off-shore oil industry... in which, coincidentally, Mr. a**hole himself, George ("I'm Not Dracula!") Soros has a huge financial stake, though, unfortunately, not a wooden one through his heart.

In breaking down the electoral votes, also taking into account the number of people who side with Arizona in its ongoing battle with ObumaClown over illegal aliens, as well as those who live in the 28 states whose attorney generals have joined in opposition to ObumaClowns proudest achievement, ObumaCare.  Along with all of those considerations, one should keep in mind that ObumaClown only won Ohio by 4%, Florida by 3% and Indiana and North Carolina by 1% each.  That's the same Indiana from which ObumaClown is now threatening to withhold $4 billion in Medicare allotments for daring to de-fund Planned Parenthood.

One should also keep in mind that during the first two years of his administration, Virginia, Ohio and New Jersey, all elected Republican governors, in spite of ObumaClown's earnest efforts on behalf of their opponents.  In Massachusetts, the voters even elected a Republican senator for the first time in decades.  Proving these weren't aberrations, in the midterms, the GOP added 60 seats in the House and half a dozen in the Senate.

While it's true that a Republican House will prevent ObumaClown from going quite as crazy in his last two years as he did in his first two, I think there is very little chance that they'll be able to rein him in as much as Newt Gingrich and the Republican House reined in Bill Clinton in the mid-90s, which, ironically, helped him get re-elected.  For one thing, Clinton, unlike ObumaClown, was more a practical political hack and less a left-wing ideologue.  Besides, even as a survival tactic, if ObumaClown attempted to veer towards the center, the combination of Reid, Pelosi, Schumer, Kucinich, Waxman, Sherman, Leahy, Frank, Boxer and the vile, despicable and cowardly, wild-haired mop headed Wasserman-Schultz, would keep pulling him back.

It's bad enough, so far as ObumaClown's base is concerned, that they've had to eat their words when it came to the War Powers Act, Gitmo, military tribunals, enhanced interrogation, ACORN and the Patriot Act.  If you expect them to come to their belated senses when it comes to such things as drilling offshore... in ANWR and Wyoming... doing away with affirmative action.. opposing same-sex marriages and federally-funded abortions... acknowledging global warming to be a gigantic hoax.... adopting a pro-Israel policy in the Middle East... returning power to the states... and doing away with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (aka ObumaCare), you might as well expect them to register as Republicans.

So, while overcoming Obumaclown's 365-173 advantage in 2008 might seem an impossible task, bear in mind that 12 of the 28 states that are trying to get rid of ObumaCare helped get him elected last time.  But thanks to his overbearing arrogance, his obvious contempt for anyone who disagrees with his policies, his narcissism, his ineptitude when it comes to managing the economy, his endless appearances on TV and his bias in favor of the Arabs over the Israelis... I don't believe he has won over anyone who wasn't already convinced he was godlike in 2008.

Making his re-election even more implausible is the fact that thanks to the census, redistricting has shifted electoral votes in the GOP's favor, so even if he repeated his 2008 performance, he'd end up with six fewer electoral votes.  Added to all of that are the endless rounds of golf, parties, vacations and campaign fund-raising events, he somehow manages to find time for, while leaving such minor details as forging a federal budget and dealing with spending cuts to underlings like Pelosi and Reid.

If, in addition to Florida (27 electoral votes), Indiana (11) and North Carolina (15), where ObumaClown only squeaked by last time, Virginia (13), Ohio (20) and New Jersey (15)... all states in which the likes of Rick Scott, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Bob McDonnell and Chris Christie, now rule the roost... we're talking about 101 electoral votes.  Which means that even in the unlikely event that ObumaClown somehow manages to hang on to those other 22 states, he would end up in 2012 with 258 electoral votes, losing to someone with an (R) after his or her name who'd have 280. 

So come Nov. 2012, it's "Bye Bye ObumaClown!"
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


I hope/pray that you are right WARPH but I wouldn't bet too much money on it. YOUR CiC says he will raise a billion bucks for his campaign and 'money talks and BS walks" is still alive and well. If only someone like Christie would make a run at it. With the current crop of Repubs that are running so far, it come down to who they pick as a running mate, that will determine if they have a shot or not. An Allen West or a Rubio could do it. Is that playing the race card ? Been there, done that and it works.
So far I'm really impressed by Lt Col West. I like a man that pierces the ear of his adversary with a 9mm pistol to get info. I can picture him meeting with Achm-------- you know--- that midget scum bag that thinks he runs Iran.


Yeah i like West.  He knows how to get things done!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Also loved his handling of that witch the other day.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on July 21, 2011, 08:00:52 AM
Also loved his handling of that witch the other day.

I like West.  He doesn't display the typical lack of intestinal fortitude displayed by Repubs when dealing with leftist name callers.  It's about time the left got some serious resistance.  They hate it when someone fights back, you know.

On a side note... there's something missing from this dust up between Mr West and Mz Wasserman hyphen Shultz.  By using the usual liberal disconnect, we must ask...

Is West a sexist for hammering her, or is she a racist for hammering him?  

Must be a difficult spot for the libs:  Can't win by assigning undeserved labels and watching the opposition fold.

And now folks are asking if West should apologize to her.  I say no.  Why apologize for being truthful.

UPDATE:  She's now calling him sexist because he said she wasn't 'ladylike.'  Well....

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

So what does anybody's hair, or lack there of, have to do with anything? Kind of petty isn't it? I wish they and you all would stick to the issues.Throwing mud balls doesn't solve anything. I suppose it's just politics. ecck.


Saying Schultz is a wild haired mop head is grounds for a fight ?? Now that is petty and digging pretty deep to get into a cat fight wouldn't you say ? Poke--poke. ;) Where was the outrage when "a moderate" was talking about Trump having a squirrel on his head ?
Guess me joking about Biden and his corn rows or a certain person in DC having nappy hair, best not be said. ;D

Diane Amberg

 Ha! That's not what I meant. I'm talking  about politically discussions only. I don't like the "squirrel hair" type comments either, when mixed into talking about a candidate's qualifications or when they/we need to focus on issues.
Not worth a fight...just kind of lowers my expectations of the value of the writers words. You know the saying. "if ya can't attack the issue, attack the person."  Just my personal way of looking at things...not that anyone cares.
How about joking about men who shave off perfectly good hair in order to be bald? Shouldn't that just roll ya on the floor? Who cares?  Would you elect a bald President? It should be a non issue. We're rapidly approaching the "silly season" again. So who knows. I'd rather hear about genuine issues so I can choose. It won't be because of eye color, hair or height either.  By the way, you'll (plural) probably be hearing from your local coven any day now because of the "witchy" comment. I thought Christine O'Donnell had that locked up. ;)


Quote from Diane:
How about joking about men who shave off perfectly good hair in order to be bald? Shouldn't that just roll ya on the floor? Who cares?

I for one care Diane. There was the time I would get ol Sarge in a headlock and give him a Dutch rub until he had a blister on his head. Now that he's bald he can slip out of a headlock and get me in one and there aint no way out of it with this full head of Robert Redford hair I got. Must be a hair / friction thing !!!

Diane Amberg

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