bulk shopping question

Started by readyaimduck, July 18, 2011, 06:10:54 PM

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QuoteNothing says redneck more than a toilet with flowers on the front lawn

There's GOT to be a saying in that somewhere ::)....something about 'not a pot to peas in'.... ;D
I need more coffee, or perhaps a beer?? 


My girls just brought in some cherry tomatos from the garden here at the daycare. We had some watermelon setting on, but other than that, not much activity in out there. With a water watch, don't feel I should use the water to water the garden that much. Just in case!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on July 22, 2011, 12:09:54 PM
My girls just brought in some cherry tomatos from the garden here at the daycare. We had some watermelon setting on, but other than that, not much activity in out there. With a water watch, don't feel I should use the water to water the garden that much. Just in case!!

???  IF its your garden, its your food supply and damn the water watch. IF your food is going to die, then water it.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Well, I do see where your coming from, but at the same time it's so hot that only time I am here that it is best is at 6 in the morning and I do that everyother day.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on July 22, 2011, 12:43:37 PM
Well, I do see where your coming from, but at the same time it's so hot that only time I am here that it is best is at 6 in the morning and I do that everyother day.

Hopefully this fall i can get enough cash up i'm buying some misters and building it for next year.   You can set up a misting system that fogs the plants for 7 seconds every 5 minutes.  You can set it up for every 10 or 20 min o rwhatever you want.  But...7 sec every 5 min will keep the plants at the right moisture level.   IT will also keep your waterbill down.  IF i remember right 10 misters will use 1 gallon of water in 7 seconds.  I think....  So that would be 12 gallons of water a hour.  times 4 - 8 hours a day, if at 8 hours a day thats 2880 gallons a month.  WHereas if you water with a sprinkler for an hour you'll use something like 30 -40 gallons of water, if not more and 30% of it will be lost to evaporation before it hits the ground and you'll more than likely be watering more than a hour at that rate.  So for the same amount of water usage you get better results.  Plants also intake water better if its a fog or mist than they do from the roots.  They take it in through the hairlike fibers along the stalks. 

You can also utilize drip irrigation. It uses less water and delivers it directly to the plant roots instead of wasting it on soil that has no plant in it.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Judy Harder

Shoot, perhaps an old toilet with dirt in the bowl for a tomato plant!!!?? 

Can't you just hear the neighbors if I did that. I have a small patio.........government apartment with the rights to plant as much as I can. I do use a cream separator for a planter and lots of rusty (like me!) things to plant in.
At times until the plants start producing it all looks junky.

Neighbors haven't said anything....only ones who see it are the people who walk by to dumpster and visitors so I just leave it along.
But, I will pass on the toilet, would probably have to kick some kids out! LOL. I have thought of bath tubs. they make dandy ones for someone else.
I do miss my large garden, and yard and the canning I use to do. Sweetest sound in the summer is the PING! of the jars and then the unsnap on them when you open in winter. Thank goodness for Vlasic....they make a bread and butter pickle like I use to

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


If you miss canning so much you should have slipped over to my neighborhood this afternoon. Just got done canning 12 pints of salsa and 6 quarts of mater juice--------------and no the tomatoes are not from my sick garden. Brenda has giant tomatoes and quite a few of them and because she loves her Daddy so much she shares with me------it's either share or I will beat her like a step child !!!
My shop has a window a/c but it is still hot out there when you're boiling jars and such. It is not canning but do you miss the clean-up ? If so---come on over . ;D

Judy Harder

ronnie, when I can't pick up a rock without dropping it....and what I do to food and important stuff that can break, I am not safe to let out in the world.
I love cuddling baby's and animals, etc. but you dare not place one in my arms.unless I am sitting down and then my arms cramp and just won't do it.
I had to get rid of my canner and jars, etc. 3 rooms and not much storage just doesn't do well . 

One reason I walk so much. Find if I don't walk a bit each day, my legs refuse to walk.
My neighbor across alley east brought me a few green tomato's last week and the first one actually tasted like an honest to goodness tomato...not gassed and or hand painted ones.
Oh, I don't suppose Brenda (Or you! Hint hint) would share with one who is not family.
sigh.thought so.
ronnie you are suppose to clean up as you go. not let it all pile up. I could do k-p if I can sit and wash dishes not stand.. I like my memories........cheaper.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Diane Amberg

Before Newark built their reservoir a few years ago we had some terrible droughts and had severe water restrictions.We could always water our veggies but had to do it by bucket, not by any other means.Now we are never restricted but we have a drip irrigation system that Al sets up that has the little water ports just at the plants. no waste I also have those bottle spikes that go on a soda bottle for my big pots. It got up to 102 here today. People were dropping like flies. That was a record for this date here.

Judy Harder

In a pinch if it isn't a big garden you could save your dish water and even your bath water. If you shower put the plug in and then bucket it to the plant. You might only get them a drop or two, but will make a difference in the long run. Any cooking water works too Or melted ice or tea or coffee you might throw out. Just plan on recycling.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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