bulk shopping question

Started by readyaimduck, July 18, 2011, 06:10:54 PM

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There was an article from the NYT 7/18/11 about grocrery stores are now doing what I call the "the fuzzy math, plus coaxing you into to buying more than you planned" strategy.

I went to my local one, and a 12 oz bag of macaroni (example) was $1.19.  Then, next to it was a 24 oz for $2.50 or 3/$3.79 Had I not been able to do math in my head, or had a calculator I would have spent MORE money.  Most people don't like they grocery shopping, as they have to do it right after work. 
Those that can go at off times, may not have the stock, or the checkers availabe.

Since I and most people know the value of a good deal (only if it can be used up in time or on a regular basis), are shocked that a can of soup which used to be 65 ¢ is now almost $1.80! 
I try to 'can' or freeze most of my own stuff, if I can find them.  And only stock up on things I go through on a monthly basis.

I used to have a rule of thumb: that any more than .25¢ a roll for the good non-scratch toilet paper was okay for me.
I have now had to up my thumb to .30¢.

I say I have upped my game/standards, now it's time for the grocery stores to up theirs! ;D

Other than raising your own, of which most people don't have the facilities to grow, go to a farmer's market....how do you manage this rising cost in products?  (I hate coupons, by the way)

ready to save more


Ready, you might hate coupons but they are the fastest, easiest way to save huge amounts of money.  I regularly save at least 30% on my food bill by using them and combining them with in-store sales.  I have had some huge savings, stacking the coupons on the store sale and having multiples of the same coupon.  If you can't find it in yourself to use them, then utilize places like Sam's and Cosco.  If you have a Foodsaver system, you can buy in bulk and then separate it into usable portions and freeze what you're not going to use immediately.  For things that you need but don't want a huge heaping amount of, have a friend go with you and split the amount (and the cost, which helps).  I used to have a couple of friends that would go with me into Wichita and we'd split not only the costs but also the fun of having a day out. 


Thank you for that Cat, however....I am not a member of Sam's, and it is 1 1/2 hour drive to save...$30?

The gas alone doesn't cover that.
And I swear, if you are in line in front of me and have coupons, which my store won't accept on-line ones, the you have to either decide to either pay for the thing, send it back, the salesperson won't substract and then perhaps a vision card won't cover it....ah lawdy lawdy!.......I will say something! especially if it is during rush hour.  However politely and calm AS I CAN BE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D

Living in a smal town with no time to take 3 hours drive, plus the 1 hour shopping in a town that is too urbanized to my taste..I guess I am just going to have to bit the bullet.
Is there a drink that goes with bullets?  and please don't say :  Ammo-retto!    :D


LOL... ;D...I would say that Sam's is your best bet then.  Take a friend who already is a member of Sam's (remember, helps with costs, too...They can pitch in on the cost of the gas to get there, too...Makes it more economical for BOTH of you...Just make sure you have the cash on you to cover the costs at Sam's, as you won't be able to write a check), make a day of it and make sure you have a cooler or two with you so that you can take your perishables home safely.  I had a lot of fun days spent in that manner.   ;D ;D



What are folks paying for milk and eggs?

Right now, our new baby Wal-Mart and Dollar General are having a milk price war, DG selling Hiland for $2.00 a gallon, and Wal-Mart selling there house label for same price.  And in Siloam Springs (just south of us) Aldi and Wal-Mart have been having an on and off price war on eggs, with them being as low as $.48 a dozen recently.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


QuoteTake a friend

Oh cat! ::)  you have so many assumptions about my life!   lol
you lost me at the above quote, however thank you for trying.


Flint:  you are kidding?  .48 a dozen????   are they fresh?   or are they forced produced.
You see, I am against that sort of thing.
What I have seen is a war between the stores (well we have the store, the dollar store and know Duckworths' competing in the food industry.  And alot of it is seconds...if you have ever worked in a cannery...of which I did.

Why even have wars on food?  Why to the grocery's (well the Corporate bigwigs) dictate the price.  Make the markup only 10¢ not 200% margin?

I wish for you pay me in food and I will fix your whatever....I do Believe in that, athough I have read Ayn Rand's books, I stop at some things.

I am living paycheck to paycheck, with a free and clear  owned home, insurance, car and cats.
I can have money to pay for food, yet....what I normally purchase has just doubled.
I am finding that 'if you need it bad enough, you will pay for it.

Because people are using coupons, sorry Cat...the store has to compensate the difference between the discount price and the price they get refunded...so, they up the price 2¢ to break even. 
Well that is coming out of my pocket!

I just don't get it.  In the philosophy of the Chinese vs. the Filipinos: 
Filipinos:  If I charge you $1 for an item that cost me .30   you may not come back, but you will buy it and I will have a sale.
Chinese:  If I charge you .40 I make a profit, and you will continually come back.

The only difference in this scenario is that the 'overhead' (out of their control...ie, gas, corporate orders, etc) are causing the prices to increase.
God help the Howard grocery store for the delivery charges, taxes, etc. I really don't know how people make it to eat nowadys.
Any suggestions will help.


If I need eggs, I pay $1.00 doz. from a person that has free range chicken...and they are brown!!!!!!


Quote from: readyaimduck on July 18, 2011, 07:29:08 PM
If I need eggs, I pay $1.00 doz. from a person that has free range chicken...and they are brown!!!!!!

With the price of feed that 1.00 is now 2.25   Free range is ok, but they need that extra too.  Wintertime though they ahve to be fed and that goes to the cost of the eggs.  And i am dreading this winter with feed going up to 18 dollars a hundred pounds.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


As far as buying groceries, I go once a month to wichita to aldis, and then over to dillons in andover, and if i hve time to walmarts to pick up whatever is on sale.  And yes prices have doubled and you get 1/3 less.   Shoot, its worth the trip to go buy tuna at aldis. They still have tuna for .56 a can.  Can't get it for that price anywhere around here.   I'm going to start buying it by the box. OHh and their fish filets are good. 2.89 a box of 10.  I just pop them into the toaster oven cook for 10 min on one side flip and cook another 10 and its ready for my fish sandwich.   I got a awesome deal over at G&W in Eureka last month on catfish.  5lbs for 7 dollars.  Bought 10 pounds and am eating that the same way. Put in the toaster oven and cook til done then either on bread or i just dip em in tarter sauce.

You have to do some shopping around to find the chicken leg quarters. Most of the time i can get them for .59 a pound.  Now that i have a freezer, next time they go on sale like that i'm buying 100 pounds.

I finally broke down and bought a sams card for my farm and i can get 25lbs bread flour for 8 dollars and regular biscuit flour for 7 a 25lb bag.  Yeast and baking powder and soda all much cheaper.  buy them by the pound.  Also Peanut butter. saw it for 8 dollars for 6 pounds.  SO you gotta shop wisely in sams. Otherwise you can spend more than you need to.  I found sugar cheapest at aldis. I think it was around .60 a pound.  Everyone else is .65 a pound
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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