Ross' kind of Control and Manipulation

Started by flintauqua, July 18, 2011, 12:35:57 PM

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Mrs. C, Lisa, Diane, Wilma, Janet, Flint, Jefe, Ready, Larry and anyone other comparitively sane, moderate, civil individual...The only way to kill this thread...And eliminate all this falteral...Is if we quit posting on this and just go away to enjoy the other boards/threads where these two to three individuals aren't allowed to absolutely dominate in the manner they're been allowed to here.  These yahoos keep posting the same thing, over and over and over again.  They're just burning rubber off of tires that lost their treads many pages ago.    


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on July 20, 2011, 10:33:35 AM a mentally defective female...

Not so sure gender has anything to do with anything.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Catwoman on July 20, 2011, 10:42:13 AM
Mrs. C, Lisa, Diane, Wilma, Janet, Flint, Jefe, Ready, Larry and anyone other comparitively sane, moderate, civil individual...The only way to kill this thread...And eliminate all this falteral...Is if we quit posting on this and just go away to enjoy the other boards/threads where these two to three individuals aren't allowed to absolutely dominate in the manner they're been allowed to here.  These yahoos keep posting the same thing, over and over and over again.  They're just burning rubber off of tires that lost their treads many pages ago.    

Cat, you hit the nail right on the head. I don't mind a civil discussion between folks who may disagree about things. Everybody is different and has their own views. But some don't want to discuss, even though that is what they want us to believe. So I invoke my right to use my ignore button. Maybe it will become a trend! ;D


We can only hope, Lisa.  This idiocy has been allowed to go on for far too long.


Quote from: jarhead on July 20, 2011, 10:40:23 AM
Lisa says: Nope. And you don't really care. If you did you would quit pestering us and go ask someone who just might know. But that's not really your goal.......just my opinion

Again I ask---why in hell would people keep reading threads that 'pester" them or what not ? I see there are threads about roses and hummingbirds (they taste like chicken, by the way) but I don't read them because I have no interest in them but you don't see me saying Wilma is as crazy as a pet coon just because she likes such things-------------oh, and that's just my opinion.

Jar.....I read it for entertainment and the off chance I MIGHT learn somethin. I like seeing people stand up and a lot of people are. Lisa is right about answers not being what they are really after tho.....they are enjoyin stirrin the turds just as much as anybody who answers included :) I get bored LOL and sometimes they DO torque me off and I smart off at em

Cat....that is true :) but then I would have to find another way to relieve my stress LOL I like the smell of burnin rubber.... ;D

Lisa.......the men I know dont feel that way either! Think these two have just discovered that is a way to piss people off LOL


Go for it, Mrs. C... ;D ;D...None of these rightwing loonies have got it over on you yet! lol


Quote from: farmgal67357 on July 20, 2011, 10:13:52 AM

farmgal67357 If you click the little button called QUOTE in the upper right hand corner of the post you are wanting to respond to you will then get a page that looks like this. Only in the center of the above area there will be the persons words. However in this case because you wrote with in the quote there are no words.

the next thing to do is copy and paste the quote lines.

Example leaving off the little [ ] , of course you want to lleave them in the line or it won't work,

quote author=farmgal67357 link=topic=12235.msg169039#msg169039 date=1311178432


Then you can copy and paste the persons words that you want to quote between the lines.

You right click and drag your cursor across the area you want to copy, then place the cursor over the shaded area and right click again and click on copy. Then move the cursor to the area where you want to put the words and right click again and click on paste.

I hope that helps.

Quote from: farmgal67357 on July 20, 2011, 10:13:52 AM
Lisa says: Nope. And you don't really care. If you did you would quit pestering us and go ask someone who just might know. But that's not really your goal.......just my opinion.

I am not pestering you, I don't force you to read anything, nothing, nada. Therefore you must be pestering yourself.
You have full control. I do not control your computer or your internet, and would not if I could.
All you have to do is click on the following for any thread when you recieve it in your e-mail.

Unsubscribe to this topic by clicking here:;topic=OOOOO.0

Totally your choice.

Quote from: Catwoman on July 20, 2011, 10:42:13 AM
Mrs. C, Lisa, Diane, Wilma, Janet, Flint, Jefe, Ready, Larry and anyone other comparitively sane, moderate, civil individual...The only way to kill this thread...And eliminate all this falteral...Is if we quit posting on this and just go away to enjoy the other boards/threads where these two to three individuals aren't allowed to absolutely dominate in the manner they're been allowed to here.  These yahoos keep posting the same thing, over and over and over again.  They're just burning rubber off of tires that lost their treads many pages ago.    

I agree Catwoman all people that can not handle a conversation should follow your advice. Especially the guys you mentioned they should definitly listen to you. You go girl.

Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on July 20, 2011, 10:33:35 AM
 Watch out they are gonna start callin you dear, pattin you on the head and treatin you like a mentally defective female who just doesnt understand the workings of "men" LOL

Words of endearment are now sexist and words like bitch aren't. That's very interesting.
And I believe you are the first to use words like, "mentally defective female" heck i didn't even type those words. I simply copied and pasted them.

Quote from: farmgal67357 on July 20, 2011, 10:39:34 AM
That's funny, because most of the men I know don't feel the need to behave that way. So, it's WAAAAYYYY beyond just being a "man" thing!  ;)

Wow. I don't see any men acting that way on here. Just you girls making it up. Read the quote above this one.


Quote from: Catwoman on July 20, 2011, 10:42:13 AM
l...The only way to kill this thread...  

Speaking of motives and agendas.  Yes cat, giving folks your instructions is surely the solution.  Try to control their behavior.  Tell them not to watch the train wreck while saying that it is they who help perpetuate the carnage that you perceive.  Then again, maybe their sane, moderate nature is what keeps them engaged.  Maybe not.  But I prefer Teresa's general approach: Let individuals be who they are, say what they wish, resisting outside demands to shut up or kill it, and let the chips fall where they may.

What do you really  fear?  Is it that at some point the factual answers will appear... and will turn out to be a real  train wreck?  Or that it may be your folly that outside readers are silently judging?
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


QuoteWords of endearment are now sexist and words like bitch aren't. That's very interesting.

   LOLOL DEAR the way YOU two are usin it is NOT a term of endearment it is a polite way of sayin bitch LOLOL and everybody knows it!

QuoteAnd I believe you are the first to use words like, "mentally defective female" heck i didn't even type those words. I simply copied and pasted them.


QuoteWow. I don't see any men acting that way on here. Just you girls making it up. Read the quote above this one.

oh don't worry your pretty head about it dear.......just go take a nap and maybe it'll be better (oh yeah, heres your little pat on the arm for sympathy for your confusion)


  Much as I'm enjoyin this I got things to do  ;D yall have a nice day now

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