20 Clues to Rural Community Survival

Started by sodbuster, July 18, 2011, 10:11:16 AM

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Srkruzich, you hit the nail right on the head.  You have not accepted indoctrination very well.  Great! 

Lincoln and the north defeated the CSA and the USA at the same time.  That certainly was not a good thing.

The northern victory changed what the Founding Fathers established and how they wanted this country to be.


Quote from: srkruzich on July 19, 2011, 09:59:03 AM
We wouldn't have this socialistic push for siezure of our nation!  The southerners were all about following the constitution to the letter of the law.  Lincoln on the other hand was a traitor to all. The north as well as the south!  

I for one, an not sure where I stand. I know that I stand for what I believe in. I know that the government is out for itself. But I also know that to get anywhere in life you have to take chances. Life is a chance. I know that you have to put God first and then your family and the rest comes after. All these changes that we have seen the government make over the years, whether good or bad, I can't do anything about. I dislike that my taxes keep going up, and that it takes over $60.00 to fill my van up. I vote and you vote, we are each entitled to our own opinions of things, but I know that we will agree that you can't trust the government. They don't work for the people they work for themselves. To me, it's a sad day when the government even begins to not have the funds to pay are most respected workers, our military. That kind of talk makes me sick!! They risk their lives everyday for ALL of us!!

As for this topic, the rural communities survive because we have always been taught to survive!! I did without so much and feel just fine and never missed any of that stuff!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


The old saying goes:  Those who stand for nothing will fall for anything.

And there's no shortage of folks who stand for little or nothing or other folks who will take advantage of that reality.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


 and theres no shortage of folks who stand................without the fanfare and back'slappin.........contrary to the opinion of the "true patriots"

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