Teachers Union

Started by Maude, July 06, 2011, 06:59:43 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 06, 2011, 09:08:17 PM
So how do you propose to create responsible parents in order to have responsible kids? Ya can't sterilize 'em just in case.

Not my problem. That is their responsibility.  One way to make them responsible is to quit bailing them out.  When you bail someone out all the time you don't make it more beneficial for them to become responsible.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: gina on July 06, 2011, 09:11:59 PM
Steve, I am curious as to how much you think parents should pay each year for the education of the children.  Would it be enough to cover costs for materials, utilities, wages of staff, etc.?

Whatever it takes.  I have 3 boys that i footed the entire bill with no help from taxpayers to the tune of 15,000 dollars a year.  PLUS I paid for all the other rugrats education.  But i have a hell of a lot better results out of the investment i put into my kids. 

You know, people will invest in all kinds of get rich quick schemes, lotto tickets, scratch offs, liquor, pot whatever but they will not sink 1 thin dime into their children as an investment.  THey say oh the govenrment school is there for that.   Take that away, and you give them no choice.   Again, its not my problem if they can't afford it, if they can't do like i did for a while get a second and third job, better themselves so they can get a better job and then they can relax and smoke dope drink their life away.   

i'm just like the many millions of other parents out there that are quite tired of footing the bill and getting piss poor results.   Hell the foreign kids are smarter than our kids as a whole.   That speaks volumes about our educational system.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Catwoman on July 06, 2011, 09:16:20 PM
And don't forget having to pay for all of the unfunded mandates, that (after the Fed. funding is stripped away) will now fall on the local municipalities to have to pay for in its entirety?  Short of doctors and lawyers, there won't be many who will be able to afford to educate their children...And the chasm between the have's and the have not's will widen even further than it is already. 
Poppycock.  THe haves my ass. I didn't have squat when i put my boys through school.  I worked my ass off to get them through.  THAT WAS MY FAULT i acknowlege that.  BUT I RECTIFIED that situation and educated myself at the same time so i could quit working three jobs and work just one.   

I Don't think anyone should pay tax on a school.  IF they can't afford to send em to school homeschool them  The best and brightest minds in this country were homeschooled over the history of this country.  They didn't have schools in 1700's yet the public was not illiterate.  They could conduct business, they handled money, they read they wrote, they did all the things we do.  AND some of those even invented.  Take ELI Whitney for example.  Think he had a harvard education, Not a chance but he did have a parent that made sure he could function.

Time to lay responsibility where it lies back on the individual instead of government taking it on and fleecing the taxpayer for it.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Catwoman on July 06, 2011, 09:16:20 PM
And the chasm between the have's and the have not's will widen even further than it is already. 

BTW why is it so important to close the chasm?   Sorry but i dont' understand that need.  IF YOU WANT To get over to the have side, you work your ass off, educate yourself and prepare and plan for the future.  You don't get handed the have side on a silver platter. THe haves have what they earn because they were smart, planned and prepared.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I can see your point, Steve...But it only works if John Q. Public is identical to you...And parents like you are not as numerous as they'd have to be in order to have your scenario work.  It's a nice idea, though...In a Utopian society, it'd function exactly as you describe it.  The reality falls far short of you and your personal endeavors.  The idea of closing that chasm...Or at least making a shorter jump...Is that of preparing all kids to have the same kinds of opportunities.  That doesn't mean all will be able to make it to middle class functioning status...It just means that they will all at least have had the opportunity to head that direction.

momof 2boys

I agree with you that the Federal Gov't is too involved with education.  However, I don't think that middle class parents would be able to afford the cost that they would have to fork out yearly.  I work as a teacher and have a second job, plus my husband works 72 hours a week.  There is no way we could foot the bill of elementary and secondary school, plus save for college tuition.


Quote from: Catwoman on July 06, 2011, 09:39:33 PM
I can see your point, Steve...But it only works if John Q. Public is identical to you...And parents like you are not as numerous as they'd have to be in order to have your scenario work.  It's a nice idea, though...In a Utopian society, it'd function exactly as you describe it.  The reality falls far short of you and your personal endeavors.  The idea of closing that chasm...Or at least making a shorter jump...Is that of preparing all kids to have the same kinds of opportunities.  That doesn't mean all will be able to make it to middle class functioning status...It just means that they will all at least have had the opportunity to head that direction.

Isn't it the kids responsibility to prepare for that.  You teach them the basics.  Pretty darn simple, reading, writing, and arithmatic.  Science can be done too its not that hard to teach physics, or biology, heck country kids ought to be able to learn that real quick.

how a kid prepares is to sit their butt down and worry about learning, not worry bout what each other wears, or who has the best ipad or iphone.  Sorry but i have watched them these days and  I am more convinced that when i raised mine i forbade use of any device.  They had a computer at home and nintendo.  They didn't get cell phones until they were almost on their own.

Kids prepare by getting good grades, learning what is available and then first and formost, the teacher or parents or whoever is educating them needs to spend time teaching the kids how to teach themselves.  THat is the requirement for success. 

Good lord, i didn't learn what i know in school. I taught myself. I taught myself how to do the mumbo jumbo you called it, and turned it into a 120,000 a year job.  I took the basics and prepared, researched the future jobs and shot for the moon. I landed somewhere halfway. 

What don't want to do is molly coddle them.  Saw that article the other day, can't remember where, where the author said they need tough teachers.    IT works! 

As far as middle class affording it?  They can! they have to sacrifice to do it but they can.  IF a single male parent with 3 kids can do it, then two parents with 3 kids can do it.  THey just have to get out of the box, and get creative.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I wish to Heaven that more parents were like you, Steve.  You have both my admiration and my praise for your parenting skills.  You, unfortunately, aren't the norm...You are a good example of what to be. 


Quote from: gina on July 06, 2011, 09:43:08 PM
I agree with you that the Federal Gov't is too involved with education.  However, I don't think that middle class parents would be able to afford the cost that they would have to fork out yearly.  I work as a teacher and have a second job, plus my husband works 72 hours a week.  There is no way we could foot the bill of elementary and secondary school, plus save for college tuition.
I paid 15,000 for three kids per year. AND that was a exclusive school.  Dolly partons nephews and neices go there, she pays for theirs, so do many other country singer celebrities kids.   THat school was the ultimate in education. It was on a farm, had horses cows pigs ducks geese ect ect and kids got to go out and work with them as part of their educaiton.  Science class mostly.  They also had the basics and they had top notch physical science teachers. What they didn't have was government regulations and unions getting in the way of teaching. When the teacher entered the room the kids stood up got quiet said the pledge and the teacher would then say please be seated.  THere was no tolerance for any ill behavior.   IF the child was ever rude to an adult they were sent home.  Do it more than 3 times they didn't come back.  None of them failed. I mean Zero child in the whole school failed any classes.  AND heres the kicker. The school taught kids with ADHD, and several other disorders.   So yeah middle class can pay 5000 dollars a year for a child. Lets see. that would be the equivelent of 1 large starbucks coffee, 1 pack of cigarettes, and half a gallon of gas to go get them a day.  How many people out there can afford their smokes or starbucks and driving.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

momof 2boys

Just so you know...I don't smoke, make my own coffee at home, and my driving is limited to the places I have to go.  No aimlessly cruising the city streets of Howard for me.  lol

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