Teachers Union

Started by Maude, July 06, 2011, 06:59:43 AM

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Here is another subject you can chew up and spit out. Maxine and I just heard the Teachers Union has endorsed Obama early for reelection. Can't say I agree but that is just our opinion!!!!!!! >:(


Which teacher's union?  If it's the one here in Kansas, then this teacher will be going against the grain, as usual.  I would like to see what some new blood at the helm could accomplish. 


Quote from: Catwoman on July 06, 2011, 08:51:48 AM
Which teacher's union?

The National Education Assn. (NEA).  And before there's even an alternative selected in the primaries.  Best socialist for the job?  All about helping the kids, you know.

Story: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/obama-passes-teachers-testbarely/story?id=14003658
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


We need a total overhaul at the Congressional level, not just the POTUS, if we're going to see American education begin to rebound from the damage caused it in the past 10 years.  NCLB is totally unrealistic.  There's got to be a better way to achieve what it is that we've got to get done for our children.  A good place to start, though, would be the Presidency...And then work our way down the food chain.

Diane Amberg

Thanks Cat, you saved me from asking the same question. I know one way the problems are being handled. Charter schools. You all know I'm very pro Charters for people for whom it's a good match.
I hate to say it, but even our local district administrators need to be kicked in the butt. They pulled a fast one recently. Held a referendum ( we passed it) supposedly to do a number of projects, but they filled several more unneeded administrator positions instead...none of the money made it to the classroom level. It raised our school taxes for three consecutive years. They will not be forgotten! The teachers felt very foolish; many live here and it raised their taxes too!They are helping pay for new positions without getting any benefit in the classrooms for themselves. Now there is a big push for us to build a new Newark Charter High School with a tie in to UD.


Quote from: Catwoman on July 06, 2011, 08:51:48 AM
Which teacher's union?  If it's the one here in Kansas, then this teacher will be going against the grain, as usual.  I would like to see what some new blood at the helm could accomplish. 

Going against the grain? You'll have company, me and hubby....


Couldn't ask for anything better!  ;D ;)


It's never going to get better just because you elect different socialists to office.  And your teachers' unions don't have any solutions.

The best thing to do is abolish the gov't/public schools.  At the least, public schools ought to be under local control, not state or Federal, and without teachers' unions.


Red, just the fact that you could make that statement indicates you really have no true working knowledge of the field of Education, beyond that of what you have been exposed to in your own K-12 education.  What you have proposed is a nice little pipedream (and I'd be interested to see what you're stuffing that pipe with, to be honest). 

Diane Amberg

 Red, what about the school administrators unions?

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