Where Do You All Go To See A Movie?

Started by farmgal67357, July 07, 2011, 06:20:11 PM

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When I go out to eat at a fine restaurant i.e. Red Lobster, Pete's Steak House, Burger King.... I always try and enjoy myself to no end.  Here's a few tips on what I do... use them if you want.  You will not believe the responses you'll get:

- - Strike up a conversation with the table next to you.  For instance, "Would you hold this messy wet kleenex for me?"... or... "Would you look at the size of the hair I just yanked out of my nose"

-- Play with your food; to add effect, act like it's a special performance for the people at the next table.

-- Turn around every thirty-seven seconds to the people at the next table and ask them if your seat is too close, if you're farting too loud, etc.

-- Whenever you see someone getting up and leaving, bolt to their table and take the tip before the wait-person returns.

-- Eat REALLY loud; make disgusting noises; slurp EVERY time you take a sip of your drink.

-- Constantly re-adjust the positions of absolutely EVERYTHING at your table; seats, silverware, dishes, the table itself; and make sure to make a big production out of it.

-- Order something on the menu, preferably something very specific, then when it comes, claim it's wrong and you ordered something simple.  Make a big production about the ineptitude of the help.

-- If shells are on the menu, order them and take them home.  Come in the next day and in a very loud voice say, "Those shells you sold me jammed up my butt hole!"  Then scream, "I want my money back!"
-- Whenever anyone leaves their seat at another table, put some particularly messy peice of food on their seat, like pork fat or spaghetti.

-- Poke the person next to you repeatedly with your fork.  If they try to retaliate, curl into a ball and start crying for your mother.

-- Tap your fingernails on the table top, ignoring any evil stares that come your way. (This works anywhere)

-- Hug yourself and rock backwards and forwards in your seat whilst muttering incoherantly.  This will not only completely embarrass those at your table, it is also extremely annoying.

-- Help yourself to other people's meals.  If they complain, pretend to stick your fingers down your throat and ask them if they'd like their food back

I hope these tips will be of some help to you connoisseurs of fine taste.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



I've actually been to that mall before, and I think there is a comic book shop close by too. Hmmmm.....movies, sushi, comic books for the guys, and Target for me. Sounds like a good time! ;D


Quote from: farmgal67357 on July 11, 2011, 08:35:38 PM
I've actually been to that mall before, and I think there is a comic book shop close by too. Hmmmm.....movies, sushi, comic books for the guys, and Target for me. Sounds like a good time! ;D

I went to the Asian restaurant i told ya about yesterday.  Absolutely delicious!  One way i tell if a restaurant is good eating. Look at theparking lot.  IF its full, its good eating.    I had to limit my intake of that fine food, my stomach wouldn't handle the hot n sour soup unfortunately.  But i managed to make up for it in shrimp. :D

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

We have a lot of oriental choices including French Viet Namese, real Thai and may others. Many of the Chinese places are very ordinary but a few are really special.
The Hong Kong King buffet is huge, has it all, very fresh and it's where the local Chinese eat. It's also on the Chinese bus tour circuit so when they are coming up from Washington or down from Philly or New York, they stop there. They seem to really enjoy it so it must be good. Last time we went I pigged out on just their seafood.  nigiris sushi, maki sushi, yukiwa maki sushi, mussels in bean sauce, cold salad mussels, mussels in spicy tomato sauce. 5 kinds of shrimp, tiny pickled octopus, baked fish, Clams in broth, Chinese "scallops"...good, but are really stamped round pieces of ray wings, crayfish, calamari several different ways and several crab dishes including crab rangoon, a crab casserole and more. I did also have some mushrooms in oyster sauce and some red pepper spicy green beans too. It's making me hungry all over again!


i love the mushrooms in that sauce.  One food i can't get here is hindu food.  I  Love it.  There was only 1 place back in atlanta that served up original cusine.    I used to frequent the russian market there.  The russian jews settled there and their delis with their sausages are like crack is to a addict.  I used to go in and get 5lbs of fresh slim jims and cheese sticks and eat those for lunch during the week. 

oh and they made this turkey keilbasa that was out of this world!  2" diameter and about 2' long and man cook that up with some kraut, and your in heaven.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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