The Federales temporarily block Kansas' new Abortion regulations

Started by Warph, July 02, 2011, 06:27:42 AM

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KANSAS CITY, Kan. -- A federal judge temporarily blocked Kansas from enforcing new abortion regulations Friday, in a ruling that suggested the state will be challenged to justify its demand that three abortion providers comply with the rules within two weeks of receiving them.

The new law requires hospitals, clinics and doctor's offices to obtain an annual license from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment to perform more than five non-emergency abortions in a month. The regulations tell abortion providers what drugs and equipment they must stock and, among other things, establish minimum sizes and acceptable temperatures for procedure and recovery rooms.

Among other things, the new regulations would require abortions to be performed in rooms with at least 150 sq. feet of space, excluding fixed cabinets, and that are kept at between 68 and 73 degrees. Each procedure room also must have its own janitor's closet with at least 50 sq. feet. Also, any patient must remain in a recovery room for at least two hours.

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