No To School Vouchers & Gov't Schools....

Started by redcliffsw, June 30, 2011, 05:29:10 AM

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Quote from: Catwoman on July 02, 2011, 10:30:49 AM
There's only one problem with being a 'tough teacher' who refuses to call her students her "friends"...You don't generally endear yourself to the rest of the teachers (speaking from experience here, unfortunately).  There are those of us, though, who stand up to the pressure and continue to expect only the very best of our students, in spite of the students' protestations.  It is possible to be tough...AND FAIR...And able to inspire your students to reach beyond what they thought was possible!

You know, I don't see the problem. SO what if they don't like it. Your not there to impress them. Your there to teach and if you teach and are tough, then By God thats what is needed.  LIFE isn't going to coddle them when they get out there in the workforce.  I Used to have to fire some real losers in the workforce that HR hired.  They were whiners and complainers too.  kept saying thats not fair, or its not right, or they didn't have to do this, and the worst thing that PISSED Me off faster than anything else was the statement THats not my Job!  I would fire them in a new york second for that. 

If you work for me, and i ask you to do something, then That is your job!  Period.  I was also good and fair. The bottom line was you did your job, and if your making me look good to my boss, your life was easy street!  Thats the real world. 

Self esteem?  You get that when you earn it.  Do a good job, do what is asked and expected of you, do it right the first time and guess what you get a atta boy and maybe even a raise.  Thats what builds self esteem. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I agree, Steve.  In my classroom, I not only teach the subject matter...I also teach life.  As a result...I have a large number of students who then feel like they need to bring their problems to my doorstep to discuss them.  It is at that point that I re-direct them to the appropriate person, on staff, who can help them (not having a counseling degree, it's a legal liability if I attempt to do any counseling beyond just the common sense stuff).  My students all end up teaching me as much as I teach them, if the truth were to be told.

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